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Lop off 3 inches? No!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 12:27am

Topic: Lop off 3 inches? No!
Posted By: treeluvn
Subject: Lop off 3 inches? No!
Date Posted: December 27 2006 at 2:42pm
Hello all!  

This is my first post...stumbled onto this site while contemplating a SuperCuts-type "trim" of my hair.  Shocked

About me: 1AFi-ii (I think that's the lingo?) ...stick straight chestnut brown at about bra-clasp level; equal length except a lock or two framing the face that (I assume) are from my too-tight buns.

Hair is super-fine and leans on the thin-ish side.  Can look great if/when I take care of it...however, tangles easily (some end damage) and is prone to rats-nest issues.  Bottom 2-4 inches a little scraggley due to breakage/splits.  Frankly, I haven't been taking care of it like I should in the past few months, due to some personal drama/laziness/life-transition. 
(Alright, a depression relapse wreaks havoc on self-care issues, for those of you who have dealt with it may know.)

It was piled in a lumpy mess on my head with two bobby pins for a bit (okay, a long time Stern%20Smile )....the kind of mess where you hope it doesn't fall lest everyone see how bad it looks; washing around snarls.

Over the holiday did some massive "renovation", (hours! hours!) de-tangled, conditioned and resolved that it will NEVER be in such a mess again.

I had a foot out the door today to get the "trim" I (and every member of my family) assumed I really needed...ran across you guys, then decided to wait, think, and maybe have a consult at the local Long-Hair Friendly salon instead.  (I live in a big city, glad I may have some support other than the "let's lop it off" crowd.)  It would be a change from my sorry bi-annual trips to the SuperCuts, which never end well.

Current Status: My diet has been a wreck. Didn't take supplements this year.  Really let myself "go" in many ways.  The hair is a reflection and symptom of all that--pretty much no beauty/self-care routine to speak of.

This site has been an inspiration to me, thanks. 

Resolutions for 2007 (Starting Now!):

  • Get back on supplements as in previous months: Omega 3s, vitamins, oils, flax, and so on.  Helps with so many things.
  • Get healthier with my eating/drinking (alcohol)/hydration/exercise habits; surely the health of the hair will improve with the rest of me!
  • Try new ideas that I've thought about and have read here: oils, styles, measurement, goal setting, natural products
  • Make raising my standards a priority in the new year.  Better long haircare standards will be an important element of that.

A childhood inspiration was my Memaw, whose waist-length silver hair was alway perfectly coiffed in an old-school Southern up-do. Mine has been in the Dorothy Hamil mushroom, the "Rachel", and everything in between.  Last 2-3 inch "trim" was probably a year ago.  
Okay, so mine is not model-thick (and will never be)  or particularly healthy looking (yet)  but I am motivated!

A long post, but hopefully something that will keep me on-task & accountable to people that aren't like "Ooh, cut it to about your shoulders!  Thanks for reading, and for your support. Embarrassed

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: December 27 2006 at 4:24pm
Your hair might be long enough for you to do your own trimming using Feye's method -

You can get a decent pair of scissors at Sally Beauty for $10-25
Just be sure that they only get used on hair so they don't dull.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 27 2006 at 4:42pm
Hello, and welcome!!Thumbs%20UpYou will really like this board, and find tons of information. It seams like you have the right ideas. Do what you have planned and you should have beautiful, healthy hair in no time at all. I would stay away from the salon, though, if you are trieing to grow it out. Purple Bubba has the right idea.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: whhoiskad
Date Posted: December 27 2006 at 5:10pm

Welcome treeluvn,

Your story made me giggle and i am sure you will stick to your resolutions:)
I agree with purplebubba above if its long enough have a go at doing it yourself, its very easy i have done it a couple of times.
Keep up the good growing!

Hair Type 2a/m/ii

Posted By: AmandaPanda
Date Posted: December 27 2006 at 6:22pm
Welcome! I've been using Feye's method for the past couple of years, and I hope to continue using it. It's really easy, money-saving, and will save you from possible heartache

------------- - My Long Hair Odyssey

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: December 28 2006 at 10:23am
I'm glad to hear you are out of your depression.  Don't be hard on your hair, thinking it is "not model thick".  These days, models wear extensions so its not real anyway - why envy it!  Your hair will be beautiful as long as it is healthy and well cared for, your work will make it shine! 

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: December 28 2006 at 11:06pm
Hi treeluvn.  I'm glad you decided to resolve your routines and get back into good health, not only for your hair but also for your own well-being.  I've been there, though not quite to your extreme.  (I was hating my hair and it was in very bad health and getting worse.  I was on the edge, ready to cut it off about 6 inches.)  I encourage you to keep it up and don't give up.  Your hair will resume its previous healthy condition in no time. 
p.s. i use feye's trimming method as well and i love it!

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: December 30 2006 at 9:31am
Actually is reguar trimmimg necessary and if so what is the frequency - in terms of no of months
Vivek - male with 32 inches long hair

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: December 30 2006 at 10:35am
I would say that it deppends on if you need it or not. If you have badly damaged hair, you will need to trim it more often to get rid of the damage.Like, say, every 2-3 months. (I would just be careful not to take to much off, or you won't see any new length.)That is if you do not want o cut all the damage off.
If you don't have any  damage, mabye a couple times a year or so.I think that it really depends on your hair.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 01 2007 at 6:57pm
Welcome treeluvn!  Good to hear for your sake that you averted another bi-annual Supercuts "disaster"... and that you've pulled yourself up out of the mire of depression. 


Posted By: Katze
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 4:40am
treeluvn, good to hear you are committed to taking care of yourself! I struggled with major depression too, so I know how hard it can be. I had great success with St John's Wort tincture and then acupuncture, and the Omegas DO help, too. :)

I think it's better to trim yourself if you want long hair. Mine is very fine too (2a (?) F i ) and has a lot of damage. Salons always hack and add layers for volume...but what was OK with highlighted hair at shoulder length is NOT ok for my almost-BSL length.

Natural hair care has also been a great help - for me, no shampoo, SMT, oiling.

So nice to hear what sounds like a success story already - good for you!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 8:49am

I wanted to take a moment and applaud you  for pulling yourself back to reality.  ( the phrase I use) Six years ago, I got post pardum deppression really bad, which was triggered from a form of depresion called uni-polar.Bi-polar goes up and down, uni-polar stays down, and never gets past the medium mood level. I have since spent alot of time in a phsychiatrists office.I felt like I was drowning and people were all around me but could not see me. Any way, I just want to say good for you. It is very, very hard to do what you did, not to mention scarry.Clap

Essential fatty acids and amino acids do great wonders for depression. I take fish oil and flax seed oil ( I fluctuate them) and a ton of amino acids. My mood is extremely effected when I take them. 

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 1:45pm
Originally posted by Alisa06 Alisa06 wrote:

Essential fatty acids and amino acids do great wonders for depression. I take fish oil and flax seed oil ( I fluctuate them) and a ton of amino acids. My mood is extremely effected when I take them. 
I've heard that lots of studies show that fish oils (omega 3 fatty acids) are excellent at preventing post-partum depression.  It's becoming a big thing for pregnant women to eat lots of fish and take fish oil.  And what do you know.... the oil intake is great for your hair and skin as well!

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 5:23pm

I love my fish./flax oils. I take the them for so many reasons. They seem to be so good for such a long list of things. I struggle with skin problems, take them for that. Dry, itchy scalp, hair health, and the obove mentioned depression. I also have heart problems in my family and a heart murmur myself. I think they are just an awesome supplement to take. I have heard that cod live oil is better than fish of flax oil. I have never tried it myself, but have been curious about it.

 What a great idea, to try and prevent post pardum depression! I wish I had heard of this when I was having my babies.( We have three, so we are done.) So much heartache could be done away with.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 6:09pm
Welcome treeluvn!! I'm new to this board, too, although I've been reading posts for about a year. I have also suffered from some severe bouts of depression. I don't think anyone can know what it's like unless they've been through it. People who haven't been there think you can make yourself happy. Not true. Anyway, glad to have you here. Here's to a great year in 07 and happy hair growing. This board has been very inspirational to me and I've managed to grow my hair four inches because of it.
Alisa06 - I liked your description of feeling like you were drowning but no one could see you.

Posted By: GearMaven
Date Posted: February 04 2007 at 4:10pm
New to the board...have also noticed difference in hair, skin (less acne), and nails (fewer vertical ridges) with cod liver oil. Bought at our local Whole Foods store the Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil, which is pharmaceutical grade and has highest level of Omega-3 fatty acids/tsp of any cod liver oil. I keep it in the fridge. It has a mild orange taste and very little fishy flavor. I haven't noticed much of an after taste either, so palatable.

No wonder my little Irish aunties have such thick, shiny hair and good health into their 80s! Sometimes the old ways are the best!

Posted By: gypsydoll
Date Posted: February 04 2007 at 8:39pm
I am so glad to hear you didn't cut off too much hair!  I have been through boughts of depression all my life.  One thing I have promised myself, never cut my hair!  I can't imagine how much more down I would feel if I did that.
I'm glad to hear you're back on your feet.  The people here are great!  supportive, helpful and non-judgmental.  I feel so welcome.  I hope you will too.

Jen, (1a/f/ii)

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 05 2007 at 8:36am
GearMaven- I believe that so much of what you called the old ways, could help with so many ailments, and disorders. It is such a shame that so much of it is lost.
KittyKat- I am a poet, so I think about words and phrases alot.My phsychiatrist also liked it.There were other things I said which he also liked, but I can not remember them all at the moment. This was the one Ifelt was reality.I agree that unless you have been through it, you don't know what it is like. I had a friend of mine keep telling me that depression is a choice, you have to choose to make yourself feel better. Confused
I have struggled with depression most of my life, and let me tell you, In some of the moments whenIwas feeling the worst, I had such a good smile, that no one knew I was feeling so bad.I was trieng to cover it up with false feelings, but it was making it worse.
The moral of the story, you have to accept the way you are feeling in order to heal.Stuffing it and covering it up will make you explode someday.
Sorry for the long post.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

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