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I'm bored

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Topic: I'm bored
Posted By: juliap
Subject: I'm bored
Date Posted: October 04 2006 at 10:13pm
I am really bored and do not know what to do.  I live out in the country and watch my baby during the day.  Any suggestions on what I can do?
Take care,

Posted By: Carolredskirt
Date Posted: October 09 2006 at 11:16pm
Start a website. Maybe a fashion website, or whatever interests you the most. And mention it to the people here on Hair Talk Forum and other places on the internet like this.
Either that or get cable or a satellite dish tv.

in my red skirt, pantyhose, and high heels.....

Posted By: diamondskey
Date Posted: October 22 2006 at 9:38am
You can also start a hobby sewing, knitting or maybe arts and crafts.

There is nothing like a head of healthy hair.

Posted By: lyrical27
Date Posted: October 23 2006 at 7:17pm
im in the same situation in the small town of comer,Gerogia.
got tired of looking at the same cars going up and down the road so i decided to look up hair care and found this site.
im sure there are other interesting things to do
i like to do the following while on the net:
request free samples- gives you and thel local mailman something interesting to look foward to. use keyword: freebies, samples, free stuff, and giveaways you'll be suprised at what you can find.
go to
take online surveys for free stuff and cash!!!
order catalogs: Beauty Essenitals
                         New Port News fashion catalog 1.800.688.2830
                         Get Oraganized -    
                         Raymond Geddes -
                         Kipp Toys -
or just do what i did and become the neighborhood "Candy Lady" and sell candy to kids that live around you (that is if any kids are in your area).

Posted By: Leyla
Date Posted: October 04 2007 at 7:20pm
I also was bored out of my mind. So I got a baby sitter for my son and went out found my self a job. Try that, it will work wonders on you.


Posted By: juliap
Date Posted: October 04 2007 at 8:09pm

Wow, I actually posted this a year ago today.  Man do these posts never go away.  I have thought about getting a job but my baby will only be young once and I don't want to miss out on his childhood.  Plus my husband works and I don't want strangers watching my kids.  Thanks for the suggestions everyone.  I have started some crafts and I also have been doing some of those online surveys. 

Posted By: Leyla
Date Posted: October 06 2007 at 5:04pm
What do u mean on line surveys, can u please give some detail.


Posted By: JennyWren
Date Posted: October 16 2008 at 8:00am
I have just realised that this post is quite old although I just thought I would tell you what I am doing to stop being bored.
I retired 6 months ago and, after working full-time for 40yrs I knew I couldn't just do nothing so I thought of a niche that I had an interest in, was recommended to this company who gave you the whole package of a website, hosting, domain name etc and including one to one tutoring and I have never looked back.
I can work when it suits me - about 2hrs a day.  At first I had to fit in a few more hours a day just to get the website seen on the internet but now it's great it runs itself.
You can have a website in any country so if you are in the US, no problem.

Posted By: cris99
Date Posted: June 20 2009 at 5:22am
I don't know what makes you bored but I think you are unhappy with what you're doing. So why don't you start some new things. Things that can make you happy. - be confident

cris morgan

Posted By: anthony.bill17
Date Posted: December 13 2009 at 6:33am
Join yoga it will help u meditation, it will also decrease your stress and depression.

------------- - Cuban Cigars

Posted By: tiffany2010
Date Posted: January 11 2011 at 7:43pm
If you're bored I just read an article that said the wealthy treated themselves during the holidays.  People who are bored can get rid of their boredome by shopping.  Rich people who are bored can show at stores like Tiffany & Co.
I personally love that these posts stick around forever.  It's nice to see what people have to say over the years.
And speaking of Tiffany & namesake jewelry store, did very well over the hopidays.  As did other high end retailers did well over the Christmas Holidays and shopping season.  Lots of bored shoppers?

Wealthier shoppers traded up to more expensive gold and diamond jewelry from silver charms. Designer clothing and purses were back.

The splurges are good news for the economy, because the richest 5 percent of Americans, those making at least $207,000 annually, account for about 14 percent of all spending. And consumer spending makes up about 70 percent of the economy.

They weren't just buying gifts — well, not just for others.  They were also buying gifts for themselves and to have a nice splurge.

The splurges reached a head the week before Christmas. Average daily spending reported by upper-income shoppers rose 45 percent to $183 during the week ending Dec. 26, according to a Gallup Poll. For all shoppers, the figure rose only 18 percent to $85 that week.

Six months ago, wealthy Americans got spooked by a stock market slide and cut back spending. Now, they are trading back up to higher-status brands as the stock market bounces back. The rich in booming Asian economies, especially, are ramping up spending.

Tiffany & Co recently. raised its profit outlook for the year because of better-than-expected holiday sales, and noted particular strength in more expensive fine jewelry and diamond rings. Silver jewelry, which had propped up Tiffany's business when its customers hit the brakes on spending in the recession, was weaker.

Revenue at stores open at least a year rose 7 percent in the U.S. in November and December and was even stronger in Asia, rising 15 percent. That's a key measure of a retailer's health because it excludes the effects of stores that open or close during the year.

The jeweler's report backs up strong December sales reports last week from pricey department stores Saks Inc., Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. All said revenue at stores open at least a year rose significantly in December compared with a year earlier.

Among retailers at all price ranges, sales gains were solid but less spectacular, averaging 3.8 percent for November and December, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers.

Luxury spending still isn't quite back to the heights seen before the recession, but it spiked 8.5 percent Nov. 28-Jan. 1 over the same period last year, according to MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse. For jewelry, the rise was 10.4 percent.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen 19 percent since the beginning of July.

That and the return of bonuses on Wall Street and elsewhere have helped the wealthy feel better about more conspicuous consumption, said John Lonski, chief economist of Moody's Capital Markets Research Group.


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