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Kelly Ripa

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Category: Beautiful People, Beautiful Hair
Forum Name: Celebrity Hair Talk
Forum Description: The hair trials and tribulations of Celebrities
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 5:42pm

Topic: Kelly Ripa
Posted By: Bob
Subject: Kelly Ripa
Date Posted: May 01 2006 at 2:58pm
Kelly will have her hair cut for the show on Thursday.  She is letting the audience decide how to cut it.  There are five styles to chose from on the website.  They're all basically similar versions of the just below the chin bob that she's had in the past.

Posted By: lhairfan31
Date Posted: May 01 2006 at 3:17pm
    Well if you like Kelly's current style which I certainly do,  then style #3 looks to be the less length she would lose.  Wish their was a way to contact her and keep her from hacking her hair off but that would be like trying to prevent Ann from hers.   lol   Kelly really looks great right now, hate to see her cut it!    BTW, looks like you can vote as many times as you want on the website. 

Posted By: dwolf
Date Posted: May 01 2006 at 4:53pm

I also love Kelly's current haircut and wish she wouldn't go through with this.  I was hoping it was just the "virtual" gag.

But if she does, can someone find out if it'll be recorded for the internet users, like Ann's cut?





Posted By: jhariman
Date Posted: May 01 2006 at 7:39pm - u/vote-hair.html

Posted By: AggiePam
Date Posted: May 01 2006 at 8:25pm
The funny thing is, the day after- on Friday, they have a guest who specializes in extensions. Maybe she booked that guest just in case the haircut goes bad! Wouldn't that be funny!

Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: May 02 2006 at 8:47am
I'm surprised they've never done this before. The show thrives on audience
participation. People fell like they know Regis and Kelly. None of these are
too short. I'm sure she'll grow it out again. She does every time she cuts it.

Posted By: Curlyfan
Date Posted: May 02 2006 at 9:13am
I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it seems like she's had the
same length and cut forever, and would look great in any one of a
bunch of new and shorter and/or layered styles that have become
popular in the last few years. And I say that even though she's been
wearing it curly quite a bit the past few weeks! I'd vote for bangs too,
as the front section always seems to hang very heavy and fall in her

Still, I watched the segment yesterday where they showed about a
dozen potential styles, and they were pretty much universally panned
by Kelly, Regis, and the entire audience. And I'd agree - all the styles
seemed completely out of left field, all some combination of not right
for Kelly, not in style, ratty, or all of the above. No bangs, no layers,
no flips, nothing that would (IMHO) really compliment her face in a
new and different way. Everyone seemed stunned at how bad the
choices were (the audience kept booing, and Kelly kept saying
"They're speaking for me too!")

Still, Kelly seems to have culled it down to her "top" 5. I picked #3
because to me it seemed the best of a bad bunch an offered the
most possible styling options. I would've gone for #2, which I thought
looked the best, but which I know will last 4 seconds with that shape
before the ear tucks begin.

If I were her, I'd ask for a postponement until someone can create a
style she actually likes! How hard can that be? But since that likely
won't happen, I'll just keep my fingers crossed and watch with one
eye closed.

By the way, on tomorrow's (Wednesday's) show they're having Oscar
Blondi on to show some other "hot" styles, might be worth tuning in.

Your hair is your best accessory; wear it with STYLE!

Posted By: bean3270
Date Posted: May 02 2006 at 9:00pm
What is the link again?

The link is not working?


Posted By: GC2599
Date Posted: May 03 2006 at 10:00am
They show some hair models and Kelly said she wanted to keep it in a ponytail. but then a girl came out with a short type of bob with a heavy bang and shorter back. Kelly said she loved that cut. i think she might have gone it but have to wait and see.

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: May 03 2006 at 12:10pm

On today's show, the hairstylist cut off a few of inches of Ripa's hair in the back. I didn't see the very end of the show. Did they go shorter or give a hint for the final cut? It sure was a tease for Thursday's show.

I noticed that one of the hairstyle models was American Idol loser Kelly Pickler, the blonde with the bangs. Did Pickler allow her hair to be cut or just curled? She's adorable. Apparently an airhead, but still adorable.

Posted By: Bevv
Date Posted: May 03 2006 at 8:02pm
interesting gimmick, ratings must be sliding.....


Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: May 03 2006 at 9:06pm
It is an interesting gimmick, but I doubt they're doing it because ratings
are sliding.

The whole thing seemed awfully staged. Kelly spent most of the week
protesting and expressing a desire to stay long. Her protests were loud,
but funny. They seemed a bit too much.

If that's what she really wanted, she wouldn't have cut it on the air. I'm
sure Regis and Kelly do these makeover shows a lot and they've never had
her cut it on the air. So, she must have been totally game for it. Maybe it
was her idea.

If she only cuts two inches, I think the audience will be disappointed.
People like changes in their makeovers. Again, she didn't have to cut it on
the air. If she wanted a trim, she could do what most celebs do and cut it
on her own time.

When they were showing the cuts on the models, Kelly was giving her two
cents and so was Oscar. But they never talked. I'm guessing that the two
of them decided on the cut before the show, so the whole thing on the
show was staged.

They didn't show the final result. Oscar just trimmed it on the air. Big
reveal tomorrow.

Posted By: Klaatu48
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 8:10am
She cut her hair so that it's just brushing against her shoulders, with sideswept bangs. A semi-significant cut (in an office people might notice, but not react a whole lot), but I'm not sure it's worth 4 days of build-up.

Kind of disappointing, because I thought she looked really cute with the short bobs. And seriously... 3 days of build up for basically a healthy trim? Sheesh.

Posted By: lhairfan31
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 8:42am
     I would have to say it had something to do with her other job,  Hope & Faith.  They probably wasn't too crazy of her changing her hair drastically.  Just my oppion.   I`m glad though she didn't do a hack job on it.   

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 9:09am

I haven't seen it yet but that would have to be a good 10 or 12 inches right?  Thats a pretty major cut in my book!


Posted By: ssjockey
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 10:13am
More like 5 or so inches.  I would speculate that perhaps a more drastic cut was planned, but she got cold feet...

Posted By: texdillo
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 10:23am
She basically cut the damaged, very thin, layers off. I'd agree that it was not worth all the build up. Her hair needed to be trimmed up. She probably could have kept a couple more inches in length if she wanted to. The end result is nice but not worth all the hoopla. She looks great with long and mid length styles but if you're going to make a big deal about it go for something new and different. She could pull off a chin length or shorter style.

Nice cut, she's pretty, anticlimactic result for all the media hoopla.

Posted By: Curlyfan
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 12:33pm
I agree with most - much ado about not all that much. The cut is
basically a shorter, slightly more layered version of exactly what she
had before. It's still parted on the right, still looks very heavy in
front, and took her exactly 3 seconds to tuck it behind her ear (I

The whole thing seemed odd. Kelly, who last November made a point
of saying she'd love to go short and has done it many times before,
was fighting the cut all the way. Regis, who was very involved and
opinionated, telling her to do something very different and dramatic
(like last fall, when he pushed her to get a pixie during sweeps
month) didn't even mention it on this morning's show until she
started screaming at him for not noticing, then said he really liked it.
The audience seemed against it the whole time. Regis asked her if
she'd still curl it (that's what I was wondering!) and she didn't really
answer definitively, but my guess is she won't vary the style for a
while. Just odd all around.

So, I don't know... I'm glad to see her cut it, but wish she'd done
something more different. Can't believe all the hoopla for the same
style, 5 inches shorter.

Your hair is your best accessory; wear it with STYLE!

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 2:55pm

     I haven't seen it yet, but Kelly has had her hair layered at her shoulders several times in the past. She always has the same look, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, but NEVER spectacular. The before pics were possibly the best I've ever seen of her, but IMO it was too layered to really look smashing. So, a mild disappointment.

     But Kel, if you really wanted long hair, you should have demanded that the producers back off. You're big enough to tell subordinates to stick it where the sun cannot shine! (lol) How these stars allow themselves to be bullied into mediocre or horrible haircuts I'll never understand.


Posted By: rardman
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 2:58pm

This was a significant cut. This in no way could be called a "trim". She went from almost mid back to shoulder skimming.

I hate it. What sizzle I thought she had is totally gone. Way too "blah" for me.

She was recentlly experimenting alot with curl and volume, which I loved. For the last while she looked different almost daily. Now, it will be this boring mess every day.

Bad, Bad move. I bet she's on the grow as of this minute...  

Posted By: texdillo
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 3:27pm
Significant maybe if her hair still looked like it did back when they did the promo shoot ry.html

Looking at her hair yesterday the ends were looking very thin from too much layering and some damage. It just wasn't what you expect or anticipate if you are watching a "makeover" segment.

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 3:37pm
I was disappointed because it mainly looks just like the old style.  It is shorter but I have to side with the "healthy" trim side rather than a significant cut. 

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 5:07pm
MY GOD MAN!!!  Someone get me a picture!!!!

Posted By: jhariman
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 7:38pm

Originally posted by Hal Hal wrote:

MY GOD MAN!!!  Someone get me a picture!!!!

try this: -

there is a pics of haircutting on 3rd May, maybe they will update with the new photo tomorrow.

Posted By: Curlyfan
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 8:00pm
It also just occurred to me that the cut doesn't look like any of the
pictures Kelly saw, or any of the ones she posted online that we voted
for. So, you know, that little exercise was worthwhile.

On the other hand, most people agreed those choices weren't flattering,
so maybe it's for the best. Still, this whole process feels like it wasn't
designed well by the show's producers. Ah, well.

Your hair is your best accessory; wear it with STYLE!

Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 8:13pm
Originally posted by Bob S Bob S wrote:

     But Kel, if you really wanted long hair, you should have demanded that
the producers back off. You're big enough to tell subordinates to stick it
where the sun cannot shine! (lol) How these stars allow themselves to be
bullied into mediocre or horrible haircuts I'll never understand.


They don't. Don't let her on screen protests fool you. That's the character
she's playing. I'm sure Kelly was all for a cut, probably her idea. Stars as
established as she is on this show don't get told what to do with their hair.
They may get told when, but not how.

Posted By: xcountrykuhl
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 10:50pm
go to there are photos there

Posted By: MikeY
Date Posted: May 05 2006 at 1:57am
Very Dissapointing!! She Never changed Her Style At ALL!! Same Old Style she has Had For Years,  Just a Little Shorter.! And This was supposed to be a "New YOU" Week?? Seems Like She Missed THe message On this One! She Needs to make a CHange! This Same Old Hairstyle With her Face partly Hidden By her Bangs! Would love to see Her With a Diffrent Style, Guess She Chicked out, And Another Big Hype Then FLOP for T.V.!! Another Fear Factor...!!

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: May 05 2006 at 7:10am

I love it, no not earth shattering but very stylish and up to date.  Given most of her styles are simular she is like 90% of the women in the world! -

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: May 05 2006 at 9:24am
The tuck behind the ear appears to be a manditory part of the hairstyle.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: May 10 2006 at 7:06am

Well it only took 3 days for her to move her part back to its normal position so not if officially looks the same as always.  Thank goodness she is so pretty her hair almost doesnt matter! -

Posted By: Curlyfan
Date Posted: May 10 2006 at 10:37am
An unexpected change - she went curly today, to the delight of Regis
and the audience. Hope she continues to play with the style.

Your hair is your best accessory; wear it with STYLE!

Posted By: Bevv
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 12:30am
Ya i dont think i have ever seen her with a diiferent style cut ever. She's latched on to the one she has now for years!


Posted By: Shyanne
Date Posted: May 21 2006 at 8:31am
I've always found Kelly Ripa, strangely hot, even when she was preggers.
3 times.
I guess whatever she chooses will seems just fine.

And, I...I've got nothing to offer you, no no, just this heart deep and true, which you say you don't need...Know in your soul, please...For haven't you me, with you now? And I love you, I love you...

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 7:32pm
I can't stand Kelly Ripa. She bugs the crap out of me

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