Surge Plus 14
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Category: African American Hair
Forum Name: African American Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of African Americans.
Printed Date: March 13 2025 at 1:42am
Topic: Surge Plus 14
Posted By: brownie29
Subject: Surge Plus 14
Date Posted: May 22 2006 at 1:57pm
Has anyone use Surge 14? How is it used? Does it have positive results?
Posted By: chanelle#5
Date Posted: May 22 2006 at 3:08pm
I started using the Hair Revatilizer about a week ago. It feels good when I put it on, some tingling. As far as results, I have not seen anything as of yet. I just recently got a relaxer so its hard to tell. The bottle says to spray directly on scalp. I have been sectioning my hair off and spraying it on the scalp. Maybe a little on my ends. If that's wrong, someone let me know please
------------- We can change our lives by changing our attitudes.
Posted By: deexox
Date Posted: May 22 2006 at 3:50pm
I have no idea but I wantted to buy this for the longest and I keep putting it off!!! GRRR....does anyone have results?
------------- Hair Type- 4a/b *transitioning front of my head*
Length-ranges from 5-7 inches =)
Products- Garnier Fructis S & S Poo, Lustrasilk Shea Butter Mango Conditioner and Cantu-Leave in =)
Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: May 22 2006 at 5:23pm
I have used this for a while and i think it is great. i use it like every other day. I have used like 4 btls now. As far as growth i do think it helps but have i seen miraculous growth no- maybe a little more than usual.
------------- Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's
Posted By: brownie29
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 12:52pm
Does it make your hair softer,shinner or healthier?
Posted By: chanelle#5
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 3:50pm
It has for me, but as far as growth I haven't seen an aubudance yet. I have 9 days left, (you know it says you will see growth in 14 days) so I will make a post when I make my 14th day if you'd like
------------- We can change our lives by changing our attitudes.
Posted By: brownie29
Date Posted: May 23 2006 at 4:45pm
Please Chanelle let me know te outcome
Posted By: Claudie
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 4:18am
I am on my second bottle, and although I have not seen much growth, my edges are filling in. After doing some research on my own. I have decided to use this product less, maybe twice per week. Because, it has two strong protein in the mixture. I always use Surge 14, and massage it thoroughly, then oil my scalp with WGO. I am scared to get a protein overload again .
Posted By: chanelle#5
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 8:16am
@ Brownie29, I will make sure to make a post in 9 days.
@ Claudie, how are you applying the Surge? I know you said that you use it, but do you apply it? Every where on the scalp or just a certain areas? I never massage mine, but it sounds like a good idea, I think I will start. As far as you using the product less, did something happen with the product? I noticed that you said again, would you mind telling me what happended? I have been using this stuff on a daily twice a day (morning and night). I don't want an overload either
------------- We can change our lives by changing our attitudes.
Posted By: Renee
Date Posted: May 24 2006 at 12:29pm
im on my 2nd bottle too. i make a concotion with mine. everything. lol. i mix it with tosewater, wgho, sodium lactate, essential oils (peppermint, lavender, rosemary and ylang ylang), and other stuff i cant remember. oh, i just added sulphur powder to it. i apply it to my scalp every morning and night. ive only been suing it for a few weeks so i wont attest my growth to the surge
Posted By: Claudie
Date Posted: May 26 2006 at 11:30pm
chanelle#5 wrote:
@ Brownie29, I will make sure to make a post in 9 days.
@ Claudie, how are you applying the Surge? I know you said that you use it, but do you apply it? Every where on the scalp or just a certain areas? I never massage mine, but it sounds like a good idea, I think I will start. As far as you using the product less, did something happen with the product? I noticed that you said again, would you mind telling me what happended? I have been using this stuff on a daily twice a day (morning and night). I don't want an overload either  |
Hi Chanelle, I part my hair in sections and spray the surge everywhere on my scalp. To be honest, I have seen improvement. I had a protein overload once, and my hair has recovered nicely. Therefore, I am watching the amount of protein that I use in my hair. I used it twice per day. Now, I think that I am going to make a concoction with Surge, WGO, Cinnamon oil, rosemary oil, Vatika and I am still trying to think what else I should add to the mixture. I will let you know what my mixture is, when I am through researching.
Posted By: chanelle#5
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 9:38am
Claudie, that sounds good. I've never tried putting other oils like cinnamon and rosemary in my products. Where do you buy those from... BSS? Anyway, I am looking forward to trying your masterpiece.
------------- We can change our lives by changing our attitudes.
Posted By: carameldiva
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 11:39am
Renee- that mix that you are using sounds really good- you will have to let me know how it goes.
------------- Me and you, your cousin and your momma too rollin on da strip on bow's
Posted By: Luvlybelizean
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 12:39pm
i love surge 14, i have not seen growth yet, but it keeps my scalp clean and its very cool on the scalp. this is also a strenghtner and leave in so its great. i will use this 2x a day when i get my hair braided
right now my is breathing no weaves, etce. so i braid my natural hair in box braids and then spray in the surge, try this so the entire scalp is moisturized. 
------------- "A rose is still and always will be a rose"~Aretha Franklin.* Remember beauty is in the eyes of the beholder*
Last relaxer:4/06
Trans. styles: weaves&braids
goal:4-6" natural
Currently: 4"uneven
Posted By: mealncholymonie
Date Posted: May 27 2006 at 11:03pm
Maybe i'm just weird, but I used the surge for the fourteen days and I have seen about a half of an inch of new growth... is that the normal amount per two weeks? Any way, I love this stuff! I use it with WGHO. check out my little log, its under "HAS ANYONE USED WILD GROWTH HAIR OIL?" in the forum! Thanks guys
Posted By: Claudie
Date Posted: June 08 2006 at 2:51am
Chanelle, I buy the essential oils from a health food store here in town. I only added rosemary, cinnamon, avocado and basil oil to the mix, and so far, so good. Surge is good, my hairline is really filling in.
Posted By: chanelle#5
Date Posted: June 08 2006 at 10:50am
Brownie29 - I must tell you, I love this Surge stuff. My hairline is filling in!!! Take the 14 Day Challenge
------------- We can change our lives by changing our attitudes.
Posted By: chanelle#5
Date Posted: June 08 2006 at 10:51am
Thanks Claudie, I will be making a trip to the BSS today
------------- We can change our lives by changing our attitudes.
Posted By: brownie29
Date Posted: June 08 2006 at 11:54am
Well peeps, I have been on the Surge challenge for about almost a week(6 days)and I love the way Surge makes my hair feel since i have new growth the roots are more manageable and soft. I will see if a have growth next relaxer.
Thanks for your positive feedback  I was about to think I lost my money, but surge is a keeper! Good looking out Chanelle  .Next I well probably start to mix like a hair scientist you know Renee!!!!