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Touch Test Seamless/Skin Weft & Ques.

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:21pm

Topic: Touch Test Seamless/Skin Weft & Ques.
Posted By: Yippee
Subject: Touch Test Seamless/Skin Weft & Ques.
Date Posted: July 04 2006 at 11:58pm
Hi all,
I'm new to all this and have never had extensions but I think I'm already addicted.  To get started I've considered the seamless/skin weft technique.  Can someone tell me what is the touchability (undetectable) of the skin weft when you run your fingers through it? Are you able to feel them when you do this and how so? How close to your hair line can you get with using this method?  What is the best tape/adhesive/glue to reenforce the weft's hold? What is the best thing to use to remove the weft?
Thanks everyone! And, you're all are very ingenious and fun with your ideas from the threads I've read so far. 
P.S. I apologize for all the questions and if they have already been answered in past posts.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 05 2006 at 6:21am
Hi Yippee, welcome to the forum!
Dont apoligize girl, ask all the questions you need, we love answering questions!
I dont think there is any method that you cant 'feel' if you run your fingers through your hair near the roots. But the skin wefts would be one of the least detectable for 'feel'. Skin wefts lay very flat, so if you were to run your hand down the back of your head you wont feel them.
How close you can get to the hair line depends on how thin/thick your hair is. But you can certainly get alot closer with a skin weft than any other type of weft. Also it depends on root match. If you have an exact match to your root color you can go extremely close to the part without it showing.
Pro-tac tape seems to be the best tape option going. Some people use it alone. Most people are using the skin weft in combination with Liquid gold glue or Vapon no-tape glue.
The bonds can be removed with various removers ranging from acetone, citrus removers, or vapon has an alcohol based remover.

------------- - -

Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: July 05 2006 at 11:39am
I'm happy to join, you all are w-a-a-y c-o-o-o-l on this board here!
O.K., I think I get how to do this -- I have a mannequin/doll head that I'll practice on as soon as I can get some of the skin weft.  And, great answering all my ques.
I think I'll try to order it from one of the sites mentioned.  This stuff is so neat.

Posted By: Synne
Date Posted: July 05 2006 at 1:37pm

Welcome Yippee.

I can really recommend a book called "Extensions, The official guide to hair extensions" by Theresa Bullock.

You can find it on amazon: -


Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: July 05 2006 at 6:15pm
Hello Synne,
Thanks for the welcome.
I'll certainly consider the book. I appreciate the info.    Does it cover how to do invisible weaves (I think this is called strand-by-strand) or the latch hook technique for undetectable weaves? If so, can you describe just a tad bit how this is done?  And, I'll  try to find an example of what I'm talking about to see if anyone's familiar with it. 

Posted By: Lynn74
Date Posted: July 05 2006 at 8:44pm
I am currently test driving skin wefts with protac (had them in for a week now) and  you can definitely feel them if you run your fingers through your hair, but maybe a little less than regular wefts.  Any foreign object can be felt in your hair, no way getting around it!

Posted By: Synne
Date Posted: July 06 2006 at 12:36pm
The book covers strand by strand, and a number of other things. Including insurance, colouring the hair, tools, client aftercare and much more.
I will shoot some picturesfor you. I´ll have them uploaded later tonight (its 7:30 pm here right now and I´m getting ready to put kids to bead ).


Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: July 06 2006 at 6:44pm

Synne, No rush. I had class so I'll try to get the pics or at least description of what I assume the strand-by-strand is.

Lynn, I guess you're right, but I thought I saw a technique that's suppose to be very near untouchable. I could be going  lol (aren't these emo's funny). And, this could all be a dream. But, dreams are good and do come true.


Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: July 08 2006 at 1:45pm
Here is the (near)  undetectable I've seen. Synne is this what's in the book? Is this the strand by strand you were speaking of?  This is what I'm interested in learning I have a live head to practice on once I



    This is an invisible, virtually undetectable strand-by-strand hair extension method, Micro-Interlocks, sometimes called micro links,  does not utilize glue, like the infusion method, metal or plastic attachments that can pull and damage your hair. Amazingly, there are no wefts!  The Micro-Interlock system allows free access to the scalp.  The result is a natural looking hairstyle that  allows for extreme flexibility, all while promoting a  healthy scalp that is  free to breathe. Moreover, the natural looking hair line allows the hair to  be worn up or down. With proper care this weave can last from 6-8 months.   Hair can be chemically relaxed with extensions still in place. This system works best for people with medium to thin hair density.

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: July 16 2006 at 10:14am
Microinterlock? Does it say what is used for the fusion if it's not rings or glue? Do tell!


Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: July 16 2006 at 10:15am
6-8 months is way too long!


Posted By: mokipono
Date Posted: July 16 2006 at 2:06pm
This method looks like Cyberhair  3 strands fiber attached to 1 strand human hair. Isn't this what Charlene does from - ?

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: July 17 2006 at 1:33pm
What if you'd like your install completed during your lifetime? 3 strands to one strand of your own hair sounds mighty time consuming.

Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: July 17 2006 at 6:21pm


Elvira & Syren, 
Y'all made me laugh, "way to long,"  ". . . like your install completed during your lifetime." Elvira, to me it looks like there is some kind of glue although it says glue isn't used -- maybe some kind of polymer? I sure don't know. 
I have to find the link where I saw this. I guess a person would certainly have to do this in segments and would work well for someone who want's a more permanent method with little follow up.  Don't quote me, but I've read that this is done often in Europe.
Another site that does a very similar technique, said it takes 2 days to complete. I think I have the patience to learn it. Should I do learn it, I have a couple of folks who want to have it done and I've read online of others who want this.
Novice that I am, I don't think this would be too bad if some how it's added spread out in some kind of uniformed way and truly not every strand.
Mokipono, I'll check cybermane to see what they have.
Gotta go hunt down the link.  .  .  .

Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: July 17 2006 at 6:35pm
Here goes and anyone interested in Indian Hair may want to check this site too. (I can't vouch for the quality though).  Click on weave for more info. -

Posted By: Yippee
Date Posted: September 09 2006 at 6:01pm

Hi Synne,

It's been a while since I've posted. But, I ordered the book you recommended on hair extenstions.  I got it for about $42.00.  I should have it in a few days or so.  Do you have any of the pics on the strand-by-strand technique or is it interlock to post?  FYI: I'm looking for a class or workshop to take the end of Sept or in Oct.  I'm excited to learn this.

Oh, I take all prayers and well wishes. I hope everyone is well. 

Posted By: elisaelisa
Date Posted: July 18 2009 at 5:46pm

Can anyone recommend where I can get seamless/ skin weft education in NYC? I am not interested in the online courses as I haven’t heard good things about them. I also would love if some of you more experienced could tell me where you are buying your hair which companies you’ve found to be good quality and maybe some to stay away from. Thank you in advance for all for information and assistance.

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