Doc says throw your kids out the door. Excessive T. V. watching and video games are linked to high cholesterol in children. Children that watch it more than two hours a day are likely to have high cholesterol levels. They need to do some kind of exercise each day. It needs to be 20 minutes or longer. This shouldn't be at all difficult for active kids. It just needs to involve arms and legs in continuous motion. Bicycling, running, walking, and swimming are all good.
Parents need to limit the amount of fat in their child's diet after the age of two. Do this by limiting especially butter, margarine, and high fat dairy, such as whole milk, sour cream and ice cream. Whenever possible use low fat or nonfat substitutes. Many children like cottage cheese, and yogurt.
Don't stock up on chips, and cheese curls. Instead low fat pretzels, graham crackers, or low fat crackers. For lunches avoid hot dogs, hamburgers, and bologna. Their high in fat. Give your child low fat cottage cheese, fresh turkey or chicken sandwiches.
Make all changes gradually, so no rebelling.
Serve plenty of fruits, and vegetables. Take your child with you to the store. Let him, or her pick out the fruits they like. They'll eat them better.
Fiber will fight cholesterol. Try adding some oat brand to homemade muffns. All legumes, whole grains, wheat and rice are good sources of fiber.
Don't serve meat at every meal. Serve fish it's an excellent low fat protein. A lot of red meat is bad for kidneys. If you must eat it, choose sirloin, tenderloin, flank, and round. Chicken remove the skin and any visible fat. Your lowest fat meats are chicken and turkey. Low fat meats usually say loin, or round. Also look for fresh unprocessed ham.
A peanut butter sandwich served with 1 % milk or skim, packs a lot of protein.