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My new fringe (pics!)

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 4:39am

Topic: My new fringe (pics!)
Posted By: missrini
Subject: My new fringe (pics!)
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 7:07am
Hi everyone
As I mentioned in another thread, I got a new fringe!  Actually, it's my old one back again after having grown it out for a while now.  I just didn't like the look of no fringe on me (scary naked forehead) and so I've got the fringe back.
Had a horrible stylist, but a good result:
Anyway, I turned up for my appointment with my hair freshly COed, it was all down and dry, and very wavy. I had my fringe clipped back. I thought my hair was looking pretty good too, but the stylist started out the session with that all-too-familiar look of mild disgust on her face. I mean....what do I do to provoke that look??? I was very friendly with her, I was explaining what I wanted her to do, I complimented her on her cool "toolbelt" thingy around her waist.....and all the while she's picking up sections of my hair and examining it like it's something she found under a pile of rotting garbage.

She sprays my hair with a spritzer bottle, and starts cutting it wet. Meanwhile, I start talking about how I have to henna my roots this weekend and she looks disgusted again and says " use henna? is that why your hair is so bright?"....("bright" not said in a good way). I then start raving about how great henna is and she says that "it's like a swear word around here". I told her that I'm aware that hairdressers dislike it. She then tells me how she saw a documentary (??!!) on henna which basically said that it's no better for your hair than using salon dyes.


I actually laughed at this point and said "so using something 100% fact a dried no better than using toxic chemicals on my hair?" She then started going on about another client who she just "can't talk out of" using henna because she loves it so much. Now I know I don't like her.

Then I told her that I was actually considering growing out my natural silvers and not colouring anymore. She again looked horrified and said "that would make you look SOOO old!".

So by this time, she's finished cutting and my fringe is still wet and frighteningly short! Uh oh I think....wait until she dries it and it gets really short! Sure enough, she dries it and I've got the same fringe I had when I was 10 years old. It's blunt and straight across too. I specifically asked her to make it side swept and layered. Her fringe was side swept and layered. She asked me at the start if I wanted it shorter than hers (which was hanging in her eyes) and I said that was her justification for butchering mine!

I was quite upset and left saying "oh well, it will grow back". I must admit to also feeling VERY low on confidence for the next hour or two, not just because of how I looked, but mainly because of the things she said to me and the way she obviously regarded my hair as horrid.

When will I learn? NEVER GO TO A SALON EVER AGAIN. EVER AGAIN. Learn Rini learn!!!!

However....all is not lost. When I got to work, I re-wet it and styled it my way and it actually looked OK. Yesterday, I did it a different way and it looked even better. Today, I actually really really like it It is probably the thickest fringe I've ever had ( I showed her exactly how thick I wanted it) and I really think it is the best thickness for me. It looks like it would take alot for it to look stringy......and I hate stringy, so that is a good thing.

so here it is:

Bear in mind that I just hennaed today and my hair is a little...umm.....brighter than usual

Anyway, I'm confident I can maintain this fringe myself now and probably do a better layering job than she did too.


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 10:41am
Oh, Rini!!!! So beautiful - I LOVE the thicker sideswept fringe on you. (now I'm thinking.....hmmmm, we have similar hair - maybe it would look good on me too.....). And your color is great. Your stylist was awful, it's true. I have had so many of those experiences in the past. I think you can probably cut yours now yourself, or get a friend to do it - I'm sorry she was so rude to you.


Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 11:12am
so pretty rini!! thet stylist is just jealous of your beautiful waves and how did you get those emoticons: theyr'e sooo cute!

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 2:25pm
doesnt look bad at all!:) sorry you had a bad experience im lucky in the fact i go to a salon only for curly hair with specialist, i just had a trim yesterday. The henna is not that bright that lady was weird!


Posted By: Sharyg11
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 2:58pm
It looks beautifull. I dislike henna too, but I have to say I love the color. It is gorgeous!

Posted By: whhoiskad
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 5:57pm
Miss Rini
You look fantastic with a side swept fringe and stunning 'bright happy postitive' hair!
Take no notice of that jelous hairdresser, i thought hairdressers were meant to have at least some customer service and people person skills!

Hair Type 2a/m/ii

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: September 16 2006 at 7:07pm
It looks really nice on you. Was the hairdresser qualified as a colourist? You should have asked her. It would have been sooo funny if she wasn't! The red looks great and you're happy so it's none of her business. She's paid to cut your hair, not to bitch about it.

Posted By: Heratic
Date Posted: September 17 2006 at 2:23am
Rini - you really don't have much luck with stylists do you?  I dread to think what would have happened if you'd asked her for a genreal trim and tidy-up, probably something way above your shoulders (long hair is just sooo ageing - not).
The fringe looks fab - as does the colour -  its radiant not "bright".
Good for you for avoiding a major disaster and for standing up for yourself, plus you managed to escape with something that you actually liked (after a couple of hours).

Its your hair, your choice and your decision

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: September 17 2006 at 5:43am

Hey thanks SK....c'mon....join me! You know you want to.....mwahahahah!!!

Sugarcube...I got the emoticons/smilies from another long hair forum

babycheeks....yeah, she WAS weird....amongst other things!

Shary...thanks! would think they'd be good at ppl skills wouldn't you? I've just always found them bitchy and snobby.

HFO...I should have asked her.  I also should have asked her the name of the documentary and where/when she saw it.  Now that would have been interesting.

Heratic...I know, but I'm never going back to another salon it won't be an issue for me anymore.

Thanks for all your kind compliments!!!!!


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: September 17 2006 at 2:12pm
Originally posted by missrini missrini wrote:

Hey thanks SK....c'mon....join me! You know you want to.....mwahahahah!!!
Sooooo tempting.....I am a bit tired of my forehead, and my style looks a bit, well, dated.  For the record, though, I thought you looked great without fringe too - either way, it looks great.


Posted By: whhoiskad
Date Posted: September 17 2006 at 5:16pm
I also agree with Special Kitty about you looking great with or without a fringe you have the face shape to be able to carry both off!

Hair Type 2a/m/ii

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 17 2006 at 5:56pm
Hi Rini!

So glad to hear you are happy with the end result (and your fringe looks great!  On the other hand, I am sorry to hear that the process was so irritating, though.  That stylist sure is terribly unprofessional.  Is that how they teach stylists in cosmetology schools to be professional?  If so, they oughta throw out the book and start over.  For sure and without a doubt, "henna" is a dirty word in the salon because (from their depraved perspective), it "deprives" them of revenue derived from coloring clients' hair.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: September 18 2006 at 7:41am
Well, obviously there was just no way to make HER happy!  She doesn't want you to henna it, and she doesn't want you to stop hennaing it either!  (I can understand henna having a bad rep since so much of it is that drugstore kind with all the metals in it, which undoubtedly is not that great, but your BAQ stuff seems wonderful, so I chalk her up to uneducated on the matter.)

The fringe looks great, and I like the shorter length of it on you.  You have really nice eyes and eyebrows which it enhances! I'm sure you'll have no trouble maintaining it yourself.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: September 18 2006 at 8:50pm


You would look lovely no matter how your fringe was cut. Your color is wonderful. That stylist you had is exactly why I always stick to just one once I find a good one. So glad it turned out fine in the end.


Posted By: horselover_1625
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 3:35pm
It looks great! It absolutely suits you even after all you went through!

What good is life without a horse??!!!

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: September 19 2006 at 3:51pm
I have to agree with every body else.  I think it looks great too.  Most people in business know that "the customer is always right" and you don't want to have an argument with the customer.  What customer is going to want to come back thinking they'll be put down while sitting there in that chair?  Jennifer hasn't gone to a hairdresser in many years.  Do you have a special guy that could do it for you?  I might not want to try to put them in initially either, but now that they're there, can he handle it next time?  Then you're more in control.


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 1:49am
Originally posted by whhoiskad whhoiskad wrote:

I also agree with Special Kitty about you looking great with or without a fringe you have the face shape to be able to carry both off!
You look wonderful with your fringe; you also look great without it, so enjoy!  You are one of the fortunate ones!!!  I love your hair!
Your hair looks great and I love your henna color!

12/25.5"/terminal length after reaching "small of my back length"

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 5:01am

Thanks everyone!


Susan, thanks for the eyebrow compliment...hehe :)

tdouty...I'm pretty sure I can handle the fringe trims from now on and my husband will be handling the length trims from now on too. I really don't need hairdressers anymore and I'm really glad for that!

Thanks SF,horselover, sunsailing :D


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: September 29 2006 at 1:22pm
     Big%20smile Nice job Rini! Looks great. And I like your idea to let DH handle the trimming. It works for me and DW. Never a horror story, that's for sure! (Not with *me* wielding the scissors, anyway! I *never* take too much off. lol) Blessings, Bob

Posted By: laststar
Date Posted: September 30 2006 at 12:48pm
Looks very cute Rini, the bangs suit you well and your starting to get some good length, keep  growing.

1b-M-ii type, 29.5 inches long as of 07/11/06, goal for now waist

Posted By: rhpetunia
Date Posted: October 12 2006 at 11:33am
Your hair looks great, Rini, despite that b***h!  I've had them say crazy things, too. 
It's an odd phenomenon that so many hairdressers find it acceptable to be rude when it wouldn't be tolerated in any other service areas.  I haven't been to one in years.  I only trust myself or my sister.


Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: October 12 2006 at 7:26pm
Update on the fringe: I'm growing it out again! LOL Yeah, I know...don't say it!
Actually, I really do like the fringe and I think it looks good on me, but I'm just not coping with having to use spray on it after going so long without using any styling products.  Also, I had just gotten used to having the SNF (scary naked forehead) and now I really MISS it! 
But it's OK, I'm just clipping it back the same way I used to and you can't tell I had it cut.  And on the odd special occasion when I want to wear it down, I can do so much easier now that it's shorter.
Lesson that was learned:  if you're not sure about doing something to your hair, do it and then you'll know if you like it or not.  And then remember what you like and don't make the same mistake again!!!
Thanks for bearing with me folks Wacko


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: October 13 2006 at 8:40am
LOL, that's funny!  It'll grow out.

I know I've said it many times before, but I do love the color of your hair.  Next to my Jennifer's hair, it's right up there on top ;-).


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: October 13 2006 at 9:01am
I've done it several times myself, cut it then grow it out again! Wacko You probably don't need to spray it if that's the part of it you hate, I have a fringe and I never put anything in it.  Its not sideswept, like the current style is, it just hangs, but I still think I look a lot better with it, and I don't have to do anything with it.  Either way, you look great both ways so whatever you choose will be great for you!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: October 14 2006 at 9:03pm
Hey Rini, np, whatever you want, we're here to support you. Smile  Glad to hear that the fringe is working for you now, whether it's back or down.

SNF?  Foreheads are underrated.

".... All we are saying.... is give foreheads a chance."   ( hee hee LOL )

I like the lesson you mention.  The challenge of course is remembering it when those doubts creep up.


Posted By: whhoiskad
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 1:08pm

Naked foreheads unite!

Miss Rini - a well thought through desicion, at least as you are in the inbetween stage and you have two choices on how to wear it!
I kept a fringe through high school and i always felt like i was not revealing my true self, like my personality was hiding behide my fringe (boo!)
Having a naked forehead makes me feel more confident, optomistic and lets your true self shine through!
Does anyone else feel the same or have i overdone the sugar today?!LOL

Hair Type 2a/m/ii

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 4:59pm
Originally posted by whhoiskad whhoiskad wrote:

Naked foreheads unite!

Miss Rini - a well thought through desicion, at least as you are in the inbetween stage and you have two choices on how to wear it!
I kept a fringe through high school and i always felt like i was not revealing my true self, like my personality was hiding behide my fringe (boo!)
Having a naked forehead makes me feel more confident, optomistic and lets your true self shine through!
Does anyone else feel the same or have i overdone the sugar today?!LOL

You're not alone, Kate -- I'm with you all the way! (and I have not OD'ed on sugar today, LOL )

I think bangs can look good (occasionally better than without), but I usually prefer the no-bangs look.

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: October 15 2006 at 6:59pm
Originally posted by DaveDecker DaveDecker wrote:

SNF?  Foreheads are underrated.
".... All we are saying.... is give foreheads a chance."   ( hee hee LOL )
THANKS, DAVE!!LOL I have the biggest, baddest, scariest naked forehead of anyone. But it's MY forehead, and I'm sticking with it!!Big%20smile (hey, I don't see a SNF smiley anywhere.......)


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