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Solutions for Frizz??

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 10:22am

Topic: Solutions for Frizz??
Posted By: Katja
Subject: Solutions for Frizz??
Date Posted: April 02 2006 at 4:35pm

No matter what, my hair ALWAYS seems to dry in a giant frizzball lately.  It never used to do that, and I haven't changed my routine so I don't know why it's happening.  I always wash my hair with cold water, I use mostly conditioner, and I do an ACV rinse every 2 weeks.  I hardly ever blow-dry it, and when I do I use nothing but the cold setting.  I've tried an endless array of gels, mousses, and anti-frizz products and they always make my hair feel nice and soft while it's still wet, but when it dries it instantly becomes frizzy.  The anti-frizz products for dry hair only make it feel greasy. 

I don't know what I'm doing to create all this frizz.  It only goes away after I sleep on it, which is a pain in the neck because sometimes I really want to wear my hair down (or don't have time to put it up) and I can't because it's too frizzy and unmanageable.  I should be able to style my hair how I want to, not how I have to. 

So I was curious to see if any of you have a secret weapon against frizz?

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: Karen26
Date Posted: April 02 2006 at 7:28pm

I have found two tricks to help de-frizz.  I have naturally wavy hair and after it air dries it's nearly always kind of a frizzy mess.

First off, my hair loves cones, so if your hair doesn't this may not apply to you.  But if I want to go somewhere immediately after showering & I know I won't have the time to make it look "pretty" after it air dries I apply some biosilk to it while it's still wet.

Biosilk took some time for me to learn how to apply it without it being over-kill and making my hair slimey feeling or limp looking.  But with some practice I've become pretty good at it. 

I usually have more luck with waiting until my hair is dry then applying it and then brushing it with a BBB & reapplying in small amounts until it no longer is standing on end! LOL! 

Occassionally just waiting till it dries and using the BBB does the trick alone, but not always.  And I'm with you, sleeping on it generally de-frizzes by morning.

The next option I have used is to oil my hair slightly once dry.  Which is generally the same principle as the BioSilk w/o the cones.  A gentle oiling from top to bottom will tame the loose fly-aways down to a calm roar.

HTH!  That's all I know how to do.   Maybe some other people will have some better options. 

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: April 03 2006 at 12:16am
I've been using small amounts of coconut oil and Burt's Bees Carrot Seed Oil face spray. Both help my wavy/frizzy hair a great deal. A small amount goes a long way.


Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: April 03 2006 at 2:37pm

I sometimes use a hair shining solution which is kind of like adding oil to it.  Also, I found a leave-in treatment to encourage natural curl that is also effective as an anti-frizzing agent.  I also have noticed that my hair will be less frizzy after I have had it up in a bun or something.

LOL, course it is blatantly apparent by my signature photo, that day I had someone take the picture was definitely a day with no treatments what so ever.  But some days are like that.  Some days my hair lays well, other days it poofs and frizzes up. 

What frustrates me is that only the outer layers get frizzy.  I recently took off two inches all the way around to eliminate some of this.


Weather Forcast - With high humidity in the air, expect general hair frizziness to continue :-/
Current Length: 30 inches or so from the front

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: April 05 2006 at 7:45pm

I immobilize my hair after it is BARELY dry. Sock curling helps reduce frizz by forcing my hair to dry in a relatively stretched position (although not really stretching the strands per se)


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: philosophy girl
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 6:44am

I find if I plait hair to dry then frizzies diminish rapidly.  Also fits in with my lifestyle as I wash at night then sleep on it, so it's nearly dry by morning.  The longer it gets the easier it is to tame the frizz. 

Also noticed far fewer frizzies since doing CWCandCagain!!! (applying oil for an hour before washing, washing and conditioning then using a leave in conditioner - the joys of curly hair! )



(edited to rid spelling mistakes!)

3a C/M ii 35"(21/03/06)dark red

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