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I just got a trim!!!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:21am

Topic: I just got a trim!!!
Posted By: missrini
Subject: I just got a trim!!!
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 12:19am

The Trim

Well this morning I woke up and decided that I'd go to a salon for a trim. I did plan on doing it myself, but it's been so long since I had a trim and I have layers that need tidying, so I didn't think Feye's Trimming Method would suit me right now.

As I was saying goodbye to DH (who was still in bed) he told me not to go as he loves my hair and he offered to cut it for me.  He's so sweet!! :  I actually didn't expect that at all, so after 12 years of marriage he still suprises me.  Anyway, I explained why I wanted a salon to do it and told him he could do it next time.

I had not made an appointment, I just thought I'd walk in and ask the first salon I came to (which happened to be the salon I used to go to years ago...although all different staff now).  They were quiet, so the girl at the desk asked me to take a seat, she caped me up, and asked what I wanted.

Girl: how much would you like off?
Me: Well I would like about an inch off the bottom longest layer and just a tiny amount off the other layers to help stop the wispy look I currently have. Please take the smallest amount off that you can as I am growing my hair long.
Girl: OK   (and proceeds to cut)
Girl: So how long has it been since you've had a hair cut?
Me:About 9 months
Girl: (looks horrified, gasps and almost drops the scissors. I'm worried that she's going to run screaming, but she contains herself).  Why haven't you had a trim for so long?
Me: I'm growing my hair long and I wear it up all the time, so it just never came up.
Girl: Why are you growing your hair long? (with expression that meant "why on earth would you want to grow that mess on your head any longer??)
Me: Well since I've stopped using chemicals on my hair, I'm really liking how it feels and I want to see what it will look like long.
Girl: What do you use instead of chemicals?
Me: Henna
Girl: What's good about henna? I don't know anything about henna (well at least she's honest!!)
Me: (enthusiastically) I didn't know anything about henna either, but when I researched it a bit I discovered how great it is for hair. My hair is so much better since I've been using it, in fact I couldn't grow it long if I were using the chemicals.
Girl: Oh (still staring at me like I have two heads and looking at my hair like it's something to be pitied)

Silence for some time while she snips and I scrutinise every move she's making (to file away for future reference when I do this myself next time).  I must say that my hair DID look quite awful at this point.  I came in with it air dried and freshly washed (as in the before pic below) and she immediately combed it out with a fine toothed comb.  It looked all flat and frizzy.....fried actually!  I was starting to believe her disgust.  But by this time, my ego had taken somewhat of a beating

Girl: What would you like me to do with the sides?
Me: Just trim a tiny amount off the sides, I'm growing that too. (well.....duh!)
Girl: (gets out the razor and proceeds to slice!!!!!!!)
Me: Could you use scissors there please? I had a razor cut a while ago and it really thinned my hair.
Girl: OK (snips two more tiny bits with scissors and she's done)

She shows me my hair in the mirror at the back and it looks OK.  I can tell she has cut my desired amount off and it looks alot thicker....but is still flat and frizzy.

Girl: Do you want any serum in it??
Me: No thanks, I'll just put it up and I'm going home now anyway.
Girl: (leads me to front counter) That will be $30 thanks.
Me: (now it's my turn to gasp in horror and consider running away)  Did you say $13?? (well, a girl can hope!)
Girl: No...$30.
Me: Wow, I didn't think it would cost that much.
Girl: (wearing a tolerant, pitying smile....says nothing and patiently waits for me to hand it over)
Me: (silently hands over credit card)

Now I'm not shy, and ordinarily I would have put up more of a fight, but I was feeling so ugly and not confident that I just shutup and paid :(

So.....sounds like a bad experience right? Well it was for these reasons:

  • It was a rip-off. $30 for 10 minutes of work is more like what a lawyer earns. She didn't wash my hair, use any products, didn't even spray it with water (mind you, those are all good things for me....but didn't cost the salon any extra money if you get my point).
  • I realised how much more my hair needs to grow to get rid of the damage at the ends.  It's about another 3 or 4 inches. I could tell this by the way she held up sections and snipped the ends.  The last 3 or 4 inches were comparitively more transparent than the they are quite thin, and it was obvious
  • The girl made me feel bad. :sad She made me feel like I come from another planet and that my hair and what I was doing to take care of it were wrong.

But there were some positives:

  • My hair feels sooooo thick and healthy now. Really nice. 
  • My hair looks better and the layers are more even now.
  • I now know how to cut layers myself
  • I'm happier about my decision to grow my hair long as I know it will mean no more hair dressers!!!

So now, here are the all important pics:


Btw, as soon as I got home I got out the tape measure :lol: I am back at 22 inches.  I'm happy to have nice ends and still have 22 inches of hair 


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 10:20am

So come on, what did you do in your April photo to make the ends lok so thick?

It's a shame you lost the length, but now you can go from here without needing any more trims for another 9 months. 

Isn't it worrying that these people know nothing about henna?  In mean, i only know the basics, but it's not my profession.  Ask me about art materials and I'll be able to tell you the benefits of oil paint over acrylics and vice versa.  (I work in an art shop)

I was worried that this was going to be a disaster story, so I think you got off quite lightly! 

Don't feel bad - you aren't from another planet, just a different part of the same one

------------- -
Ah-ha, a place I can soon add hair pics...once I do some

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 10:35am
If she didn't know not to fine comb/ brush wavy/curly hair then I'm not surprised that she didn't know about henna. I'm sorry she made you feel like thatWe all think your hair's gorgeous! Glad you got a good cut though.


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: MsSerenity
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 11:02am
 There are some people who don't understand the desire not to look like everyone else. It is possible she is one of them. At least a) she listened, b) your hair is undamaged by her actions, and c) you learned from this experience. Just think of all the money you'll save by not going.

 I have a long hair Guru (Mac Daddy is such an awesome nickname for him too) who will trim my hair without making me feel 2 inches high for wanting to be different. Maybe you will have better luck finding someone who understands and wants you to succeed in your goal.

As fate would have it, my business is all about you.

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 1:13pm
I'm curious why you didn't want your husband to trim it for you?  I wouldn't want to do layers so I'm guessing it's because of wanting just a bit cut off the layers to snip damaged ends.  I've done all of Jennifer's trims since she started growing it out.  At that time, though, she had layers and we were just cutting the length to let the layers catch up so I never had to do anything with that.  Now it's all one length so it's pretty simple to trim.  I think you got a very good cut.  The ends do look much better, but I'm curious too how they look so good in the April pictures??  Thanks for your story.  It just exemplifies what goes on in typical salons.  They don't want people to grow their hair long because then they may only come in every 9 months .. if that .. so they can't collect that $30 every-other month.

In general, though, I can't figure out why so many people (usually other females) try to talk women with long hair into cutting it ... just like the salon lady looked at you like you were from another planet.  Jennifer has a daughter that is in 5th grade and has hair to her waist.  She comes home from school many times saying that she needs a trim because the other girls in school tell her that she should cut her hair because it doesn't look nice.  She has that typical "V" shape from hair that grows like a weed.  Jennifer and I agree that it's probably jealousy.  The other girls are jealous of her hair because their's is short and want her to look like all the other girls so they try to convince her to hack it off.


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 2:29pm

Glad it didn't turn out bad!

It was a hairdresser that caused my whispy ends.

Me: Don't use thinning scissors

Her: Okay.

Me(angry/scared/shocked): What's all that hair on the ground?

Her: It's okay, I'm thinning out the ends so it isn't as blocky.


It was nice blocky! Those whisps were about 3 inches long when she was done!

I'm just doing what you do. Henna, no stylists.


Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 2:48pm

 Yes, I think you got ripped off, Rini, but it does look nice. And you learned to stay away from hairdressers, so that's good! (lol) The best thing you did was get that razor away from your head before it was too late. It never would have turned out as pretty with a razor.

Yes, you should let Hubby trim it for you in the future, I think, but if you are going for all one length, consider allowing the shorter layers to grow unimpeded by trims. I've found that even seasoned pros can botch layering, and all it takes is one goof to set you way back. Again, I like it. All the best, Bob

Posted By: Heratic
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 3:03pm

You did well - as she did do what you asked and your hair does look good.

Why do I get the impression that a few more inches would have been cut off if the stylist had her way. As for $30 - gulp.

Keep going and growing

Its your hair, your choice and your decision

Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 5:59pm

Your ends do look thicker and healthier.  And at least she didn't hack off six inches. 

But seriously, $30 for some ditzy hairstylist to cut off an inch of hair and make you feel bad about yourself?!  What a rip-off.  At least you know not to go back there again!

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."
-Woody Allen

Posted By: Lovely Cassie
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 6:32pm

It should be a pampering experience to visit the hairdresser for a trim although many stylists seem to be continually in another world when it comes to the needs of their clientele. Your hair continues to grow beautifully though Rini . The vitality provided by being blessed with naturally wavy hair is a quite envious feature and will continue to be so as more length eventuates over the next couple of years.

Continue to enjoy the growing experienceTongue.

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 04 2006 at 10:28pm

Oh thank you guys

I'm not really sure what's up with the April pic!   It was taken after I damp bunned it and straightened it out a bit (no heat btw!).  I guess the ends look more even that way.  Mind you, the before and after pics I just posted are kind of straightish too. My ends look the most straggly when my hair is really wavy....although I haven't let it go like that yet since the cut, so we will see what happens.

tdouty and Bob....I AM growing my layers out, but I just wanted a tiny bit trimmed off them as they looked really wispy.  Believe me, they are catching up fast to my overall length and I am going to continue trimming them a tiny bit until they catch up completely.  I don't have too much to hopefully I'll see the fruits of my patience some time in the next year or so (and you'll see it too! )

Just want to add: Originally I wanted my hair as long as it could possibly be by Christmas time. I have a wedding to go to then and I really wanted long hair. I was unconsciously putting pressure on myself to achieve a certain length in a certain time. Now, I've decided that growing my hair is a lifetime comittment and I'm really going to savour each length. So it's OK to trim it if it's looking bad   I'm going to be trimming regularly (although only tiny bits) and I think this is the way to go for me now.

I'm sorry that first post was sooooo loooong btw


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: May 05 2006 at 1:45pm
To be honest, your hair really does not look damaged.  It sounds like this hair dresser really did not know much about her work, especially given her ignorance of henna.  But at least she did follow your instructions and did not lop off four or five inches.


Weather Forcast - With high humidity in the air, expect general hair frizziness to continue :-/
Current Length: 30 inches or so from the front

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: May 06 2006 at 1:55pm

I'm glad she did  what you asked at least.I know my stylist didnt charge me full price for trims.And didnt give me any crap either for wanting to grow my hair out.Its really noones business what you do with your hair.Your hair looks great though.

Tdouty:I agree I think when girls pressure other girls with longer prettier hair to cut,its out of jealousy.Rarely are they looking out for the friends best interest.I have a friend who acts like she hates me whenver I wear extensions.As soon as they're out she's my best friend again.Girls can be very shady. 

Posted By: philosophy girl
Date Posted: May 06 2006 at 3:12pm

That was a very expensive trim!  It's great that she did what you asked for but she should have done that if she was only going to charge $10.  As for making you feel bad that's just not on.  My hair dresser used to make comments about styling and layering etc but always complemented the texture and colour (henna-ed) and how fast my hair grew.  The last time I saw her she made me stand to have my hair cut as she couldn't reach it when I sat down but still only trimmed it (charged about £4 I think).  Yes she would have liked to take off more and she did give me some terrible hair cuts until I decided it was trims only but she did what I asked her and found somthing good to say.

I'm so glad I can get away with micro trims now, I really don't miss hairdressers!

(henna-ed today for the first time in years - SHINY ginger hair!)  

3a C/M ii 35"(21/03/06)dark red

Founding Member of the Benign Neglect Club. All applications welcome and accepted (each member to decide for themselves what they consider to be neglectful)

Posted By: always_alone
Date Posted: May 06 2006 at 6:28pm
$30 for a trim...girl, you got ripped off! But I think you know that already. And she sounded rude...I wonder how she would have reacted if you mentioned that you were wanting to try CO again. At least I think you are. 


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 06 2006 at 10:59pm

PG....welcome to the red side Pics please!!


Always-alone.....yep, doing CO (again) and it's going well this time.  I am cautiously optimistic


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: philosophy girl
Date Posted: May 08 2006 at 11:32am
I've always been on the red side   It's the best place to be

3a C/M ii 35"(21/03/06)dark red

Founding Member of the Benign Neglect Club. All applications welcome and accepted (each member to decide for themselves what they consider to be neglectful)

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: May 08 2006 at 2:38pm

Hey there Rini - I've been incommunicado for awhile. You were very brave to get a trim, and it sounds like it was a good experience just because you learned a bit about trimming layers, and you learned not to go back there!

I have had so many similar experiences over the years. I remember one time having my hair "done" for a wedding (the bride had asked all of us bridesmaids to go to the same salon). The stylist truly hated my hair and didn't hold back her feelings. Being your hair twin, I can vouch for you that stylists usually don't understand our type of hair.

One of the interesting things about my hair (and possibly yours?) is that it can look one way, and then the next day it can look completely different. This can make our photos somewhat different from month to month. I have had your "April" look, and then the next month it looks more like your "November" photo.

The trimmed ends look great, and 22 inches is a great place to be!


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 08 2006 at 9:30pm

Thanks SK!!!!

You are totally correct on the multiple personality hair thing. I'm having a good hair day today and am tempted to go into that salon and dare her to criticise it!!!!

Hey wouldn't it be fun if you took pics of your hair in "april" mode, then "november" mode etc.....we could play "guess whose hair"!!!


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: May 09 2006 at 8:08am
Looks lovely Rini!  I'm surprised she'd look at you in any way that made you feel bad considering how ignorant she was about her job. It takes a real idiot/jerk to be so high and mighty arrogant when they don't know anything about what they do for a living!  I agree its often jealousy that gets people talking bad about long hair, but sometimes its not even the jealousy of the person making the comments.  It could be they heard it from someone they respected so they took it on as their own opinon without ever thinking about it much. And sometimes I think they just teach them to talk bad about long hair in salon school so they get more business when they convince you that you don't want it anymore.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Valore
Date Posted: May 09 2006 at 10:14am
ahh! I agree with what Susan says! Rini, I am new on this board. I saw your thread here and have to say a few things! She sounds like she has limited experience with hairtypes (especially combing it out like that). But you did get a good trim without her taking alot off which can be difficult to do in a salon. Your hair still looks healthy and wonderful!

They are all in this for money and if no one cut their hair they would have no business.
I am sorry to hear she took that stance with you and made you feel uncomfortable. I am sure she is quite ignorant about henna and other hair care which is good for hair and probably didn't want it to show.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 09 2006 at 6:06pm

Welcome, Valore!   Tell us a little bit about yourself, perhaps?

The trim turned out well, Rini.  That was brave of you to just wing it, go to any old stylist.  Although they were rude and disrespectful, at least they respected your stated wish for just a 1" trim.  It's looking great and I'm sure it will look even better, more full and lush, as it grows longer, too.    Thanks for sharing these pictures with us!



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