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okay scalp starting to itch:(

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 4:24am

Topic: okay scalp starting to itch:(
Posted By: babycheeks24
Subject: okay scalp starting to itch:(
Date Posted: August 19 2006 at 12:29pm
no not lice lol... i think dry scalp but not sure i dont see dandruff could be though but i have curly hair so im thinking its dry what do i do ive tried clarifiying and scrapeing gunk off the scalp any ideas of what to do without the use of harsh dandruff shampoos i dont like those nor do they work for me?


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 22 2006 at 7:16am
Clarifying is more for removing build up or minerals from hair on occasion, its not really for the scalp.  It may be why you have a dry scalp, its more drying than regular shampoo.  I usually put my concentrated clarifying shampoo on my length, then dilute some half and half with water when I do my once a month clarifying, to prevent scalp dryness.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: August 22 2006 at 9:32am
well now that its already dry what can i do?


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 23 2006 at 7:16am
Well, this tends to be one of those things where you need to find what works for you.  There is a lot of variation in how people's scalp reacts to different treatment. 

If you use a diluted shampoo (50/50 or more with water) it may help reduce oilyness because your scalp would adjust to the dilute shampoo and stop producing so much oil.  If dryness is the problem, it may help by not being so harsh and not removing so much of your oils.  It really could go either way, you just have to try things and see what works for you.

If that doesn't work, concentrated shampoo (but not clarifying) may help by removing the excess oil and any flake problems.  Or it may hurt by causing your hair to get oilier faster (to compensate for all its oils being removed).  Again, you just have to try it and see.  (I use dilute shampoo almost all the time, but once a month or so, I find my scalp benefits from one good concentrated shampoo wash).

Since you are curly, and your current problem is dryness, I'd suggest trying first a conditioner only wash (doing the scalp) and see if the extra moisture helps.   I've heard several curlies say conditioner only does good things for their scalp and hair.   Good luck, and I hope you find what works for you soon!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: August 26 2006 at 5:10am
Sage advice, Susan. 

Babycheeks, I'm curious to know, if you try Susan's suggestion, how it works for you.  Since I only wash once per week, I tend to have scalp issues too, and have found for myself a routine which minimizes them.


Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: August 26 2006 at 11:18am
ill let you know give me a little time and ill post what happens.


Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: September 03 2006 at 11:38am
alright dave help! still itchy:(


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 04 2006 at 4:48pm
Hi Babycheeks,

Okay, so your hair is dry and your scalp is itchy.  And you've been using clarifying shampoos, full strength.  Right?  (correct me if I'm mistaken)

I would suggest discontinuing the use of clarifying shampoo, especially if your conditioner has no (or very little) -cones.  Use a mild shampoo, and dilute it.  I dilute the mixture in a translucent plastic (old shampoo) bottle, maybe 1 oz shampoo to 10 oz water (stir but don't shake - you want the lather on your head, not in the bottle).  The bottle has a top which restricts the outflow; I put enough on each spot on my scalp (and massage with fingertips) as I apply the mixture, until it starts to lather.  Lather, rinse, and repeat.  Yes, even this amount of shampoo is enough to get my scalp clean.  Condition, thoroughly rinse after 5-10 minutes.  Follow-up with a diluted vinegar rinse (1 tbsp in 16 oz distilled water).  This helps close the hair cuticles, and also seems to calm the scalp (especially helpful after a few days) and keep the scalp clean for longer than it would otherwise be.

Try it, see if it helps.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 06 2006 at 5:44pm
I want to clarify (  ) my response above...

Since your hair/scalp are already dry, you will probably want to skip the "repeat" (shampoo) part of the routine.  I just "repeat" since I wash my hair so infrequently, and the scalp needs it.

Also FWIW, it doesn't really matter if the bottle is translucent/transparent.  I kinda SWAG it with the quantities of both shampoo and water.  I try to err on the side of having a bit much shampoo; having less than you need in the mix bottle sux.

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