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More of the miscellaneous tips

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Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am

Topic: More of the miscellaneous tips
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: More of the miscellaneous tips
Date Posted: March 15 2006 at 10:26am

Put 2 denture tablets in warm water. Now you can clean your diamonds in it.

Clean C D's Rub from the hole out with white tooth paste. No gel. Then wipe. This gets rid of scratches to.

When dying clothes. Remember that orange and blue make brown. Or red and yellow make orange. This question is asked a lot by dyers.

Black scuff marks on the floor. Use hairspray and rub.

Dust keep boards with a paint brush.

Coffe mug stains. Rub the inside good with, a wet rag that has salt on it.

Crayons on wall. Use WD 40.

Baby vomits. Use baking soda mixed with water.

Dog runs into a skunk. Wash him in tomato juice. Then shampoo.

Dog burrs. Loosen up with a vegie oil.

Dog odors. Put white vinegar in his rinse water, after shampooed.

Place a tea strainer in drain, to catch dog hair.

Flea collars put on before flea season starts.

Eggs store fat side up. This is the yolk area. Better for the eggs.

Wrap meat in plastic only. Aluminum tears causing freezer burn.

W D 40 will remove gum on a carpet, and stickers to.

Never mow up and down on a hill. Mow side to side. Less dangerous.

Red hot sauce in a spritzer with water. It keep cats, dogs, squirrels, and raccons out of your garden and trash.

Run out of soft soap. You can refill with laundry soap.

Clean mini blinds. Close them. Now go straight down with a dryer sheet. Do the back to.

Clean vases. Drop in 2 denture tablets , and fill with warm water. Leave  an hour. May have to repeat.

Put honey on cuts. Speeds healing. It was used years ago, as a dressing in war times. Helps prevent infections. Also scarring. Wonderful stuff.




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