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Hello Everyone!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:31am

Topic: Hello Everyone!
Posted By: Valore
Subject: Hello Everyone!
Date Posted: May 10 2006 at 10:10am
Hi Dave and everyone! I am new here so I am just saying hello. I have lurked here for months before I signed in so it seems strange not to just say hello!
Anyway, my hair story is nothing spectacular. I had been trying to salvage some severely damaged hair that could only look nice if I used heat appliances every day with oil to cover it up. I got some really good information here but I still needed to cut most of it off except a couple inches(which is still part of the damage but it is all I have right now!)..anyway..I was quite upset for about a week but now I am trying to think of it like I am starting over new. My hair had been darkened, lightened to a red, then bleached to a blonde color, then darkened, then I tried to salvage it with henna and I think that was the last straw! The longest it has been in my adult life is BSL but at the time I wasn't really trying to grow it and I am surprised it even got to that point because aside from the hair color I blowdried and flatironed on a regular basis.
So, I really like the longer hair on me and want it back, but want it healthier. It will be very difficult when it gets longer to stay away from the heat appliances b/c my hair is a strange texture..not quite curly and not quite straight.And I have always used them I am excited to see how it grows in now and to see exactly what my natural color is as well. ( I think it is a light-medium brown and am afraid there are more greys).
I probably have the shortest hair here so I was a little hesitant to post because of that. Well, I may not have long hair yet, but I really appreciate the people here sharing information on good hair care which is something I have not used before, and I support everyone in their growing!
ps, when i signed up didn't realize I forgot the "i" in my name! So it seems sort of strange.
take care,

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: May 10 2006 at 12:13pm
Hi Valore and welcome to the boards. You definitely haven't got the shortest hair here- I believe I'm right in saying that Longhairdreams has just shaved her head.

Good to hear you're looking forward to your 'new' hair too. Have fun


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: May 10 2006 at 11:48pm
Hi Valorie, and welcome. I like your name spelled mistakenly without the "i" - it definitely caught my "eye." You will have fun growing your hair.


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 11 2006 at 5:12am

Hello and welcome :)  It's Ok to have hair that's neither straight nor's called "wurly".  Maybe spend some time encouraging the waves and they might turn into lovely curls.

I'd love to see a pic of your hair!


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Valore
Date Posted: May 11 2006 at 11:31pm
Thanks for the replies LadyFrog, SpecialKitty, and Miss Rini. Well, I am looking forward to trying different things while it is growing! Also, I am going to see if it does grow into a better curl formation with the better hair careSmile.
Rini, this is the most current picture I have; I believe it was taken last week or so? But it is SHORT!  Oh well. Now I will have something to track, right!

sorry if it is too large?
thanks again,

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 5:07am
Thanks for posting that Valerie! You have a GREAT face/bone structure for short hair....I think it looks awesome on youThumbs Up
You do look a little scared thoughShocked 


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: ChemicalRomance
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 9:17am
You look like a model Valore!! Your bone structure is amazing. I wish I could look good with short hair. I have a face for longer hair, very very high cheekbones, and Im of Cherokee indian ancestory so looking at an indian you know they dont look well with short hair as their faces are rounder. I have always struggled with damaged hair too. I dyed my hair from black, to light brown, to brown w/ highlights, to blonde, to red, and now its a light brown...I really want my natural color back, which was medium brown, but no matter what I try and ye it it doesnt turn out natural in the pictures I used to have it!!!! Its very damaged too, I mean my scalp is sooooo healthy since I have been using Grow Shampoo and conditioner and doing scalp massages, its growin in healthy, but the ends are horrible, my hair is about 2 inches longer than my shoulders, and their seriously isnt one strand of hair at the end that isnt split or a hair that you barely can touch and it breaks off. UGH. I hate it so much and I even trimmed it once, and it still is sooo damaged, I seriously owuld have to cut it off to my chin in order for it to look healthy on the end, but no way thats happening. Anyways Im trying to steer clear of the blowdryer and letting it air dry, and staying away from the straightener when I dont need it. But good luck with your hair growth, I know I need it, my hair has pretty much stayed the same length since last year, but over the past month I think its seriously starting to grow. Anyways, God Bless.
And here is a picture of my hair:

"Our Sufferings on Earth Give Rewards In Heaven"
MCR Rocks

Posted By: Valore
Date Posted: May 12 2006 at 10:54am

Rini, thanks...that is so funny Smile..I think I was scared! I took that pic with my cell phone camera and it just felt strange to smile, somewhat cheesy or something at the time! I really love the color you get with henna, btw. I think my hair is just too dark for that. I see you with the lighter color in your avatar-you could have any color hair and look fabulous. Your growth progress is awesome, too!
It is interesting how different I feel with the short hair. I think I have noticed a different look on my face, even. When I was in my early 20's I had short hair for a couple years and felt cute with it and I could change it up all the time. I liked it. I cut it now because I had so much damage it was literally shedding in little pieces and that was after two different trims of 3 inches at a time! I thought why not just start over. I've had it short before and it wasn't so bad! Well, I don't know if my age has something to do with it or if I have just changed as a person. Now it is 10 years later (I am 31) and b/c I had short hair a long time ago, I didn't expect to feel such a loss over my hair! I do though and I do think it gives me a more "rough around the edges" kind of look. And I am not!
Chemical Romance, your face is certainly much more beautiful than you give yourself credit. You are just stunning! I am also part Cherokee! That was my dad's side. My mom's family is from
Sicily. I know, how did I get so pale? You actually resemble my younger sister except her hair is black. It is long, too. She can do anything to it and it grows like overnight or something! Her hair is approaching waist length and she does nothing special to get it that way. It just happens. She thinks I am funny for obsessing over my own hair like this.
 I know it can seem frustrating when you know how much damage is in it, yourself. However, if I could go back now, I would find a different way to deal with it than what I did!
It is a great sign that you say your hair is growing more this month! Maybe it was just in one of those transition periods or rest periods where it slows down for a while?
ahhhhh. Everyone I have seen here has such pretty hair! I am a little afraid my growth rate won't be what it used to be. I take a multi vitamin and take biotin supplement as well. It can't hurt! I also started adding more protein in my diet with a soy protein mix. I drink a lot of soymilk.
Also I have been using no cones. I could actually see a difference when I used them again. My hair felt tackier and somewhat sticky. Therefore, I think I will stick without it. Surprise to me as I thought my hair really liked cones. I have the old nature's gate rosemary shampoo, conditioner, and the chamomile conditioner. I have also been CO'ing much more. I think the more moisture the better because my ends (ha! I mean my hair) is still very dry from the processing. I also use jojoba oil to weigh it down a bit, so it doesn't stand straight up. Shocked
I am trying to start good habits now.
Ok...sorry I have written a book length post here!
Take care everyone!

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 6:03am

Oh my goodness, you girls are both GORGEOUS!!!Shocked

I wanna be part Cherokee!!! Cry


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: May 13 2006 at 11:56am
Just wanted to say that you looked stunning Valorie. And you too Chemical Romance. 


28.02.06 34 inches - Photos
Lifes a grave. Dig it.
-Wednesday 13

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 11:19am
Yes, I agree. You both are very beautiful. ChemicalRomance - I like both photos of you, but the one with the curly/wavy hair is just gorgeous. Valorie, your short hair looks amazing on you.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 3:35pm

Welcome, Valerie!  You could re-register as Valorie, or some variant of Valerie, if you want.  Anyway, I wish you well on the grow-out!  And no, I don't think you have the shortest hair here, there are at least several others.  The purpose of this board is to support people (like yourself) who want to grow (or maintain) long hair; current hair length does not matter.  So, again, you are welcome here.

ChemicalRomance, thank you for sharing pictures of your lovely self here. Smile


Posted By: Lovely Cassie
Date Posted: May 14 2006 at 6:19pm
Your hair is sure to grow out nicely Valerie......think positive!  My hair was a similar length earlier in the year and is commencing to show some progress. We are all here to provide encouragement and keep each other on track with your goal of longer hair certainly also important to us as it is to you.

Posted By: ChemicalRomance
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 9:45am
Aw! Thanks so much you guys! Its appreciated. Just good luck to everyone with the hair growth!!!! I know its a struggle, but in the end its worth the time. Thanks again Valore, I am gonna look into getting some rosemary, I heard alot of good things about that stuff. How's it working for you?

"Our Sufferings on Earth Give Rewards In Heaven"
MCR Rocks

Posted By: Valore
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 12:31pm
Thanks so much for the warm welcome everyone!
Cassie, I am happy to hear of your progress! That is encouraging for sure.
ChemicalRomance, it is the rainwater herbal shampoo and the rainwater rosemary conditioner. I also have the chamomile conditioner. Right now I think they are good. I am a product junkie already. I use the VO5 Freemefreesia(sp?) and the passion fruit to CO along with one of the previous conditioners. But I still need to shampoo sometimes to CWC.  I have had little time to see much hair growth yet so I am not completely sure! I guess I will need more time. My hair feels better after using these rather than the silicones I have used in the past. I would really like to try some of the morocco method product. I haven't heard much of it except what I see on the website about it being very natural? I suppose I am wondering if it is as great as it is advertised or if it is just that...advertising to sell something? I saw a quote here (or something like it) once about not paying attention to your hair makes it grow fasterSmile. I think that is so funny and true!
take care!

Posted By: ChemicalRomance
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 8:46am

Yeah that is pretty true. Thinking about your hair growth constantly causes worry and stress, which are not good for you. Worry and stress can have bad effects on your body and growth I heard. Its said to not worry about hair growth, but actually to maintain the healthiness of the hair instead, which will help overall. I just heard something the other day, but someone told me if you wear your hair in a tight ponytail all the time it causes your hair to grow faster. The tightness actually pulls the hair all day long causing the follicle to be stimulated or something, someone trying to grow their hair out tried it and it worked, so I duno. But thanks for the recommendation of the rosemary conditioner, Ill look for that.

"Our Sufferings on Earth Give Rewards In Heaven"
MCR Rocks

Posted By: AnaJ152
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 3:14pm
Hi Valerie,
                      I just wanted to welcome you.  I to am growing out a cut but its not quite as short as yours.  Just a little below my shoulders, it was at my waist.  I'd had a perm put in the during the summer of '05.  I cut it out to get rid of the dead stuff.  I don't do anything special just try to eat right and not use my blow dryer to often.  I only comb my hair with a wide tooth comb when its wet.  I find that Suave shampoo and conditioner and Head'N'Shoulders work best on my hair.  Though I only use the HnS twice a week and then conditioner after on the ends.  In the end don't fuss about it cause it'll just make you think your hair will never grow out.  Again I wanna welcome you.

To live would be an awfully big adventure.

Posted By: Valore
Date Posted: May 17 2006 at 4:09pm
thanks, againSmile

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