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I miss my hair

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 4:23am

Topic: I miss my hair
Posted By: Sedorna
Subject: I miss my hair
Date Posted: July 25 2006 at 12:31pm
I did a very silly thing. A week or two ago, in the middle of a heat wave, I decided to chop off all my hair, thinking it would look cute.

And, to be honest, it does look nice. If I saw my hair on somebody else, I'd think, "Gee, that's nice". But...I miss it! It doesn't feel right. I miss the length, I miss the *feel* of it most of all.  I miss taking it out of the style du'jour and having it fall down upon my bare back (usually before bed or shower or whatnot). I misss seeing it blow around when I'm driving it the car. I miss singing, off key, to the musical "Hair" and thinking, "that's me!" Why didn't I tell myself, "it's summer. It's hot. It'll be hot no matter what the length of your hair is.  Don't cut it into two inch layers because of the freaking weather!"

But I didn't, and now I miss it. It was so much easier than short hair. I could shower in the evening and simply braid it during the day when it was long, giving me extra sleeping minutes.

Well, I'll just have to grow it out. I *will* have a waist-length braid someday!

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: July 26 2006 at 7:01am
I'm sorry to hear you miss your hair.  I've been there, just in June of 2003, and I felt the same way.  The best thing to do is try to enjoy it the way it is now, do things with it that you can do with short hair that you know you won't be able to do when its long again, and try not to focus on what you wish it was.  It helps the time go by while you wait for it to grow.   

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: whhoiskad
Date Posted: July 26 2006 at 8:29am
Keep postitive and enjoy every stage of the growing out process!
How long was your hair in inches before you cut it?
Please dont worry we will all support you here

Hair Type 2a/m/ii

Posted By: Sedorna
Date Posted: July 26 2006 at 10:04am
Thanks, you guys! Now, I think I will have fun with my short hair, though I cannot wait until this stupid Alfalfa-cowlick in the back grows out. 

As for how long my hair was in inches, I'm not really sure. It was, however, halfway between BSL and waist length.

Well, again, thanks for the encouragement, guys!

Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: July 26 2006 at 1:30pm
Sedorna, I'm so sorry about your hair.  In a more positive vein, you are free from all those darned split ends that so many people have!

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 28 2006 at 8:28am
And, to be honest, it does look nice. If I saw my hair on somebody else, I'd think, "Gee, that's nice".
If you think your hair looks nice then savor the moment. Make intermediate goals like 1st pony/bun or shoulders,etc. In the meantime stay stress-free,eat a balanced diet, wear hair up a lot, wash infequently, and visit this board a lot. In no time your hair will be back to its crowning glory.

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: hAiRjUnKiE247
Date Posted: July 28 2006 at 10:11am

you could do extensions yourself in the mean time. they have clip in ones that wont damage your hair if your afraid of that. I have extensions for yrs. i chopped all mine off and put them in grew it all back and took them out : ) of course i was dumb and played with the bleach again so no yup..back to hair extensions lol

I'm hair extensions wheeee

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: July 28 2006 at 10:38am
take some photos! i've chopped mine a couple times, and it was always good incentive to grow it longer and healthier than the time before.. until i mess with chemical dyes like hairjunkie lol. my biggest problem with very short hair was that i could not pull it back. it's a good feeling and keeps it out of the way. good luck with the growing process 

Sugarcube, are you saying that visiting the forum will make our hair grow faster? lol


Posted By: cjgjle
Date Posted: July 28 2006 at 3:53pm
On the positive note you get a fresh slate to grow your hair out healthier than before. The only thing I messed up on when I cut my hair is that I caught up in the process of trying to dye, fry and flat iron my hair to get it to look good short and that's what the salons want you to do so you come in for more trims. Just don't fall into that trap and your hair should grow out nicely.

Jo Jo

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: July 28 2006 at 4:11pm
YEP!! But on a serious note this forum has made a good difference on my hair and Im sure it will do the same 4 her (or maybe this forum has magic affects J/K)(I don't believe in magic)

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: July 29 2006 at 12:19pm

      Sorry, Sedorna! I've always thought of a summer haircut to beat the heat as effective as putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. The hair is gone, but the heat remains. Esp. , these guys who shave their heads, and now have a waterfall of sweat running down their faces, which their hair used to absorb! When I had lots of hair in summers past, I enjoyed the feel of the freshly washed hair on my neck.

     Well, your hair *will* grow, and you will be much wiser next time! Plus, I'm sure it looks fine, and you can enjoy some of the fun styles you haven't had in a while as it grows. (No perms, tho'! lol) Happy growing! Bob 

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 02 2006 at 9:26pm
Hi Sedorna,

I'm sorry to hear you aren't happy now.  If it's any consolation, many, if not all, of us have "been there" before.  My hair was mega-short years ago, but just look at me now.  You'll get it back by letting it come back and taking good care of what grows.


Posted By: horselover_1625
Date Posted: August 06 2006 at 11:52am
Hey, Sedorna,
Well, I guess I can offer my consolation along with everyone else. And like it's been said, just work with what you have and take good care of it until it grows out. I find every time I begin cutting on my hair, I regret it afterwards. So, now, I just leave it alone (or am trying to!). So just hang in there! I'm sure your hair looks great!
*It also sounds like you need to stay out of the heat....if it made you chop off your hair, no telling what you will do next! Just kidding!!!

What good is life without a horse??!!!

Posted By: Lovely Cassie
Date Posted: August 06 2006 at 6:23pm
Hi Sedorna
Embrace your short hair but also enjoy the experience of experimenting with new styles as it grows out. My hair was worn in a ultra short pixie earlier in the year but is now commencing to show signs of growth providing further incentive to reach its former glory of waist length. Above all welcome to the message board.

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: August 20 2006 at 11:50pm

Your story about cutting off your long hair during the heat reminded me of a Miss Universe contestant -- an Asian woman with waistlength hair -- cutting off her long hair because of the heat in Las Vegas or wherever the TV program was being recorded that year. Needless to say, she didn't win.

Posted By: Amazing Grace
Date Posted: August 21 2006 at 3:51pm
Sedorna, we can re-grown our hair together.

I just spent a month in the hospital and somewhere in the middle of all that, I had my husband cut nine inches off the back because it just was in the way and creating problems and I couldn't comb it properly.

So I went from BSL to not even long enough for a ponytail. It does look cute, but "cute" isn't me, so I intend to start re-growing immediately.

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: August 22 2006 at 1:18am
Sedorna, so sorry to hear  you're missing your hair. It would be great, though, to "start fresh" and grow healthy new hair! Post pics when you get a chance, and show us some update lengths at various intervals. I'm not all that long either, so we can all grow long together!
Amazing Grace - How are you feeling? Glad to hear you're out of the hospital now. Your hair will grow nicely now that you're out. Take good care


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 26 2006 at 4:51am
Amazing Grace,

I hope your hospital visit was successful and that you heal well and rapidly.   Gentle hug Oh, and happy hair re-growth.


Posted By: Amazing Grace
Date Posted: August 27 2006 at 9:36am
Thanks SpecialKitty and Dave.

The hip replacement itself went well, however, I developed a couple complications post-surgery that are slowing me down a bit. So resuming "real life" will take a bit longer, but maybe that's not so bad.

As for the hair... I still need to have a well-trusted friend who knows how to trim hair come and even out the back. I'm procrastinating because I don't see the back and I don't want scissors near my hair again!

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