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1 year progress- disappointed!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 10:34am

Topic: 1 year progress- disappointed!
Posted By: Katharine
Subject: 1 year progress- disappointed!
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 10:38pm

Its been one year since I decided to grow my hair on April 7, 2005. I stopped going to the salon and have had my husband do only tiny trims (even though I think it needs more trimmed). I also started taking much better care of it - mostly co-ing, never blow drying, henna instead of dye, etc.
But look at these progress pictures!  It doesn't look like it has grown that much after the initial spurt from April to Sept. and I don't see any since Jan.)  Could this be my terminal length already?!  I don't remember ever getting it longer than this point before either- but I thought once I stopped going to the salon, dying it, perming it, and then having to cut it too much, it would get longer.
Anybody else have similar experience?  Do you think it has stopped already or just slowed way down or something? Its so frustrating!  Especially since I feel like the ends need more than just a tiny trim...
Maybe it will never get much longer than this...

     April 7, 2005:         & nbsp;         & nbsp;       Sept. 13, 2005:

Jan. 13, 2006:         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbsp;          April 6, 2006:


------------- - Katies Place

Posted By: Nastasska
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 4:47am
You've only been at it for a year so don't give up yetYou might have a slow growth rate you might also want to stop trimming for a while hope that's been of some help

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Cats may have staff but dogs have slaves, tired ones

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: April 07 2006 at 9:52am
For some reason, the pics didn't come through for me. Here's what I think, though. I think that you are not yet at terminal (just looking at your signature photo). Your ends are blunt and healthy looking. I wouldn't trim the ends for awhile - don't even have your husband trim them. Measure carefully for three or four months and see if you notice any growth. I think the mini trims you are getting may be sacrificing your length and growth, making it seem like your hair isn't growing at all. To reassure yourself, you'll need to stop trimming for a bit. Just looking at how healthy your hair looks, the trims have been doing their job, but to really see if it's growing still, you need to stop the trims for awhile. Hope that helps. Congratulations on taking such great care of your hair, Katie!!! It is very lovely.


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 12:14am

I can't see the pics either :(   I agree with SK too.  Do some "experimental measuring" for a few months and see what's what.  Also, hair grows at different rates in different places. I have months where my overall length has not changed, but my layers have grown (I know this by those faithful roots that just keep coming back!)   Have you noticed any change in thickness in the time you have been taking better care of your hair?

Finally, just want to say....what a GREAT husband you have for trimming your hair for you.  My husband would just look at me like I'd grown two heads if I asked him


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Katharine
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 8:50am

I'm sorry the pics didn't come through, I thought I did it right.  (They are on my website if anybody really wants to see.)
Anyway, thanks for the advice.  I think you are all right.  I've always thought my hair grew less than the average 1/2 inch per month.  Maybe the mini trims are taking my growth.  My husband says that too.  The other thing is, Yes, I need to start measuring instead of just taking photos. I guess that's the only really accurate thing to do, especially if its such small amounts of progress!
Also, like Rini said, it goes in spurts and not all evenly.   From the pictures, it definately grew much more over spring and summer.

I hoped being pregnant would make it grow faster, but I think it can affect your hair either way, making it fuller and grow faster, or thinner and less.  Maybe it hasn't done much for mine.

Rini, to answer your question, since I've stoped abusing it with salons, chemicals and rough styling and started hennaing and caring for it gently and with love, it feels softer & thicker and I think is looking shinier and healthier.  Whenever I henna/indigo it feels wonderfully thick for a few days.   It doesn't show much in my sig. pic. but 1/2 to 3/4 of it still has old leftover damage.  I have my good hair days and my days when it seems flat and lifeless and dry and not very healthy and its those days when I wonder why I am trying to grow it long if it doesn't look that good.  But I don't want to give up! 

Your right that my husband is great.  He is very sweet.  He always tells me he loves my hair and says it is pretty etc.  When I have a bad hair day and get down on it- he seems to still think it looks great.  I think at first when I asked him to start cutting it and taking pictures of it he was surprised sort of wierded out, but now he's used to it!  Rini your hair looks great.  I really liked your latest pic. after the bun.

------------- - Katies Place

Posted By: horselover_1625
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 12:20pm
Hey, Katie, don't feel bad about your hair...the pics didn't come through for me, either, but I can see your sig. piture, and it looks fine! BTW, where is your website?

What good is life without a horse??!!!

Posted By: Katharine
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 12:44pm

Thanks Rani,
There is supposed to be a link to it under my sig. pic. at the bottom of my posts.  It shows up on my computer, but who knows if I did that wrong too!


------------- - Katies Place

Posted By: horselover_1625
Date Posted: April 08 2006 at 6:36pm

Hi, Katie, I just looked at your webpage (yes, the link shows up!) and I think your hair has grown...mine doesn't grow very fast, either,'s already pretty long, but I wouldn't mind if it got a little longer!


What good is life without a horse??!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 1:13pm
I know I'm late to chime in, but I have one simple bit of advice for you, Katharine:  Just don't cut or trim at all (at least, not for significant amount of time), so that you can determine your actual growth rate.  I guarantee that you are not at terminal length.


Posted By: Katharine
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 9:01pm

Ok.  Thanks, I think you are right.  I'll give it a try!

------------- - Katies Place

Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: April 09 2006 at 9:27pm
Katharine, you're pregnant, aren't you?

I imagine that has a lot to do with a slowing down of hair growth. Proteins going baby instead of your hair, yes?


Posted By: Katharine
Date Posted: April 11 2006 at 1:20pm

I just realized it might be the pregnancy.  I was hoping that being pregnant would make for faster growth, but possibly it has had the opposite affect on me.

Love you sig. progress pics!


------------- - Katies Place

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