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Pimples Acne

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Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am

Topic: Pimples Acne
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: Pimples Acne
Date Posted: March 15 2006 at 9:14am

                      DO NOT SQUEEZE OR POP PIMPLES.

!- It pushes the infected material back into the skin causing more     swelling.

2- Do not use any alcohol based lotions or creams.

3- Change pillowcase daily. This is so you don't spread it further.

4- A diet low in zinc can cause break outs.

5- If the acne is on the body don't wear tight clothes. No circulation.

6- No oil based sunscreen. It will cause more breakouts.

 7 - Watch the sun to.

8- Moderate exercise helps with blood circulation and eliminates toxins.

9-Watch stress. Docs say stress and acne go together. Causes over production of oil.

10- Freeze acne with ice  prior to going to bed. Do this for 20 mins.   In the morning it will look better.

11- Get the red out with baby rash ointment. Put it on at night. In the morning it will be practically gone. Heals fast to. Used this for years.


Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: March 15 2006 at 9:26am

Sorry didn't complete this was interrupted. Sent it to soon.

                                  ACNE PREVENTERS

1-Take a multivitamin daily. Your skin needs to get healthy.

2- A chromium supplement would be a good idea to. It will heal faster.

3- Vit A will help reduce sebum production.

4- All makeup should be water - based.

5- Don't wear any make up or lotion to bed.

6- Drink a lot of water. It will keep the skin hydrated.

7- You can apply a honey mask once a week. It has medicimal properties, that will destroy bacteria present.

8 - You  can use a sulfer based soap twice a week. 

9- Do not scrub the facial area. Just a smooth touch. Or you'll stir up even more oil.

10- Eat lots of fresh  fruits and vegetables.






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