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What's wrong with shampooing often?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 8:22am

Topic: What's wrong with shampooing often?
Posted By: anne6000
Subject: What's wrong with shampooing often?
Date Posted: May 31 2006 at 4:34pm
I know this is probably a very basic question (and I did look through the archives but may have missed a similar discussion), but it seems like a lot of people here prefer to go as long as possible between washings.  I exercise a lot and my hair often is dripping with sweat at the end of a workout, so there's no way I can not wash my hair once a day!  But what I want to know is what's wrong with shampoo, if you use a good kind?  how is it worse than taking a shower and just getting your hair wet?  I always use conditioner at the end.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 31 2006 at 5:29pm
I time my workouts (2 per week) to be just before my weekly S&C session.  I have read that some people successfully use WO after their workouts.
The concerns with frequent washing involve accumulated exposure to the chemicals in the shampoo that strip the oils, and the friction of washing and detangling (even if done with techniques that minimize it).  Generally, I believe the less fussing when fragile (wet), the better for its condition.


Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: May 31 2006 at 5:39pm

I have fragile hair, and I agree with Dave, the less handling the better. When I wash with shampoo I usually shed more than if I use CO or just water, and there is more potential for breakage from tangles and combing. Also, all shampoos, even very high quality ones, strip my hair and make it very dry. CO (conditioner only) works great for me, or very diluted shampoo.

I'm trying to move to weekly washings with only a couple of CO's or WO's in between. I think some people rinse the sweat off just their scalps, and others keep their hair braided when rinsing to minimize handling. I'm still struggling with the sweat issue because I like to exercise every day.....


Posted By: Sugarloaf
Date Posted: June 01 2006 at 2:58am
Unfortunately, I live in a very polluted city and there is no way that water only would clean my hair.  If I have a day off from work I sometimes miss out a hair wash or just dampen it in the shower.  But by the next morning it is horrible.  There are also probably loads of chemicals in my local water and buying gallons of bottled water is not an option.  My hair only looks and feels good when it has had a good shampoo and rinse.  Mind you, I only shampoo it once and never use a hairdrier.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: June 01 2006 at 12:55pm
I think it depends on your environment and how much your scalp and hair can take.  One option might be to dillute your shampoo with water.


Weather Forcast - With high humidity in the air, expect general hair frizziness to continue :-/
Current Length: 30 inches or so from the front

Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 01 2006 at 10:17pm
Interesting comments, thx.  I wonder if maybe I can get away with washing it everyday.  My hair is naturally very oily, and although I think all of you with really long hair are gorgeous, I'm pretty happy with my hair being just a few inches below my shoulders.  I'd like to grow it out about four inches, but after that, I'll be happy just to maintain that length.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: June 02 2006 at 10:14pm
Hi Anne, it really depends on the fine-ness of your hair strands as well. And of course the skinnier the strands, the less it can handle multiple shampoo cycles. I hope you find a happy medium. It sounds like you've got a plan.


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: June 04 2006 at 1:35pm
Hi Anne,
Part of the equation for how often is "okay" to wash your hair depends on how long you plan to grow your hair.  Given the goal for which you're striving, I think you could "get away with" washing your hair more frequently than some of us here (once a week or less, or even not at all).
That said, I would recommend to anyone and everyone, no matter how often they wash your hair, to dilute their shampoo with at least 5 parts of water to 1 part of shampoo (I go with about 10 parts water to 1 part shampoo).  I wrote an article here years ago about the process, which is still valid.  And I promise that your hair will still get clean.  Smile


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