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any suggestions on shampoos/conditioners?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: March 09 2025 at 1:20am

Topic: any suggestions on shampoos/conditioners?
Posted By: jessm1014
Subject: any suggestions on shampoos/conditioners?
Date Posted: February 19 2003 at 12:28am
Hello. I have been reading a lot of post that claim that pantene may not be all that great for your hair. I have been using it for year, and it has worked fine for me, but I think I would like to try a few new products and see if maybe i like them more. I have very long and straight hair that is a little thick. Any suggestions as to some shampoos and conditioners that the rest of you with my type of hair have used and like? I'm ready to start sampling. Thank you!


Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: February 19 2003 at 7:20am
In what condition is your hair--healthy, dry, frizzy, oily, etc? That will help...thanks :-)

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: jessm1014
Date Posted: February 21 2003 at 12:22am
Hi. Sorry. My hair is fairly healthy, but does at times tend to get a little dry on the ends. Hope that helps. Thanks!


Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: February 21 2003 at 7:22am
Hi again! You'll find Pantene is somewhat polarizing on these boards: some people really hate that line and others have great results. It's all a matter of personal preference. Pantene shampoos tend to be somewhat drying and the conditioners are high in silicone derivatives, which will NOT harm your hair but can weigh it down with repeated use. If you are finding success with Pantene don't feel like you have to change, but it *is* fun to experiment. That said, I would recommend a medium-weight conditioner for your ends and the length of your hair to keep it lubricated and therefore, a little less prone to damage. Use a gentle shampoon that does not contain sodium lauryl (not laureth--that's fine) sulfate or TEA-lauryl sulfate. Personally I love Redken All Soft's line, but an entire multitude of products will work, since you have what sounds like great hair! :-)

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: jessm1014
Date Posted: February 22 2003 at 1:27am
Thank you so much! Your information was very helpful. I'll have to go and do some shopping around now and check out some labels. Thanks again!


Posted By: Kintaro
Date Posted: February 22 2003 at 11:21am
Is there a more extensive list of no-no products for your hair as ingredients?

I heard DEA was some pretty awful crap for your hair, and I saw on a vegan website (not that I'm vegan myself, it just happened), that some ingredients can come from weird sources, like Cetyl alcohol (which in fact is an ester) supposively comes from whale sperm.

And as much as Nutri Vive is so-so okay for a shampoo and conditioner, I don't feel comfortable with whale sperm in my hair. Is there any benefit in doing so ? And let's say it's synthetic, does Cetyl alcohol (or many other products) actually do anything for you ?

I hate all of the following and lots more : Fundamentalists, racists, sexists, fascists, ageists (people saying seniors = senile , kids = stupid , 18 = immature or a combo of them), and bigots for causes yet to receive their own designation.

Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: February 23 2003 at 12:46pm
Hi Kintaro,

Great topic--one of my favorites (I'm a chemistry geek outside of my day job.) I'll try to hit upon some common ingredients.

First, cetyl alcohol has nothing to do with whale sperm, although that's a really funny (and simutaneously revolting) thought. The web site that posted that is either in serious error or is playing joke on its visitors. Cetyl alcohol, along with cetearyl and stearyl alcohol, is a great emollient for dry hair and is derived from fatty coconut acids. It can also be synthetically produced but never from anything remotely related to whales. These three ingredients are NOT denatured alcohols like the ones found in hairsprays. Those can be somewhat drying with repeated use, but emollient alcohols are very good for your hair. In fact, you'll find one of these three ingredients second on the ingredient list of 90 percent of salon and drugstore brand conditioners.

Secondly, diethanolamine (DEA) has come under fire for its alleged link to cancer. There is no real evidence that cocamide DEA and other such compounds can negatively affect human health, but if it concerns you, avoid using products that list this high on the ingredient list.

If you are prone to dry hair, avoid harsh cleansers such as sodium lauryl sulfate, alkyl sodium sulfate, TEA-lauryl sulfate and sodium olefin sulfate. Ammonium xylenolsulfate is another ingredient to avoid because it swells the hair shaft�great for creating temporary volume�but damaging in the long run. None of these products have been shown to be detrimental to your health, regardless of what various (usually commercial or uninformed) Internet sources say.

Whew, my fingers are getting tired. I hope that answers some of your questions Kintaro. If this is all new to you, I strongly recommend checking out Paula Begoun�s line of cosmetic/hair books. She�s a consumer advocate reporter who discusses in great detail hundreds of ingredients. Another good source is Ruth Winter�s Cosmetic Dictionary. Good luck�and if you have other specific ingredient questions feel free to ask! :-)

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: Laine1998
Date Posted: February 24 2003 at 3:42am
I would like some help in that area too. I never tend to stick with one kind of shampoo, i always move around and try different things. Right now I can't find one that works good for me. My options are somewhat limited...I have just the normal store fancy salon stuff . My roots tend to get oily fairly easy, but I still use conditioner on the lower part of my hair. I also need something that won't weigh my hair down, (as i posted in another topic..i want volume.) My ends do get dry and tangly if I don't use shampoo, but I try to use a leave-in conditioner such as Infusiem on my hair to help with the tangles. Any help in my direction would also be appreicated. Ty


Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: February 24 2003 at 10:36am
Hi Laine,

I recommend any gentle shampoo that won't cause buildup since your roots are oily. What I've read indicates that choosing a shampoo based on your scalp type and a conditioner for your hair type is the best way to go. Loreal ColorVive regular shampoo is a good one that won't cause buildup or strip moisture (it makes no difference that it's for "color-treated hair.") Another good product is Neutrogena Anti-Residue shampoo. I would stay away from any shampoos with silicones or similar conditioning agents, as you don't need them on your scalp. But keep using a conditioner on the length of your hair if you're prone to dryness. Panthenol is one good ingredient for adding fullness, as it coats the hair shaft and therefore increases the diameter of each individual strand. Aussie Hair Insurance definately added volume to my hair (that's why I stopped using hair gets huge on its own.) Good luck!

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: Kintaro
Date Posted: February 25 2003 at 9:00am
Lyis : I'm a chem geek at school so I'm into this stuff often, but not the organic stiff since in engineering it's more reaction synthesis and EQ that we do. -

That's the source I got that from. I don't even remember how I got it.

Anyways, we'd need a real good long list of what is good and what is not, knowing of 3-4 products isn't the best thing in the world, it helps, but not enough. (DEA, Na-lauryl sulfate, etc...) We really need a more extensive list.

I hate all of the following and lots more : Fundamentalists, racists, sexists, fascists, ageists (people saying seniors = senile , kids = stupid , 18 = immature or a combo of them), and bigots for causes yet to receive their own designation.

Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: February 25 2003 at 12:33pm
Hi again Kintaro,

A good site with an extensive ingredient list (that looks accurate from the research I've read): -

The three books I've read by respected authors contain information that mirrors what is on the link above. I only gave a brief overview of questionable ingredients in my previous post because outlining the thousands of additives available isn't feasible on a message board.

The vegan website you pointed to doesn't impress me, as it looks like someone with a bit of HTML programming experience put together a list of erroneous tidbits. Cetyl alcohol is not a wax, as that site claims. However, if you are vegan the site does list ingredients to avoid. I strongly recommend reading Paula Begoun's book as well as Ruth Winter's. You will learn a lot about ingredients.

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: Laine1998
Date Posted: March 01 2003 at 1:50pm

Thanks for the reply. I'll go and look those up and give them a try, Im up for anything! Thank you again


Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: March 02 2003 at 12:07am
Hi Lyris,

I'm a begining chem geek. Your studies are fascinating. I found in my own studies that Colorvive was very high in the waxing ingredient that is also found in Pantene. However, I do not know what the name of the ingrdient is that causes that.

My Studies were done by examining repeatly shampooed hair samples under a microscope. The waxy substance showed up on colorvive. It looks like clear little beads stuck on the cuticle.

In my own experience, when a client uses these shampoos in weighs it down, takes away the shine and it takes a very long time to blowdry. We use white vinegar on the hair for five minutes while massaging it to remove this build up.

I'd love to hear more from you on this.

I am a professional Hairstylist/Haircolorist with 19 years experience. I have traveled all over the country for my advanced education. I am also a salon owner.:)........and I LOVE Redken!!!

Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: March 02 2003 at 9:08am
Hi Lili! Very sounds like you really enjoy your research. Perhaps hexylene glycol could be the culprit in Colorvive? It's similar to the more common propylene glycol, which is a water-binding agent, and it's relatively new to the Loreal line since earlier formulations did not include this. Not sure though---you're the expert! :-) It's great to have stylists with lab experience under their belts posting here--you bring so much enlightenment to the rest of us! What other insights do you have for us? Enjoy your week :-)

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: karonica
Date Posted: March 07 2003 at 11:04am
I really like Salon Selective's drenched conditioner. I use the purple one that is for coarse hair. This stuff smells great, it's thick and creamy, and I like to use it for conditioner washes.

Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: March 07 2003 at 11:22pm
Hi Lyrus,

In my experience, as soon as i shampoo someones hair, I can tell right off if they are using these "waxy" shampoos and conditoners. I imediatly give them my infamous "shampoo speech" which usually leaves them with their months open.
Things I notice too are that their hair takes soooooo long to dry. I run on a tight scedule so this really irritates me. Also, their hair is next to impossible to comb out. The comb gets stuck in it. And during the haircut the comb continues to get stuck. The hair also lacks luster, it is very dull and very heavy.

As you can tell I really HATE this stuff!!!!

I am a professional Hairstylist/Haircolorist with 19 years experience. I have traveled all over the country for my advanced education. I am also a salon owner.:)........and I LOVE Redken!!!

Posted By: GrowingItOut
Date Posted: March 08 2003 at 9:38am
Is it the dimethicone (sp)?

Growing It Out since December '02

Posted By: GrowingItOut
Date Posted: March 08 2003 at 9:38am
Is it the dimethicone (sp)?

Growing It Out since December '02

Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: March 09 2003 at 4:06pm
My guess would be no, although some people dislike silicone derivatives. They are found in about 90 percent of all the shampoos and conditioners out there, and while they certainly won't hurt hair, they can look a little greasy if used in excess. Personally I have great luck with such additives, as my hair is dry and needs an extra shine bosst.

Look for beauty, and you will find no intelligence. Look for intelligence and you will find both.Proud member of the Cult of All Soft

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 09 2003 at 5:33pm
i use herbal essences.. the yellow one(volume) it makes my hair very soft and somewhat shiny...

Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: March 10 2003 at 5:39am

ANother chem geek here....studied anatomy/chem in college as a minor.

SLS - a very strong irritant is under studies by the FDA at this time. It has ben found to cause lesions in Lab rats. I get canker sores if I use tooth paste with sls - I have to use Tom's of Maine.

Dea, Triethanolamine. All petrol based ingredients...I have hard time putting flammable products in my hair...not to mention the cancer link.
Do searches with "environmental toxins" in the title or "teratogenic" substances. FDA actually has a list of known teratogens with a rating of 1 to 4 on how bad they are.

Propylene glycol, butylene glycol, hexalane....and more are basic versions of on and the same. Propylene glycol is the main ingredient in antifreeze - petrol based. They have NOT done a time based study on this substance. So we don't know what repeated use of this will do after 10 or more years of soaking it into our skin through our scalps.
It also takes moisture from the hair long after your hair has dried...meaning it is taking it from the core of the shaft and bringing it to the outside to feed itself. They put this stuff in skin lotion too....wondering why breast cancer has risen so much in the last decade or so?....hmmmm women use lotion alot more than men.

Imidiazonyl urea (sp?) - Is a formaldehyde derivitive and on the list of teratogenic substances.
This is found all over the place in shampoos and conditioners.

I have been using Aubrey Organics since I began my little adventure into environmental toxins land.

Just a little bit of my research.



Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 11 2003 at 5:09pm
If you've been using Pantene for that long and love how your hair is, then stick with it. Pantene doesn't work for a lot of people because of the high amount of silicones in it. These are what makes your hair really slick and shiny when you use Pantene. Unfortunately, depending on what other products you use (if you don't use a clarifying shampoo) and your hair, they build up and keep moisture from reaching your hair, making it eventually drier and duller. Usually this happens over the course of several weeks. Since you haven't had a problem yet, pantene probably agrees with your hair and other hair products, and I would recommend continuing using it, if you like the results.

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