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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 4:33am

Topic: Mayonaise??
Posted By: lmacy2
Subject: Mayonaise??
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 2:55pm
My girlfriend told me to try putting mayo on my hair for a conditioning treatment.  Does anyone out there do this??  My friend is african american and she said that it works wonders on her hair.  I figured if it works for her, it would do WONDERS for me!! 
If anyone does this, what kind of mayo do you use and how long...details please!  Does it make your hair stink like mayo for awhile???

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: July 14 2006 at 6:44pm
There have been a couple of threads about this recently:  check out this one -


Posted By: missy60
Date Posted: September 25 2006 at 9:55am
I tried this once a few days ago and loved it.  I also think it needs to go on first then shampoo off.  When i first wet my hair before shampooing it felt terrible like it was going to be a tangly mess, but after the shampoo and conditioner it was great so soft and shiney

Posted By: Sharyg11
Date Posted: September 25 2006 at 11:06pm
Mayo is good for the hair, specially is you mixed it with olive oil. However, at least in my experience, this is used for either very dry or damged hair. My understanding is that this is better for people with damage from perms or relaxers. I tried it once, it was OK, but nothing I couldn't achieve with a bottle of Redken All soft and a heat cap. IMO with so many good treatments in the market why bother. Unless you want to start using only natural things in your hair. However, you still have to shampoo and condition after the mayo treatment for your hair to look good. So why bother. If you want to go with natural treatments and want something that really works try Avocado with Olive oil. Mash a ripe avocado, mix in a little olive oil, put on a plastic cap and leave on for 15-20. After that you can shampoo and condition. The avocado oil will do wonders for your hair. It is really good.
Much love, Shary

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: September 26 2006 at 10:34am
well its great at killing lice i know that. but as a treatment i always opposed to it i had a doctor tell me once it can cause scalp fungus and other problems if put on the scalp esp if left to long.


Posted By: Sharyg11
Date Posted: September 26 2006 at 11:57am
Mayo kills lice? are you serious? OMG I never heard that before. I wish I had this information when I was 9 and had hair half way down my back and got lice in school. My poor mom went through hell, and tried everything and nothing would work. She finally was so desparate (and please don't scream when you read this, neither do it yourself) that she got a bottle of...are you ready?...Black Flag bug spray and sprayed the strands of my hair. She was of course carefull not to apply it to my scalp. But still, BLACK FLAG? She could have killed me. We talk about it now and we both laugh, and she says herself, "OMG I can't believe I did that". I mean my mom was a lab technician, and has great medical knowledge. She must have been pretty desprate I guess. I later on found out that dying the hair will also kill the lice as well as the eggs. It would still have been xtreme for a 9 year old, but at least it would have been better than bug spray!!!
Babycheeks, just out of curiosity, did this doctor explained to you how mayo could cause fungus on the scalp? I mean as an ex-bio student I just can't see that. Unless the mayo has some kind of fungi already in it. Mayo is oil, eggs, and lemon juice. I know it can develop Salmonella if left out of the fridge too long, but I can't see how it would develop a fungus on the scalp. I'm just curious, so if I hear the topic later on, I have all the facts, and can tell people not to use it. If he happened to give you that information, please let me know. It is very interesting and would like to know the details about it.
Much love, Shary

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: September 26 2006 at 1:00pm
 yes for lice i use to do it all the time instead of those harmful treatments but the down side is you have to leave it on a long time thus can cause fungus like he said but you just put the may o on dry hair put a shower cap on leave it on for a few hours the lice sufforcate then u shampoo conditioner and comb them out with a lice comb, repeat for a few days and there dead.
He didnt give me all the facts at the time i was going in for a ringworm i had and we were talking about how u can get ringworms on your scalp, but i didnt have any but he wasgiving me info to avoid that since ih ad afew on my hand, and i just casually brought up mayo treatments and he very simplistically said that it can cause fungus maybe due to the salmonella i dont know cause its not in the fridge anymore once its in ur scalp dunno. But ill see what info i can find when ihave more time maybe you can look it up.


Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: September 26 2006 at 1:10pm
i asked my brother he said due to the risk of salmonella that is why the doc said that. Bascially when the mayo touches the warm scalp that gives it a chance to thrive and grow, and even upon washing out if just a tad bit is left it can grow causing scalp conditions.


Posted By: Sharyg11
Date Posted: September 26 2006 at 10:50pm
Well, I guess that could be it. I'm gonna try doing some research and see what I can find about it. Just for sake of knowing. I mayself don't use it. Is just too messy for me, and I hate smelling like a salad LOL.
Anyway, thanks for the info girl, I appreciate it.
Much love, Shary

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