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I may have to abandon everyone soon

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 4:35am

Topic: I may have to abandon everyone soon
Posted By: letmecount123
Subject: I may have to abandon everyone soon
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 1:10am
My hair's a mess. After 7 months of no blow drying, all sorts of interesting wash routines, satin pillowcases, and "taking care" of my hair, it looks like crap.

It's too fuzzy/poofy to wear down anymore and the ends are starting to get ratty (I usually go 6-7 months between trims, but this is especially bad).

It looked a lot better when I was partaking in the occasional blow-out and actually wearing it down a few times a week, whereas lately I don't and CAN'T wear it down because it looks an awful mess.

Plus I think I want to try out some long bangs... I had long face framing pieces cut in 7 months ago and they've grown out to my shoulders now...they're just fuzzy and won't stay in a ponytail or anything.

I'm going to "think about" at least a few inch trim and some sideswept bangs until next week and then I'll let everyone know what I decide. I just have no desire to go back to school looking a fuzzy mess. It's nice to have "long hair," but it sucks to be one of those girls were people compliment you to your face and then go "ew, gross" behind your back.

Ciao for now.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 7:54am
That doesn't mean you have to abandon us!  We want you to be happy with your hair too, and you need to do with it whatever makes you happy.  If your current routine isn't working, and blowdrying and more frequent trimming is what makes it work for you, go for it, and stick around to share your experiences with others! 

As I get older, my hair is a lot frizzier than it used to be, and it needs more frequent trims too.  I can't go more than 3 months without trimming off at least 1/4 of an inch, or it starts to make me unhappy.  It makes for a long journey, but you just have to do what works for you.

Good luck, and if you still decide to leave, may you have many good hair days in your future!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 9:52am
OK, I'm curious. How did you go from this three days ago on another thread:
"Hey! Nice job. Your hair looks a lot like mine (although mine has gotten a lot lighter over the years).

You must be taller than me, because I'm at about 30.75" right now and right about waist length already. But then again, I'm only 5' tall, haha.

My final goal is also around 35" which I should reach sometime next year. I have no desire to grow it any longer than that... wouldn't want to worry about accidentally dangling it into the toilet or thanks!"
... to your thoughts today. Rather than go to some extreme change you may regret later, wouldn't it be better to go to a professional that could get rid of the rattiness and make it look more workable while retaining the length? I was impressed when you said you wanted to go to 35 inches, but confused when days later you said you might go short.
Naturally, I'm not seeing you in person, but your long hair looks gorgeous in your photos -- lots better than your shorter style.

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 10:01am
 Like Kramer said go somewhere good and have them fine tune it a bit , I'm sure they can.    You may regret it if you go short its just starting to get really long,  think about it.  We would still like to see you around no matter what your descision,.

1b-M-ii type, 29.5 inches long as of 07/11/06, goal for now waist

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 1:15pm
      First of all, Holly, I enjoy your retrospective. Your short hair was pretty, and you long hair is phenomenal. My wife has hip length hair, and she blowdries ALL the time. She hates a wet head, but besides, it looks smoother and silkier after it's blown dry. One simply must be careful, IMO. What works wonders for some can be the kiss of death for others. Good luck, Bob

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 1:21pm
Regardless of your decision, I hope you stick around! Your hair is gorgeous and I'm sure with a small tidy up it will be even more so!
A bit of advice though, I thought sideswept bangs would be great and I'd love them. I clipped them back about three hours after they were cut and grew them to a point where I could even them out, did so and then kept them growing. They were sooo annoying! They made me feel really dizzy because I could only see out of one eye!

Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 4:01pm
Haha, ooookay guys. I never said I was going "short"...probably just a few inch trim, but that I would be abandoning the long hair mantra, etc.

And I few days ago, I hadn't worn my hair down for a few weeks. I tried to wear it down yesterday and it was just a frizzy mess... hence I realized just how bad it had gotten and figured out that it needed something.

I posted on another messageboard I go to and they suggested some of the following (for bangs):

Of course most of these people on the other messageboard also have not so encouraging words for me:

"it's not that long hair is bad, yours just has no style to it. it just hangs there and does nothing for your face. "

"To be honest, the long hair just makes you look frumpy"

"Hair that long, on 99% of people, is not attractive. It's just too...much. It's not doing anything for you!"

Aren't they sweet?


Posted By: Pkj049
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 6:37pm
What a load of crap. Your hair looks absolutely beautiful in your pictures. Are those people blind or just jealous?
Just remember it is a bad time of year for everyone. It is so hot and humid that most of the time my hair is escaping every "do" I put it in. Wait at least a few week when the less humid weather comes around. It takes me several weeks to just make the call to get a 1/4th inch trim.
In the meantime, keep looking at pictures of styles--really ponder what style you want than do what makes you happy, not everyone else. You have to be happy with yourself.

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: August 11 2006 at 7:49pm
Hey Holly,
Those people on the other forums are jealous or they are so caught up in what is "trendy" that they can't see true beauty when it is right in front of them. Please ignore them if you can. Every time I see a photo of your hair, it inspires me to keep growing mine. I think everyone goes through periods where they think their hair looks bad. Also, keep in mind that you are in the middle of summer, when your hair has been exposed to sun, salt, wind, water much more than in the winter time. Also, you had those mini-braids, which may alter your hair for a short period of time afterwards (due to being tied up for so long, lack of moisture, etc). Anyway, I just wanted to say your hair is so lovely and long. If blow drying it sometimes feels good to you - go for it.  Take care, and enjoy the rest of the summer.


Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: August 12 2006 at 4:46am
I have to say, for all that is Jojo the 10 year old chavmonster in one of those photos, the bangs look quite nice.

Posted By: rhpetunia
Date Posted: August 12 2006 at 8:42pm
Letmecount, maybe you could try different ways of pinning it back, or parting it in different locations, or loose curls, etc.  I think long hair provides more options for ways to frame your face than "styled" cuts.  With a "styled" cut, you only have that option for that style.  Just some thoughts.


Posted By: Alayney
Date Posted: August 13 2006 at 7:00pm
I'm not a long-hair fanatic myself -- my hair is long though, and I enjoy reading these posts ... the first thing I thought when you posted the negative comments those other people made was that they VERY WELL COULD BE JEALOUS. I never trust someone that tells a person to cut their hair off. If YOU think you're frumpy or whatever then do what you want but something tells me they've got alterior motives. I didn't know who the heck you were posting this message but when I saw your picture, I recognized the hair and I too LOVE it. You are actually one of the ones that REALLY makes me want to grow mine.

I know you said you weren't going "short" -- it you want to try the bangs go for it. Those are pretty looks you've shown us. Also, go ahead and blow dry too if you want. I think you can still have healthy, long hair while blow drying. Like that other person said, what works for some, might not work for others.

My suggestion is to go back to blow drying if that'll make you feel/look better. Just try that FIRST for a few weeks and if you don't like it, make some cuts ...

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: August 14 2006 at 11:20am
We haven't had much time to stay current with the forum lately, but when I checked today, I say this thread.  Letmecount, I think your hair has always looked fabulous.  I know you aren't planning on cutting much, but I thought I'd give my two cents anyway.  Jennifer's hair gets like this too from time to time and as she's gotten older, hr hair has become more and more fuzzy.  When her hair gets as you described, we always resort to one thing.  Mayonaise ... full fat ... and lots of it!!  If you've never tried it, give it a shot.  Work it into your ends, length and scalp until it's an oil.  Wrap it up in saran wrap for 2 hours and then wash it out with CO or your normal method.  When we do Jennifer's hair after hers has gotten unruly, we can't believe the difference.  In fact, Jennifer was telling me that she was thinking about cutting some off about 2 weeks ago.  A mayo treatment and she's forgotten about that idea.  Give it a shot if you haven't tried it.  What do you have to lose?  Write back to let us know your decision.


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: August 15 2006 at 3:50pm
is it humid where you live? that can have a major effect on your hair, or being outside more in the sun, wind, etc. also, have you tried mayonaise treatments? i think your hair looks great on you, and would hate to see you do something drastic. why not just start with getting 1" cut off and see if that helps? one more recently had braids, right? maybe your hair is just dry and could use a good oiling. just some thoughts for ya, good luck! :)


Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: August 16 2006 at 3:33pm

Uh, you think your hair is fuzzy?  Body wave with some natural curl does not equate to fuzzy.  Having long hair does not necessarily mean that you must have iron-flat straight hair. 

I mean look at my signature pic.  This was not a great hair day for me.  I live in a humid climate - my hair is not over processed by any means - but it is thick, fine in texture and has some natural curl to it.  That is what can happen to my hair on a humid day when I have no product in it - it just bushes out - lol.

Your idea of the longer bangs is a good one, the photo samples are rather nice.  But perhaps instead of an overall length chop - you could get your hair professionally shaped, maybe even try longer layers if you are really itching for a change?  (Just be sure you have a trusted stylist that knows explicitly how much length you wish to retain.) 
Also, I am sure you can compromise on some of the day-to-day styling rules.  If I never blow-dried my hair (I routinely blowdry my shorter, wedge-cut bangs and let the longer portions dry themselves) I would indeed look unkept and somewhat wooly.  But blow dryers do have cool, gentle settings.  Diffusers on a low temperature can be gentle too.   The trick is not to subject your hair to too much heat damage, and not to blowdry every day of the week.
And tdouty's mayo suggestion is a good one - I tried it myself and the results were pretty good.  I get the fuzzies during the drier, winter months sometimes.   
Finally do not listen to anyone who says things like 99% of people look terible with longer hair.  It is total BS.  Long hair is beautiful and exotic.  And if you do not believe me and think most people do not like longer hair - pop over to the hair extensions forum, where women are paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars for long hair extensions.  It is far better to have your own, naturally long, healthy hair.


Weather Forcast - With high humidity in the air, expect general hair frizziness to continue :-/
Current Length: 30 inches or so from the front

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: August 16 2006 at 5:11pm
Originally posted by letmecount123 letmecount123 wrote:

...ends are starting to get ratty (I usually go 6-7 months between trims, but this is especially bad).

It looked a lot better when I was partaking in the occasional blow-out and actually wearing it down a few times a week, whereas lately I don't and CAN'T wear it down because it looks an awful mess. ...It's nice to have "long hair," but it sucks to be one of those girls were people compliment you to your face and then go "ew, gross" behind your back.

Ciao for now.
I hate it when they do that.
And if you think your hair doesn't look good natural I agree with the mayonaisse and give your hair a break for 2 weeeks and see how it is then and if it still looks like crap then blow dry to your heart's content. but please, USE HEAT PROTECTANT!!!!!

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 24 2006 at 8:17pm
Usually, the source of one's hair discontent resolves itself within a fairly short period of time.  Oftentimes, it has to do with the weather.  My hair isn't always constantly "good."  Sometimes, it gets frizzy, or tangly, or otherwise not its best.  After grumbling, I try to figure out why it's gotten to be less-than-stellar, and contemplate what I can do to offset the condition and bring it back to a state of hair bliss.  I started growing my hair 14 years ago, and still I learn new things.

Okay, end of ramble.  Holly, your hair was gorgeous, before and after your trim (acknowledging your newest thread).  IMHO it didn't need any cutting to improve its beauty, but it still looks great afterwards!


Posted By: Madalyne
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 12:20am

Hang in there girl. I think it must be just this time of the year or something, because I'm doing the same thing, or at least I WAS. My first thought was to trim it up, but my ends are in decent shape. My hair is just being unruley(sp?)

Anyway, I changed shampoo and Conditioner, and it made all the difference in the world. Sometimes you just need to change it up. give it a different feel......and your hair becomes "fun" again.

Posted By: Shyanne
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 3:03pm
I can't believe people would be so mean to you, but even if you do cut it, we will all still offer you support!
We've all gone through the stage where chopping off a 2 years worth of effort suddenly seems reasonable!
Plus, once you cut it the people who told you to will be all smug and you probably won't be as happy as now.
But hey, you should do what's right for you.

And, I...I've got nothing to offer you, no no, just this heart deep and true, which you say you don't need...Know in your soul, please...For haven't you me, with you now? And I love you, I love you...

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: September 05 2006 at 2:37pm
We'll also have to agree with Madalyne about the change thing.  Jennifer's hair has been kind of crazy lately with ends popping out here and there and just general fuzziness.   Our normal routine was to wash with Suave Strawberries and Cream, then Suave Humectant and then Pantene deep conditioner.  We were out of the Strawberries and Cream so used White Rain (some purple kind) for the first (cleansing) conditioning.  Wow, what a difference.  Her hair now is much softer, shinier and silky smooth to touch.  It almost feels slippery!  We thought this about the Strawberries and Cream originally, but it just kind of wore off I guess.  Her hair has definitely reacted nicely to the change.  We've been using it now for about a week and her hair looks and feels much nicer with just the change of the first conditioner.

We'll have to post an updated picture of her hair soon, but in the meantime, here's a few photos showing the length of her hair during a recent trip to Niagara Falls.  The pics were taken on the Maid of the Mist boat ride towards the bottom of the falls so it isn't exactly good hair conditions.  The first photo shows that her length is just about to our 2006 goal of touching her waistband on her pants that we posted at the beginning of the year. - Photo 1 showing her length - Photo 2 as we headed towards the falls - Photo 3 - Photo 4 ... soaked after being pelted with the mist from the falls


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 06 2006 at 5:35pm
Hey Tdouty!  It sounds like you and Jennifer had a fun visit to Niagara falls... and got a good soaking of water! 

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: September 07 2006 at 2:20pm
Yes we did.  We were planning on going to the beach in Maryland, but Ernesto ruined that for us.  The beach had 7 inches of rain during the period we would have been there and we were camping!  Turned out going the other direction was definitely the way to go!!

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