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new here, not to long hair!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 26 2024 at 9:52am

Topic: new here, not to long hair!
Posted By: ataraxy
Subject: new here, not to long hair!
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 11:02am
many compliments to the website and its users, i've found some very helpful information here and will be experimenting with some of the shared tips. i've had long hair most of my life, and the only other style i like on myself is a "bob" cut, which takes forever to grow out! the longest my hair ever got was to my waist, then i damaged it very very bad (long story) in 2002. since then, i've been growing it out again, but recently i have problems with breaking, dryness, and severe tangling. for the last year, my hair is rarely seen out of a mangled ponytail  thank you all for saving me from the scissors!

a question about henna (Rini ) it possible to keep a full head of blue black with this? i've read it is mostly for strength and highlights. i've been dying my hair every color imagineable since age 14 and it's taken quite a toll.

again, thanks to everyone for all your tips and positive attitudes. this is by far one of the best discussion forums i've come across!

- Christine


Posted By: horselover_1625
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 11:29am
Hi! We welcome your tips (and you!) and hope you find as much. I know I've found them to be very helpful. And keep growing your hair!

What good is life without a horse??!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 5:43pm
Welcome Christine!  So glad we were able to help (and didn't even know).  You and your hair are very pretty.  (Love the sartorial style, too).  


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 6:36pm

ataraxy....welcome   You have LOVELY hair!! Such a striking colour.

Maintaining that colour with henna is absoloutely possible. You will need to use indigo for the black. I am well-studied in henna, however I have not personally used indigo I will direct you to - and tell you to visit the mixes section there.  Basically, you would mix henna and wait for dye release, then add in your desired quantity of mixed indigo and apply this right away (indigo does not keep for long).  Depending on the amount of indigo you use, you can achieve anything from brown to blue/black (as you desire). You can also use indigo by itself (however, once again, I have no experience with this).  You just mix it with water and apply to your hair and leave it on for a period of time.  Many ppl use indigo and achieve gorgeous hair colours and get stunning shine and healthy hair in the process!

At the moment I am helping my best friend with the henna/indigo thing for the first time (she wants to achieve chocolate brown) so I will be more helpful to you very soon I think


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Renata22
Date Posted: March 16 2006 at 10:02pm

Ataraxy, you have gorgeous hair color and I'm jealous! My hair used to be very, very black, but I'm noticing that the longer it gets, the ends are turning kinda brown.

I'm still marveling over your haircolor, Rini. It looks so natural and gorgeous.

Hair type: who knows?
Length: 23 inches as of 3/10/06
Goal: Waist Length, which is only 30 inches so

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: March 17 2006 at 10:45am
thanks for all the compliments 

since finding the site on monday, i've done the following:
mayonaise treatment
ordered sample of indigo henna
did a CO for the first time in many years
bought a boars bristle brush
stopped brushing hair when wet

2 years ago, i moved from a humid climate with little wind to a very dry windy place. i'm not much of a hat person, so i've been tucking my hair into my coat and trying to protect it any way i can. i guess i was diluting myself by thinking i could go with low maintenance lol.

i have alot of breakage, and the CO seemed to lift them away from my head, leaving a halo of small hairs from my scalp to the ends reaching for the sky. after using mayo last night, these have almost disappeared!

color: i've done blondes, reds, blue, purple, pink, and blue black. i WISH i had pics of the blue i did, it was beautiful! agreed that Rini's red is awesome. Rini, do you apply heat when doing your color? the only blue black i liked was Ultress, and they stopped making it years ago. since then it's been a battle, and i'm sick of harmful dyes that don't hold their color. looking forward to getting the indigo sample i ordered this morning...nice color with strengthening? gimme


Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: March 17 2006 at 12:41pm
I LOVE your sig pic, Christine!!!! You are a beauty for sure. I think the henna will solve your quest for color.


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: March 17 2006 at 5:06pm

Christine (only just saw your name!! doh!), the only heat I apply while the henna is doing it's thing is my own body heat. I put a thermal beanie on my head (over the gladwrap) and that really makes my head nice and warm.

I can't wait to see your indigo results!!!!!!!


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: March 17 2006 at 8:29pm
thanks again for the kinds words...the pic in my sig is the only recent one i have showing my hair. if you look closely, you'll see a small tangled clump in it hehe.

i'm excited to try the henna...been reading about it & looked through the index of different colors people have come up with. it almost makes me want to delve back into the world of red again, but i have too much length to grow the black out lol.

something else i've been thinking about is cornrows. i had it done years ago, and it was so easy to take care of. the only problem is the frazzled ends when they're taken out. have any of you had long-term braids, or what's your opinion on them?


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 1:25pm

Hi Ataraxy, I love your hair! Welcome to our community.

Long term braids such as cornrows, in my opinion, do a good amount of damage. Most of the damage is on the scalp - putting long term tension on the scalp is asking for a lot of shedding...

I don't think your hair needs it - it's much too beautiful already


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 12:43pm
thanks Anais! i just get so fed up, especially during the dry winter months. thanks for reminding me of the scalp damage that occurs from cornrows. i had them once before and left them in for about a month. i carried hot oil treatments with me everywhere, and oiled the braids frequently, but there isn't much you can do for scalp damage when your hair is being pulled that tight!


Posted By: samsara
Date Posted: March 22 2006 at 5:40am
Hi Ataraxy,

I just love your hair, colour and length. I am not a fan of corn row's and it
would be a shame to not show that beautiful head of hair daily. Keep up the
routine, you look gorgeous. Good luck with the henna. Follow Missrini's
advise with henna, her hair is divine.............. Hi Missrini from a fello aussie!

Posted By: philosophy girl
Date Posted: March 22 2006 at 9:45am

Opps just realised I haven't said hello, how terribley rude of me!

Hi Ataraxy! Your hair look gorgeous in that picture, def stay clear of the corn rows, why not experimaent with different updos instead?


3a C/M ii 35"(21/03/06)dark red

Founding Member of the Benign Neglect Club. All applications welcome and accepted (each member to decide for themselves what they consider to be neglectful)

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: March 22 2006 at 5:45pm
Hi Samsara....where you from?


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: samsara
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 5:03am
Hi Missrini,
I'm from Sydney. New to the forum. Slave to restoring my lost locks!
And you?

Posted By: Impaler Vlad
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 5:31am
Guess it's my time to say hello. That is if U don't mind a duck eater's attempt to welcome U...

Mark Edward Arthur Mac Arran Blackrose

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 7:07pm
I'm from sunny Adelaide :)


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Karen26
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 7:53pm

~~Rini please keep me posted on the henna/indigo mix with your friend.  That's what I'm aiming to do soon and I'd be very interested to see her results.

Ataraxy, welcome!! I think I've seen you post a few times before.  Your picture always caught my eye!  That gorgeous hair layed out across your back.  It's awesome.  I'm sure with some love and tender care it'll bounce back. But I feel your pain with the coloring issue.  Have been down that road myself.

If you do end up using the indigo post some pictures of it.  I've never seen anyone dye with indigo, only henna.

good luck!

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: March 31 2006 at 11:02am
thanks again for the warm welcomes and compliments.. even from the duck eaters 

i will definitely post pics when i do the henna/indigo. hopefully i'll be doing a sample test on the pile of hair sitting on my sink this weekend, then i can order the "real" amount for a full head henna treatment. i've been so busy with my cars now that the weather is getting warmer!


Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: March 31 2006 at 1:08pm
I just reinstalled my GFX drivers and was able to up the brightness of my screen. I must say, your hair is gorgeous! I never fully got to see it before.


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