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Need Help/Advice

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 2:33am

Topic: Need Help/Advice
Posted By: Precious Girl
Subject: Need Help/Advice
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 7:21pm

My hair is about half an inch past the bottom of my bra. I use head and shoulders and a suave conditioner which I try to laeve on for awhile a couple times a week. I don't really know a whole lot about shampoos/ conditioners. I cannot buy products off the internet but can from salons and stores.

I have a problem with breakage. Any little thing causes my hair to break. What vitaimns or shampoos, anyhting, will make my hair stronger?
I use a flat iron almost every day so anything to help protect and repair that is reccomened would be good.
Lastly can you reccomend any good hairstyles? My hair will not take curls, to my dismay becuase I LOVE the big loose waves look, and I have side swept bangs so updos don't look good.
Anything you can give me that will work is GREAT.

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 8:47pm
I'm sure you know how horrible flat irons are for your hair.And this is the cause of weak and brittle hair.They scorch your hair(yes scorch).I know sounds harsh but its really aswful for your hair especially every day.If you must flat iron I would try to spread out the length of time between doing it.And find a good heat protector.Any one will do.I dont think the more expensive ones are really any better.Nothing can protect your hair from what the iron does.
You could try a sock bun for curls.Most people have good results with that.;_ylu=X3oDMTE5MDE4Y3FyBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANNQVAwMTZfMTA0/SIG=11lf1kuvg/EXP=1165286473/**http%3a// -    Heres a link to a site with a detailed how to and pics. Why not embrace your natural texture.I'm not trying to go all hippy on you,lol.But your hair would thank you for it.My hair is all natural right now after years of torment,lolEvil%20Smile.And it was the best thing I ever did.My hair is so shiny and silky.I forgot how great my hair was.And I kept making the mistake of trying to mask the damage with more heat,or another chemical process.You've definitely came to the right place,although the boards a little slow right now.
And as far as hairstyles go I myself think a high messy bun always looks good.Good luck.Thumbs%20Up


Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 03 2006 at 10:37pm
I know heat is bad for my hair, but my natural look is way worse. It is sort of wavy but not the pretty kind and it gets super poofy and is just not attractive. I will get pictures up later.
As to the sock rollers/bun for rollers it doesn't work. I haven't tried them specifially but I have tried hot rollers, curl spray, Rolling my hair up and bobby pinning it so it will dry in curls, a round brushs, everything.   

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: December 04 2006 at 4:25pm
Precious Girl, you have breakage because of the damage you are doing to your hair from using a flat iron. No products will help to make your hair stronger in the face of this damage. Additionaly, no product will "repair the damage."  Using a heat protector may help for a short while, but the damage will still continue, especially if you keep flat ironing regularly. If you want to make your hair stronger, you will need to baby it and take better care of it. This forum is a great place to learn tips for how to take better care of your hair.


Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 04 2006 at 6:59pm
I know but I don't want frizzy, foldy hair like I see some people with. I want it to be pretty and long and shiny. My natural hair is not something people would call hot. You will see later tonight when I post pics.

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 4:39pm
Your hair will not look pretty and long and shiny if you keep flat ironing it. Sorry to say this, but it is the hard truth. You may need to change the way you look at your natural hair if you want pretty, long, shiny hair. I know this sounds very harsh. If you decide you want to take better care of your hair, this is a great board for learning how to do so. Good luck in your quest.....


Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 5:23pm
Thanks. Here is my hair natural: -
And here it is straightened: -

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 6:03pm
I think your natural hair is fine.Your waves are very pretty.Your hair could look awesome natural.It actually looks pretty healthy considering how often you straighten it.I know the grass is greener on the other side,but I would embrace your natural texture.
I'm with specialkitty.That flatiron is only going to make your hair look worse overtime.And if it gets too damaged not even the flatiron will make it look good.


Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 6:49pm
Okay I have a question. Celebrities hair is always straightedened and blow dried and curled. How do they keep their hair healthy and shiny. I know they have tons of money and go to stylists but od nothing can help damage how do they do it? I want hair like this:
Is it attainable for me? How does she do it (or how do he stylists do it?)

March 2007:

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 6:54pm
According to Redken my hair is really really healthy at the moment. Is there any way at all to continue using a straightener and preserve my hair the way it is now. Will the Redken line help? What about vitamins. I know some people on here still use straighteners so how do they do it?

March 2007:

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 7:16pm
You have beautiful hair. It is totally beautiful without the straightening. As for celebrities, they have the money to get extensions, and many of them do. It is definitely difficult to want hair that is celebrity hair, as in most cases this is an unachievable thing - their hair is "done" by a team of professionals for special events, and many have extensions making it look like they have "dream hair."
There are many things you can do to get the "straight" look without using heat - I've found aloe gel to really help tame frizzies and make my hair look straighter. You can use scrunchies down the length when it's damp to straighten it as it dries.
Oh, you might send a pm to - letmecount123 , she has similar hair to yours, and I know she straightens every now and then for special occasions.


Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 8:08pm
See, that's what I would like. Tips on getting my hair the way I want it but still keep it healthy. Any other tips? What about things like Brilliant Brunet Simply Sleek Straightening Balm and then doing the scrunchie thing (which I am trying right now since my hair is damp) would that give me straight hair without the heat?
Any other tips for styleing without heat? I would like to have big loose waves but the sock thing won't work. I have really thick hair and none of my socks are big enough to do it. Besides wouldn't it be uncomfotable to sleep on.
Silk pillow cases. How do they protect your hair and can you buy them at any store? I cannot buy things online (we don't have credit cards)

March 2007:

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 05 2006 at 8:56pm
HI, precious girl,
I have to agree with the other gals. Any time you put any heat on your hair, you are damaging it. Your hair is very pretty natural. And it looks like it is still in pretty good condition.But, If you keep on using the flat iron, when your hair is long, what will the ends look like?
I also have really thick hair, that is really wavy, almost curly. I have problems with frizz, so I use jojba oil as a mild styling aid, and an over-night leave in. Also, doing co only washes will help with the damage control.Mayonaise is a really good treatment for damage, also
 While your hair is damp try taking a big, really big, flat brush and brush through your hair with the brush on the underside. It won't take all the wave out, but it might help. I know that the more I brush my hair, the straighter it gets.
But, I really, honestly think you have very pretty hair, just the way it is. I hope I could help.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 6:59am
You'd want a satin pillowcase, not a silk one.  Silk is nice but hair tends to sort of stick to it, where it just slides right over satin.  You'd have to check your local stores and see if you can find one...I got mine online.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 12:15pm
Precious Girl, I'm sorry to tell you that it will be near impossible to have long healthy beautiful hair unless you give up your daily heat styling.  As a curly-girl who wanted to grow longer hair, I had to give up the idea of ever having sleek straight hair.  (It's a good thing I gave up before flat irons became the rage!)  There's nothing you can do to repair the damage.  Once it's done, there's no fixing it.  It's like a broken fingernail - you can glue it back together for a temporary solution, but it won't heal over.
The first thing you must understand is that the look of your curls will improve as the health of your hair improves.  You say that you don't like the kind of curl/wave that your hair has.  That's possibly because you're not styling it properly to get "maximum performance".  Curly hair is so different than straight hair and must be treated very differently!  Most people don't realize that, even stylists.  It took me several years of gathering info and experimenting to figure out how to really treat my hair to make it look its best.
Here is what I advise you to do:
1. Stop thinking you have to have straight hair or big loose curls to look hot.  Curly/wavy hair can be very sexy-looking.  And the longer your hair gets, the hotter you'll look. 
2. Stop thinking you have to look like a celebrity.  Life is so much less stressful when you accept yourself the way you are!  Accept your hair the same way you must accept your body, your talents (or lack thereof), etc.  A woman looks most beautiful when she is comfortable with who she is.
3. Stop using Head & Shoulders every time you wash your hair, it's a very harsh shampoo.  Since you said you use a flat iron every day, I assume you wash your hair every day.  Try using a regular shampoo for normal hair most of the time, and use the dandruff shampoo once a week or once every 2 weeks.  When you use the dandruff shampoo, only use it on your scalp. (never pile all your hair up on your head when washing) 
4. Stop washing your hair every day.  I know it's very hard for some people to get used to this, but it does make a big difference because you're not daily stripping the natural oils from your hair.  Go ahead and take your shower every day, and rinse your hair in the shower, just don't add shampoo.  Curly hair needs that moisture, so you don't have to skip getting it wet, just skip the shampoo.  (I wash my hair only twice a week.)
5. Stop using a brush.  A brush will cause more fluff and frizz than any person should ever have to deal with.  Try using a wide tooth comb instead.  Better yet, try combing your hair thoroughly before washing it, then don't touch it aftwards.  Scrunch it with a towel to get out excess water, then let it air dry.  No combing, brushing, or running your fingers through it.
I know this was really long.  I hope it helps!  You can check out my hair space to see my hair, exactly how I do it, the products I use, and more.  If you have any questions, do ask! 
p.s. i found satin pillowcases at wal-mart, though i'm not sure if they still carry them.  if you can't find one, buy a piece of soft satin at a fabric store and make one.  it doesn't take much time or skill to make a pillowcase.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 3:53pm
Thank you all. It's just really hard to give up straightening and wear my hair natural and be proud when your in high school. I am very self concious. Maybe I can try going out to like stores with natural hair and see how I feel about it.
PS: Keep the tips coming! LOL.

March 2007:

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 3:58pm
Okay I found I can get stright hair with very little heat. If i put straightening balm in my hair at night and let my hair air dry or dry on the cold seting of my dryer then in the morning flat iron very little on a very very low heat setting I get the look I want. I think I will do this until I can expiriment and see what works for me.

March 2007:

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 4:43pm
finding what works for you is the key. Just remember that it doesn't matter what other people think. What matters is what you think. If you like your hair natural, don't worry about trieing to make others happy. Especially of you want to grow it long. The damage you do now, will still be there when it is at your waist.You need to take precautions now, to have healthy beautiful hair when it is longer.
Have yout tried reallt, really big soft curlers? I am talking about the no heat knid. Try setting your hair when it has been freshly washed, and air dried. Roll them all going under. You will get a under flip, but the rest should be pretty straight, with big curls. Just an idea. There are ways to style your hair, using no heat.

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 4:57pm
The spongy kind of rollers? There are so many.

March 2007:

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 06 2006 at 4:59pm
What about the herbal essences or sunsilk shampoo for curly hair? Do they work? Do they have harsh ingrediants? Can someone post a list of ingredients to stay away from?

March 2007:

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: December 07 2006 at 12:12am
I try to stay away from anything with alcohol.  Not all types of alcohol are damaging, but I can never remember which ones are which, so I just stay away from them all.  Also silicone based ingredients... most of these will end with "cone" (dimethicone for example).  These 2 things are what I watch out for the most.  But I also try to use products that contain lots of herbal/botanical ingredients such as plant extracts instead of being totally chemicals and synthetics.  I don't like using stuff that has a ton of ingredients I can't pronounce.  I like TRESemme.
It's great that you found a way to straighten without much heat.  That will help alot on reducing the amount of damage to your hair.
I totally understand your self-consciousness.  I was really shy and uncomfortable with myself as a teenager (not so long ago).  I didn't really overcome it until I was about 19 or 20, and still struggle with it from time to time in certain situations.  But, that's another story...  I encourage you to work your way into it a little at a time.  Like you said, try wearing it natural to the store or to hang out with the girls to gain confidence.  Then gradually start wearing it that way to school.  It's very normal to be afraid of a big change, especially when you're not sure how it will be accepted.  Be prepared (as much as you can be) for negative remarks.  Some people will think it's a sin to not look like everyone else, and some people will be jealous because you had the guts to be different and they don't.  And some people will be just plain cruel because that's the way they are.  But don't give up!  I'm cheering you on!

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 07 2006 at 9:59am
My hair is pretty curly. It is more of a tight wave, but I have some loose spirals underneath.I have some spots on the sides in the front that go almost stright.When I was in high school I, I used to blow dry it every day to straighten it, so it would all be the same. It wasn't until I started having kids ( I didn't have the time), that I let it go naturally. Ever since then, I have gotten so many compliments on my hair. I am one of the only people I know that does not try to change my hair in some way. Once I decided to accept what God had given me, I discovered a whole new me.
I was having to get it trimen al least ever couple of monthes to help with the damage. Now, I get it trimed mabye 2-3 times a year.
I also try to stay away from cone products, and pretty much anything that had alot of chemicals in it. I use a line caled Jason Naturals. You can get them at health food stores. Fred Meyer also carries it in the natural section. I like the sea kelp and the biotin.I only shampoo 2 times a week. I do co only washes the rest of the time. Jojoba oil could also help prevent breakage. I use it as a leave-in a couple of times a week, overnight. I also use it like a frizz ease serum. But a little goes a long way. 
As for he big spongey rollers, a drug store sholud have them
Sorry for the long post, I hope I helped you some.

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: December 07 2006 at 10:09am
I have used Jason products as well.  I love the swimmer's shampoo!  But recently my sister bought the biotin shampoo and conditioner and I noticed they have cones.  I got to looking at the store and most of the Jason shampoos do contain them.  I didn't think they did before!

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 07 2006 at 4:54pm
The biotin has one one cone.My hair seems to do ok with the one. Any more, and I don't like the way my hair is. My scalp also reacts to more cones. I have read were some people actually like the cones, and look for them. But then I have heard that silicone products with coat your hair while it is drying it underneath. I do pretty good with the biotin.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: December 07 2006 at 11:16pm
Alisa -
Yes, the silicone builds up on the hair and eventually seals out the moisture.  I do know some long haired women who like cones.  My sister has been using the biotin shampoo for a couple months and loves it.  When I use a shampoo with even one cone I notice a difference in the way my hair behaves after only 2 or 3 washes.  It's whatever your hair responds to the best that you should use. 
Precious Girl -
If you find a shampoo or conditioner you think you might like, give it a try.  I know that can get expensive, but I try to use the whole bottle unless it's something I just can't stand.  If after several washes you decide you really don't like it, stop using it (give it to a friend or something) and try something else.  Don't be afraid to experiment with different products!  Remember which one gave the best results, take notes if you have to, and go with it.  You will eventually find the one that works best for your specific hair.  Good luck! Smile

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 08 2006 at 3:06pm
I also like the biotin. I do tend to change what I use alot though. I have used others whith two cones, or more, but I just don't like it. The biotin does have dimethicone. Any other ones and I don't like the results. I don't like Pantene, or any one like it. My hair gets really smooth, but after a few washes, my scalp starts to get really itchy, and I don't like the way my hair respnds. I have thought about making my own shampoos in the past.
 I guess you just have to find what works for you. I have gotten shampoos and conditioners in the past, only to use it a couple of times, and either through it out or give it to someone. If you find something you like, and it works for you, stick with it. At the moment, I really like the GROW line from Hair Formula 37. The only problem I am having is that I have alot of hair, and the bottles are kind of on the smaller end. I think I am going to just use them as like a treatment, a couple times aweek or so.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: OJuliaDeeO
Date Posted: December 08 2006 at 6:22pm
My hair is very similar to your natural hair, except mine was a whole lot frizzier when dry. I also straightened my hair every day. But.... I stopped the heat....shampooed less...conditioned more... and my hair is no longer frizzy! It's natural waves are very pretty and I get lots of compliments! Just today I recieved a compliment that my hair was so soft. And that's only possible w/o heat. I would just reccommend to do what everyone is saying because it really works. Oh and btw like everyone else has been saying your natural hair looks great!Big%20smile

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: December 12 2006 at 9:40am
 I think your being over critical the natural hair is way better than the iron pressed hair, WAVES ARE IN!!!! If i were you id start buying products to enhance the waves so that they will look there best natural.:) I like your hair very pretty!


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: December 12 2006 at 9:05pm
I agree with babycheeks' sentiments.  Hair's natural texture (with or without product "enhancement") is best, whether it's straight, wavy or curly.  IMHO, of course.


Posted By: Thisisniccy
Date Posted: December 19 2006 at 9:13am
Originally posted by Precious Girl Precious Girl wrote:

Okay I have a question. Celebrities hair is always straightedened and blow dried and curled. How do they keep their hair healthy and shiny. I know they have tons of money and go to stylists but od nothing can help damage how do they do it? I want hair like this:
Is it attainable for me? How does she do it (or how do he stylists do it?)
Her hair is FAKE, same with every other celeb.


Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 5:30am
I too think you have beautiful natural hair! Forget the Adrianna lima look.She probably only styles her hair like that cuz it's so straight it wont do anything else.
Try converting to a big (2inches I think) curling iron. It wont curl your hair as much as just give a tiny bit of wave and smooth out the ends.
You only have to leave it on a second unlike flatirons that you must hold on the hair for several seconds if not minutes.
You really do have goregous hair though~like sherilyn Fenn (who you probably dont know who she is because you are young)Believe me,I'd kill to have hair like yours.

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 11:49am
My name is Shera Lynn and her's is Sherilyn. They're similar.

March 2007:

Posted By: Precious Girl
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 1:17pm
I know who she is! She is on Gilmore Girls and she was in an episode of Friends.

March 2007:

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 2:49pm
 Well,when her hair was longer...she is a classic beauty.I would love to have hair like that. So full of body,anyone can have straight hair.

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: December 21 2006 at 6:16pm">

Her hair like just beautiful

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