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Should I go this short?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: June 24 2024 at 7:34am

Topic: Should I go this short?
Posted By: tashanicole86
Subject: Should I go this short?
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 12:06am
I have a square face shape, actually it is ver similar to Mandy Moore.  I want to get my hair cut like Samaire Armstrong.  Here are the links that i REALLY like! Below is a picture of me and of the same hairstyle just on a different day.

SHould I go for it?...right now its touching my shoulders.

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 12:10am -

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 12:39am
I was only able to get one photo, the top one, which looks like a nice hairstyle.
The other pics, including the one of you, didn't come through.


Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 1:30am
The first picture was me, and the second two are what i would like to do.  If you have any suggestions of what would be good for me too...that would be appreciated, as far as this haircut is concerned, should i go for it?

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 1:31am

Posted By: trout
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 6:02am
Obviously in this forum most will encourage you to go short.  We're a biased crowd. 
I think it's a good move for you to either go shorter or longer as the current look squares off your jawline.  I like the Samaire Armstrong look for you a lot.  You have something of her in your face in that I think if you tried to pull off a really dainty, ultra-feminine look you would have trouble, but a funkier sexy look will suit you really well.  I vote to go with the short look and think you made a good pick.  Not many can pull of Samaire's look but you will do great.

Posted By: trout
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 6:03am
BTW - I wouldn't recommend going shorter than the pictures you've posted.  I think a pixie would really harden your face and not do well.  Keep some flip or curl or a little bit of length.

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 12:13pm
Thanks for the advice, i appreciate it, I think I am going to do it. Hopefully fairly soon.  I'd would appreciate more opinions from others, just cuz I am a little nervous how it will make my face shape appear. THANKS

Posted By: Heratic
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 2:29pm
Looks like a good option to me - go for it

Its your hair, your choice and your decision

Posted By: ricksnip
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 5:34pm
go for it you have a beautiful face and any short cut would really suit you!!!! you have great features you should show them off!! so i think you should chop it off

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 10:22pm
Go for the short hairstyle. You are a lovely, feminine lady who would look delightful in short hair. And you could even wear a pixie if it was styled the right way for you.


Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 24 2006 at 11:01pm

Thanks, I really appreciate all the advice. I think I am going to do it!  If anyone has any more comments, i would really appreciate it.

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: June 25 2006 at 12:47am
my only last  suggestion is you may need to get some new highlights as well that will perk up that style.


Posted By: ricksnip
Date Posted: June 25 2006 at 8:51am
i agree get some highlights and go short!!! you have a perfect face for short hair!! even pixie short. so if you chop it off please post some after photos. good luck you will look awesome

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 25 2006 at 10:54pm
I really really would like more opinions and comments. I am starting to chicken out about this cut and still have ike 3-5 more days before I will be able to get it done.  I would really appreciate reassurance that this style will look good and still be sexy and feminine on my face.  I am paranoid about getting a bad haircut cuz i had one when i was younger and Hated it....THANKS SOOO MUCH!!!!

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: June 25 2006 at 11:11pm
Just go to a really good beauty salon with good hairstylists that are accustomed to doing short 'dos on young women. And then don't worry about it. You will look just fine lovely lady.


Posted By: Rachel A
Date Posted: June 25 2006 at 11:45pm
You have very similar features. I think you should try the cutstyle. It looks like it will fit your face very well. I agree highlites should be incorporated into the cut.

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

Posted By: DarkHelmet
Date Posted: June 26 2006 at 1:52am

I think you have a simular look/ simular facial features as Samaire Armstrong. So I think it would be a perfect fit to have the same cut she has.

The last pic of her with the guy from The O.C. shows her cut the best.
If you do go for it make sure you bring all those pics so the stylist can see all the angles of the hairstyle. If you do that, I think it'll turn out and look exactly how it looks on her.
good luck with it all.

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: June 26 2006 at 8:54am
well ill be perfectly honest with you ( the style you have NOW really isnt doing it for you ) ITs a bit stringy and shaggy and you need a update It doesnt even shape your face it just hangs it has no definition around your structure, i personally think you will look fine with this new cut but that is my opinion. :) good luck. I do hope you do something if not this cut something you do need something a bit more flattering.


Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 26 2006 at 7:52pm
Originally posted by tashanicole86 tashanicole86 wrote:

I really really would like more opinions and comments. I am starting to chicken out about this cut and still have ike 3-5 more days before I will be able to get it done.  I would really appreciate reassurance that this style will look good and still be sexy and feminine on my face. 
You're asking the impossible.  You want to know for certain that you're going to look fantastic and that you're going to love your haircut.  There's only one way to find out for certain, and that's to do it.
It may turn out that you love the way you look and feel!  Or, you may hate it.
The problem is that all the people begging you to cut it won't be around when you have to look at yourself in the mirror each morning in the unfortunate case that you really hate it.  It appears that most people here will tell you to cut it, no matter what, simply because they want women to cut their hair short.
You really have to do what YOU want.  Sometimes that involves taking risks.  If you're able to accept the possible negative consequences, then do it.

Posted By: HairStyleDiva
Date Posted: June 26 2006 at 8:07pm
Its up to you, I think it would look cute though. goodluck 

Go for it change is good, Hair grows back.

Posted By: shorthairissexy
Date Posted: June 27 2006 at 9:40pm
If you really want a change, I think that would be a great choice.  I found it interesting how similar you look to Samaire.  My vote - go for it, you will look awesome (Please provide a pic if you go through with it)

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 1:12am

Okay...i actually didn't end up chickening out.  I am getting married next August of 2007 and I want to have a nice updo.  So what i decided to do is instead of just cutting off the 4 inches that i woulda been cutting off for this cut is to grow it out another 6 inches and give it to Locks of Love.  I don't want to be wasting my hair and just throw it away. I think it would be nice to grow it out and give it to someone who doesnt have any hair.  Another nice thing about waiting til after my wedding is that I would be able to and want to go shorter without having to worry about how much it is going to grow out in a year.  Here is what i would LOVE to do with my hair. 

If anyone has any more thoughts or ideas i would appreciate them.. Would this cut look okay with a square face shape??  THANKS.!!!

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 5:04am
Welcome to the boards ShortHairIsSexy! Is that you in your photo? You look lovely!

That hairstyle is adorable! You will look delightful in it, a very sexy look! It will be nice when you can get that hairstyle. I am sure your new husband will love you in it! I would!


Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 6:08pm
oooohhhhh DAMN! that is boring news   there is nothing prettier than a wedding dress with a short hairdo  its so sexy looking   updos look short  so whatsthe point?
you cant donate your hair if it is dyed and yurs looks like it is  anyway i think you should re-consider   -lb

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: Lem0605
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 8:43pm
GO SHORT!! It's the thing to do for the summer.. look at all of the celebs going short. I want to see a picture of the after!! I love the cut!

Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 9:37pm
I'm very happy that you actually took some time and thought seriously about this.  Personally, I think you'll look very elegant and beautiful in an updo.  But please, please, please remember that you have to do what's right for you, regardless of how much cheering you get from the sideslines to do what they want you to do.

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 9:39pm
i agree   its uip to u in the end

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 9:45pm
Originally posted by Lem0605 Lem0605 wrote:

GO SHORT!! It's the thing to do for the summer.. look at all of the celebs going short. I want to see a picture of the after!! I love the cut!
Your post is very perplexing.  From what you wrote, you want her to cut her hair short with no regard to what she wants simply because
you like short hair (you probably don't know her and will never meet her)
and you want to see a picture of her haircut (so she's cutting it to provide a picture for your enjoyment)
and (I really don't understand this) all the celebs are going short? 
These are very good reasons for her not to cut her hair.  She's an individual and should not follow the herd.  If she really wants short hair, then I support her 100%!  She's gorgeous and will look good in nearly any hairstyle.  But the reasons given for cutting her hair have little to nothing to do with her as an individual. 

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 10:06pm
I disagree Anne.
The people here on these boards who are encouraging her to go short, have seen a photo of her, and seem to believe she would look good with that short hairstyle, as I do.


Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 28 2006 at 10:41pm
Trust me I want to go short. Now just isn't the time for me.  I've had my hair short for the past two years.  I really want to have a nice updo for my wedding plus it will be fun to play with the long hair and grow it out for charity.  I really like my hair short.  It's easy to do, but it's also fun to change your look, so right now what is best for me is to grow it out b/c i really want it long for the updo.  Then i want to cut it off right after that, which will give me plenty for charity.

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: June 29 2006 at 7:41am
as a barber if she came to me I would have to agree with her. I have a shop that is unique that is I do cut and have plenty of female clients. I will say that in he past I had a few who went short weeks after getting married. Locks of Love is a fantastic charity,If this is your wish to help others please do so. At least once every two months someone donates hair. I also do cut-athon's for the public. I hope you are sure when it's "cutting time".Once they start always have them do the nape first so incase you chicken out only your nape is short and your able to let the long hair overit. Good Luck in your wishes

Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 29 2006 at 10:55am
Originally posted by tashanicole86 tashanicole86 wrote:

Trust me I want to go short.
Great!  That's the only opinion that matters.  I just think it's wrong for others to tell you to cut your hair because they want you to cut it or because it's the latest trend.
I'm a little confused, though.  If you really love short hair, then why don't you want that for your wedding?  I would think you'd want to look your very best.

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: June 29 2006 at 11:41am
Because I want to have an updo. I remember prom in high school and I just felt elegant and sophisticated when I had a beautiful updo.  I have had my hair short for the past two years and figure this would be a great time to grow my hair out.  I don't like my hair right now b/c it is at that in between stage but im looking forward to growing it out for my wedding and charity and then making a change after I get married.

Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 29 2006 at 12:14pm
Originally posted by tashanicole86 tashanicole86 wrote:

Because I want to have an updo. I remember prom in high school and I just felt elegant and sophisticated when I had a beautiful updo.
I can imagine!   Your hairstyle for your wedding should be whatever you think is the most beautiful,  no matter what style or length it is. 
I just wanted to make sure that whatever you do, you do it because you want to do it, not because others have told you their preferences.  I'm a little sensitive in this area, because I've been often told that I should cut my hair short without regard to my opinion.  I think the most important opinion is yours.  Your posts showed that you were very unsure about the decision.  Unfortunately, with short hair, the options for trying to fix a bad haircut are very limited because there isn't much hair to work with.  When you said you were paranoid about getting a bad haircut, that really concerned me, so I was just trying to help you avoid a decision that you would regret. 

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: June 29 2006 at 2:20pm
Anne, it is not "wrong" for us to give her our advice, when she asks us for advice.


Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: June 29 2006 at 2:36pm
Originally posted by SanFranBrent SanFranBrent wrote:

Anne, it is not "wrong" for us to give her our advice, when she asks us for advice.
You're right, it isn't at all.  I might be very wrong, but here is what I saw.  She said she was "paranoid about getting a bad haircut" which would be easy to do if her stylist or whoever is cutting her hair doesn't do a good job.  Also, just her statement about being very scared about a bad haircut with the addition of "chickening out" made me think that she wasn't sold on cutting her hair.   Most of the replies, at least to me, tended to focus on what the posters wanted her to do and tended to avoid her uncertainty.  I probably wasn't doing a very good job, but I was honestly just trying to help her avoid a decision she would later regret.
Maybe there's just a fine line between someone who definitely wants to cut her hair and is just looking for the right style vs one who is not sure whether she wants to cut her hair.   I just received conflicting messages.  I really wasn't trying to insult anyone who replied. 

Posted By: demodoll
Date Posted: June 30 2006 at 1:41pm
I think perhaps she isn't really ready to take the plunge.  I don't know that updos are truly necessary for weddings since you can also make short hair look very elegant and beautiful.  I think she would look great with short hair.  I have a square face too and I am pretty happy with a real short haircut although it did take me several years of sitting on the fence to take the plunge.  When she is ready she can just do it!

"It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal

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