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Doc Says Spread The Word

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Forum Name: Friendship Forum
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Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am

Topic: Doc Says Spread The Word
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: Doc Says Spread The Word
Date Posted: January 14 2006 at 2:28pm

    Recognize A Stroke Victim!

A neurologist said if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours, he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke. He said the trick is getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting there in the 3 hours. This is tough. A group of people just stood around and did nothing, to help an elderly man. They didn't know what the symptoms were of a stroke, to help. So the guy got worse before paramedics arrived. Some thought about C P R. Others decided against it. Said it could do more harm than good. Sometimes their hard to identify. So this spells disaster. Plus brain damage develops, because people don't know how to help. After hearing all these excuses, they decided to call a meeting at The American Stroke Association.

They urged the public to learn three questions.:

! - Tell the person to smile.

2 - Get him or her to raise both arms.

3 - Get him or her to say it's sunny out today.

If they can't, get on the phone an dial 911. Then immediately describe the synptoms to a dispatcher. The cardiologist said that if every 10 that receive this e - mail, at least one will be saved.

So pass the word. I have a copy in my wallet.

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