Satin Strands Premium Hair Extensions...
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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:29am
Topic: Satin Strands Premium Hair Extensions...
Subject: Satin Strands Premium Hair Extensions...
Date Posted: December 16 2006 at 8:20pm
Does anyone have any thought about Sally's Satin Strand Hair? Does the quality differ from each color ( like how a light blond is dry crap but the black is silky heaven in the form of hair? Only as an example though, I'm not saying it is.)?
Date Posted: December 17 2006 at 5:26pm
And is it worth the cost? Its about $79 not including tax.
Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: December 17 2006 at 5:29pm
I was at Sallys yesterday and looked at the Satin Strands hair...I wasnt impressed with any of it. I know a few of the ladies here tried it. Try doing a search and see what comes up.
------------- - -
Posted By: Shirilyn
Date Posted: December 17 2006 at 6:12pm
Don't buy it, it is tototototototottoooooo straight, and it mats after the first shampoo.
Date Posted: December 17 2006 at 6:35pm
Thanks for your replies, what about this (the link at the bottom)? I read a post by Aphrodiva saying the quality was terrific. I LOVE long hair so thats why its soooo long. - -
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 17 2006 at 11:28pm
I bought some but haven't really used it long enough yet to say for sure. I had some installed via fusion and it worked well for the two and a half weeks I had it in with cold water washing and gentle care. But I removed it in my excitement over trying shrinkies and haven't put it back in yet.
For me to be happy with hair it has to last well through 6 to 8 weeks of wear, so I can't say for sure what I think of the satin strands yet. I was going to put it back in this week but then happened across some Unique Wiiv that is really fine/pretty hair so I may try that first. Usually my hair supply store carries Unique Wiiv that isn't super fine hair, but the last two packages I bought in a hurry turned out to look really good. I also have wawa and elite thermofiber to play with so dunno what to try next. Still deciding.
I'll let you know how the satin strands hold up once I do wear the hair for a few more weeks.
sorry that prob doesn't help you now
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Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 8:49am
What unique wiiv hair type did you use?
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 8:59am
The Unique Wiiv I have now is human hair silky straight, but it has the slightest bit of wave now that I've washed it. I don't have it installed yet. When I do I can post a pic if you like. Or even a pic of the hair now after a wash before installation if you're interested.
It's finer hair than the sally satin strands. The satin strands is thicker coarser hair with almost no wave at all when wet. The satin strands held up well but I washed it in cold water and I was very gentle with it for those two weeks I had it in. Dunno how it would handle blow dries and daily curling.
I've had long blonde Unique Wiiv silky straight before that's lasted a few weeks of rough wear and hot water washes. But that was a long time ago. This hair is dark brown and pretty after the first wash. I'll let you know how it ages once I have it in
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Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 9:25am
YES! Would you please post a picture, i'm thinking of buying 26 in. italian curly, since Aphrodiva was raving about how good it was, but the one she got was 18 in bodywave and since I absoloutley LOVE looong hair I want to get 26 in.
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 9:27am
Although, it may be available only in 18 in. because anything longer would be that CRAPPY NAPPY sh!t like the Sassy collection for Sally's.
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 4:00pm
snapping pictures right now
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Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 5:57pm
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 6:25pm
Ok here you go
You can click on the picture if you want to see a larger version
All are 18 inches long
These are hanging funny so don't let the length difference throw you off
They're air drying after wash/condition/anti-tap spray
From left to right
Unique Wiiv French Curly color #4
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave color #2
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave color #4
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave color #30
Sally Satin Strands color Casablanca
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight marked on package as color #2
(BUT this #2 is darker than all the other #2s I've bought and lighter than the 1B so I would say it's a strange batch of color #2/1B)">
All are 18 inches long
These are hanging funny so don't let the length difference throw you off
They're air drying after wash/condition/anti-tap spray
From left to right
Unique Wiiv French Curly color #4
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave color #2
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave color #4
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave color #30
Sally Satin Strands color Casablanca
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight marked on package as color #2
(BUT this #2 is darker than all the other #2s I've bought and lighter than the 1B so I would say it's a strange batch of color #2/1B)">
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight 18 inch color#1B prewash on left
Sally Satin Strands 18 inch color Casablanca after wash on right">
Sally Satin Strands 18 inch color Rio Nights prewash">
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave 18 inch prewash">
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave 18 inch color #2 prewash">
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave 18 inch color #4 after wash on left
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave 18 inch color #2 after wash on right">
Unique Wiiv Deep Wave 18 inch color #2 dry after wash">
Unique Wiiv French Curly 18 inch color #4 prewash">
Unique Wiiv French Curly 18 inch color #4 after wash">
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight 18 inch color #1B prewash">
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight 18 inch color #1B prewash">
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight 18 inch color #1B prewash">
Unique Wiiv Silky Straight 18 inch marked on package as color #2 after wash
(BUT this #2 is darker than all the other #2s I've bought and lighter than the 1B so I would say it's a strange batch of color #2/1B)">
Hope this helps.
Sorry it's a hodgepodge of different colors and textures but some of the hair I have is washed and some isn't.
I don't have any Unique Wiiv Body Wave or Italian Curly.
The Beauty Supply Store I go to doesn't sell them.
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Posted By: Carieann
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 6:32pm
I know first hand this hair is junk!!! I have used the blonde and the black and the brown, and its all crap. After a few times of washing your hair with them in it gets all frizzy no matter what you try to do to it, it falls out of the weft really easy, and it just looks horrible!!! Theres hair extensions at Sallys that costs $30 and the are no different than satin strands. Trust me on this one, don't do it!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 6:53pm
I've used hair that costs around 200 for 4 oz from His and Her
french refined
body wave
and silky straight
Some was great, some was crap
I've also ordered from other hair sites and recieved mostly crap hair
I've had better luck with these because I can see the hair before I buy it. I WISH I was closer to better suppliers. I know I'd have better hair because it would be right at my fingertips. But I don't.
You can't wash the Unique Wiiv in hot water or be rough on it or yes it will look like crap real quick. The Satin Strands I haven't tested yet.
That being said, I have yet to try the human hair that is sold by the girls on this site. I'm hoping it is way better than what I'm used to and am really looking forward to trying it. I've seen and heard great things about it. But for now I have too much of this hair not to use it up first. Then I'm trying the wawa and elite thermofiber I have becaue it looks great. Only then will I buy the good stuff from Amm and Sherrie. I'll make little journals and you can be sure that I'll show this hair as it wears and post pics of how it looks. And I'll do the same for the good stuff.
I'm not selling anything, just posted what I have to work with because a newbie asked about it.
I don't mean to sound defensive. I've been looking for good hair for years and know buying the cheap stuff can sometimes cost more in the long run. But I'm still playing with colors and textures too much to invest in the good stuff before I know what I want to do. Wish I could afford super dooper hair to experiment with but I can't.
Please tell where I can get better hair for a comparable price if you know of a place.
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Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 7:12pm
o and to be clear about what I'm looking for
the Unique Wiiv usually costs me around 26 to 30$ a pack
the Satin Strands was about 63$ a pack with my frequent card and a 10$ off coupon that's in their magazine
I'm interested in anything that can compare for similar prices.
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Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 7:24pm
Considering that im 13 years old with a budget of 15 bucks a week from my parents (I have $86 saved up now) I'm gonna stick with $59.99 hair from Unique Wiiv.
Date Posted: December 18 2006 at 7:43pm
Which has better quality when it comes to soft and silkyness, and which one tangles easier? Which one has stringier, straw like ends, 'cause I like the ends blunt. And is the silky straight unique wiiv a great quality hair? How does it compare to the satin strands?
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 19 2006 at 10:13am
The french curly is super curly. Looks like the hair I had when I had a bad perm in highschool. I'm not fond of it and will probably use it for a halloween costume.
The deep wave looks like a spiral perm. It's not really silky. I've seen better waved hair from His and Her if you're looking for silky hair.
The silky straight Unique Wiiv looks better after it's washed and holds up better than any other hair I've tried for the price. But you can't be rough on it or it turns dry and knots fast. It's not as fine and silky as the 100% italian mink hair from His and Her Hair, but I swear it's lasted longer than some of my expensive hair. I run into the problem of buying expensive super fine hair that starts out really beautiful but gets super poofy and dry looking fast. Usually my cheaper hair is dryer looking but stays stronger longer.
The Sally Satin strands I have yet to wear longer than about two weeks. It stayed very managable for those two weeks. But I always run into trouble at 3 or 4 weeks with my hair so that's not really a fair test. I didn't wear it long enough to recommend. It seemed in much better shape than some of the very expensive hair I buy feels at the two week point. But until I wear it for 3 to 6 weeks I won't recommend it.
The Unique Wiiv silky straight is a little finer than the Sally Satin Strands. Both feel and look better after the first wash, and both hold up better if you wash them in cool to cold water so you don't strip off the protective silicone coating. Once that's gone the hair is toast.
I do NOT rescommend the regular sally hair. That gets dry and knotted toofast even for the cheap price. Unique Wiiv is almost the same price and lasts longer. As far as the satin strands, there is a def difference in quality. The satin strands ARE better hair than the regular sally's hair. I can tell that much from two weeks of wear.
I do NOT recommend buying any clearance hair from his and her. It's clearance for a reason.
If you're looking for super silky wavy hair the 100% italin mink french bodywave is the best, short of the cuticle hair. But it's very expensive. And you should really search and read about Amm and Sherrie's hair because I've heard a lot of girls love it and I can vouch that both have fantastic customer service. I haven't bought their human hair yet but I will soon.
If you're saving up, try to buy the best hair you can afford or you'll be really disappointed. Bad knotted hair is no fun and worse than no extensions in my opinion.
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Date Posted: December 19 2006 at 6:19pm
I love hair wefts, i love everything about them!.....BUT the are some wefts that should be illegal to sell in there stores. Do you know why hair companies process their hair? It seems totally uneccessary for both the distributer and the client, the distributer can get more money for it, and the client can have better hair at their fingertips! It seems like such a waste of perfectly good hair IMO, if there excuse is that the hair was bad quality to begin with, my answer would be that it can't get much worse than that.
Date Posted: December 19 2006 at 6:23pm
BTW, are you telling be that I should get the silky straight Unique Wiiv instead of the Satin Strands, since it is finer hair that last longer? The 26 in. Unique Wiiv hair cost $59.99 which is WAYYYYYYY cheaper than the 18 in. Satin Strands ($79.99 not including tax). Where did you get the UW from anyways? Online or at your local store?
Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: December 27 2006 at 4:27pm
I dunno how well the satin strands hold up so I can't say which is better
But from what I know right now yes I would go with the Unique Wiiv over the Satin Strands if you want longer finer hair for less money.
But keep looking around if you have the time. You may find an even better deal for better hair.
I'm sorry I can't be more help
The UW is in stock at a beauty supply store that's pretty close to my house, so I get it there.
I just found some stores in downtown Chicago who carry the bohyme in stock so I'll have to check them out when I need more hair. First I have to use up what I have before I can justify buying more.
Still haven't had a chance to install with holidays and all, but I'll post pics when I do.
edited because I can't type worth a patooty when I'm in a hurry
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Posted By: hairlady1
Date Posted: March 22 2009 at 8:39pm
I have to say that Satin Strands is by far the WORST hair extensions I have ever used, and I've been getting weaves for over 20 years. It tangles all the time and sheds horribly. I got the black and brown, it looks silky, but once it's on your head, it will tangle constantly. My hair stylist put it in so the excuse of me not knowing how to care for it is not valid. I was so excited to try it and spent a fortune on it. I won't ever buy it again.
Posted By: dye-in-vain
Date Posted: November 28 2010 at 10:12pm
As a professional cosmetologist, I actually have been using Satin Strands for 2+ years now. I absolutely adore this line and prefer it over SoCap (for those of you who know what I am talking about).
I have found that most people who buy Satin Strands and "don't like" usually are the ones that are guilty of not taking care of extensions the way they were meant to be taken care of. The woman on here who said she had hers in for 2 weeks was actually taking amazing care and the right care of her extensions.
If you want optimal results with ANY type of extension (no matter what the brand) you need to: -wash your hair with cold water (the way you're actually supposed to wash your own real hair)
-you CANNOT just ball it up on top of your head and lather as it is very damaging whether it be your own real hair or extension hair
-rub shampoo from root to tip in a downward motion ALWAYS
-use a good conditioner
-detangle gently from the bottom of the hair to the top with a wide tooth comb and air dry your hair
-If you are going to use ANY kind of heat tool on your hair you HAVE to use some form of heat protectant (just like your own real hair) otherwise you will run the great risk of frying, burning and damaging your hair.
-If you plan on coloring your extensions you will also incur some form of damage to the hair unless you are using a semi-permanent (since it has no ammonia, or peroxide). AND YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT USE CHEAP BOX DYE FROM THE GROCERY STORE!!! Why? Because it is straight up garbage and what is the use of buying a $100 pack of hair if you are going to use $3.88 Clairol from Walmart in it?!
I also wear Satin Strands fusion hair for 4 months at a time and have never had an issue in my own hair. OH! AND I have had the same bundle for a year and a half now. I am on my last round of using them because now they are cut to about 13" and my hair is 9" long. Every time I take them out I cut the old keratin glue off of them and re-tip them. So progressively they have gotten shorter.
Does it tangle? Yes! ALL hair tangles. Don't even try to tell me your $20 pack of hair doesn't either. ALL... HAIR... TANGLES. There is a difference, A HUGE DIFFERENCE, between tangling and matting. Satin Strands doesn't mat. Period.