I need pictures of up-dp's!!
Printed From: HairBoutique.com
Category: Hair & Special Events
Forum Name: Prom Hairstyles
Forum Description: Prom Hair 411
URL: https://talk.hairboutique.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4292
Printed Date: January 23 2025 at 11:01am
Topic: I need pictures of up-dp's!!
Posted By: AngelEyesSmiling
Subject: I need pictures of up-dp's!!
Date Posted: March 02 2003 at 1:12pm
Hey! I have a semi-formal dance in two weeks & I need pictures of hairstyles. I'm leaning towards half up half down, but I'll take any pictures so I can atleast get an idea of what I want. If anyone knows any good web sites for up-do's please send them to me! I have been looking on line for over an hour trying to find some pictures, & have come up empty handed. Thanks a bunch!!
Posted By: Dea
Date Posted: April 18 2003 at 1:02pm
I found some GREAT pages for hairstyles!! Hope they help you out :)
http://www.braidedimage.com/Pictures-of-Braids.html - http://www.braidedimage.com/Pictures-of-Braids.html
good luck!
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: April 18 2003 at 5:30pm
OK. I just have to ask this because I am puzzled.
I see posts like those from AngelEyes and Drea so often I am curious what HairBoutique.com is not doing right to let people know about all our updo/Prom/Wedding & evening hair sections.
We have a huge free hair info site connected to these HairTalk messageboards that literally has over 2,500 hair care & styling articles... of which there are over 200 articles w/ photos about updos and formal hairstyles.
Yet people constantly post saying that they can't fine any photos or any sites that have Prom or updo info.
In the last month I have personally written and posted several brand new styles for Prom 2003. The latest styles are listed with links at: http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/promstyles.htm - http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/promstyles.htm
We also have tons of photos in our many free galleries.
So please...enlighten me as to why people who visit our messageboards claim that they can't find any sites with updo or Prom photos?
HairBoutique.com has been voted the largest hair and beauty site on the web from the view of photos and articles from many different sources. Yet there is still this confusion.
Please help me with this. Do we need to put giant signs somewhere or is this just random people who just aren't looking at what it right in front of them? Do I need to just constantly post the HB.com URLS for prom articles w/ updos?
Any appropriate suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks, Karen Shelton HairBoutique.com
------------- That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)
Posted By: Abbey
Date Posted: April 19 2003 at 5:30pm
Posted By: cait
Date Posted: April 19 2003 at 9:24pm
Hi Karen:)
Ok, first of all tons of surfers (me included) love the step by step articles on hairstyles so don't get disheartened!
I would suggest making a big obvious link in the Prom Hairstyles board to "Prom Styles" or something which links to an updo search in the gallery. (I'm suggesting updo not prom as lots of prom styles aren't updos and these are really want most people seem to be looking for.) Then no one could miss it.
I guess if people find this forum from a search engine, they might not think to look for the main site where all the goodies are?
~ Cait x
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: April 20 2003 at 12:55pm
Hi Cait,
Thank you soooo much for responding. Sometimes I think I am out there in la-la land since I seem to miss what is happening. So I appreciate very much you letting me know why people don't seem to find the Prom styling articles that are on HB.com.
I try avoid posting any blatant advertising on the messageboards since I want people to feel comfortable posting here in as much an "advertisement free" zone as possible but I think you are right that I need to put at least the link to the Prom hair styling pages since they are updated fairly often and people who visit here may not know.
If you or anyone has other suggestions, please let me know. I appreciate it very much.
Best wishes, Karen
------------- That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)