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New Year's hair resolutions 2007

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 2:29am

Topic: New Year's hair resolutions 2007
Posted By: DaveDecker
Subject: New Year's hair resolutions 2007
Date Posted: January 01 2007 at 8:01pm
Now that 2007 is here, with regards to your hair, what do you resolve to continue doing, or start doing, or discontinue doing?

Mine:  Keep hair better moisturized.  Don't let it get so dry.  Apply more oil and water when needed.  Also, be more patient sometimes.  Continue doing periodic S&D once every couple of months.  I might consider continuing to try to learn how to do effective scalp washes, but I'm close to giving up on that one (the last time I tried it was a nightmare).

Posted By: MsSerenity
Date Posted: January 02 2007 at 1:04am
After reviewing what my goals for 2006 were ... I'm fairly sure I will keep the same and add a few others.

My 2006 resolutions:

  *To learn how to S/D correctly.
  *Learn new hair styles
  *Take my vitamins daily
  *Go from waist length to classic (or longer)
  *Visit my Hair Guru more often. (Hi Dave!)

  I learned a lot about my hair last year. Now, I just want to be a little more patient and care for my hair like I should.

As fate would have it, my business is all about you.

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 02 2007 at 12:50pm
Diet and exercise, I suppose, are the main things I feel I need to work on.  I'm not overweight and don't have a problem maintaining my weight, but I do need to eat healthier foods.  I do exercise some... walking 3 miles a day, some sit-ups and push-ups.  (I have an exellent motivation - if I don't get at least some exercise, my back hurts.)  But I'm not regular enough about it and I'm not in as good of shape as I'd like to be/have been. 
This doesn't seem hair-related, but hair and skin reveal what's inside.  I know that the better my overall health is, the better my hair will grow.  And lately I've been reading up on the types of foods to eat to improve dry hair and skin (both of which I suffer from). 
other goals:
~ buy a fresh supply of products before I run out
~ practice braiding more often (i've lost one of my 2 top "models") and learn new styles

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 02 2007 at 4:33pm
Hi MsSerenity!  (waves)  Is it time for a trim to lessen the appearance of "the chunk?"

Sarah, I'm almost afraid to ask what happened to the one of your top models.  I can only hope "moved away," instead of some other possibilities.

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 02 2007 at 8:07pm
No Dave, she didn't cut her hair. LOL  I just don't see her that much anymore.  I'm actually very proud of her that she's taking much better care of her hair now than she has in the past, and it has grown to just past her waist.  She's just stopped hanging around so much and constantly asking me to do her hair.  She still gets me to trim for her, but that's about all.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: gypsydoll
Date Posted: January 02 2007 at 11:08pm
I've been so busy over the last year I've gotten lazy with my styling.  I throw it up in a bun way to often!
This year I hope to show it off more with some new braids and let it down a bit.  I only wear my hair down once or twice a year.  I have to find ways to wear it down more often.
Anyone have pointers for wearing it down, let me know.
By the way.. what's S&D and scalp washes?

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: January 03 2007 at 1:34pm

Its nice to know others are trying to better their bodies just as much as their hair.If your body isnt healthy chances are you'll see it in your hair.

New years resolutions 2007:

1.Eat in moderation,and exercise at least a few times a week.

2.No Chemical dyes

3.No heat whatsoever

4.Even out my edges when I reach chin length.

5.Take care of my scalp just as much as the length

6.forget about my hair for at least a little bit so it can grow,lol

Gypsydoll-S&D is Search and destroy,To be honest I'm not sure about scalp washes?


Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 03 2007 at 2:19pm
Scalp wash is when you shampoo your scalp only without putting shampoo all through your hair.
In case you don't know... search and destroy is referring to trimming the tips of individual hairs to remove split ends.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: January 03 2007 at 3:34pm
1. Give away my hair dryer and flat iron (done 12/31/06)
2. Go to a hair meet (done 12/31/06)
3. Meet some more inspirational long haired folks
4. Wear my hair up more often
5. More scalp massages (morning and evening if possible)
It's always nice to put a few on the list that you can cross off right away!!


Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 05 2007 at 8:51pm

Let me see...

This year I want to try to...
 *shampoo less often.
 *keep my hair moisturized.continue to use oils, and more condiontioners. It has gotten so much healthier since I joined this forum.
 *remember to take all my supplements daily. I periodically forget.
 *eat more protein.I love meat, so this won't be a problem.
 *learn more about my hair, as much as I can.
 *Last, but not least ,try not to worry that it is not growing as fast as I would like it to, it is growing, at least.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Katarina
Date Posted: January 06 2007 at 6:36pm
I will wash less often.
Go 100% organic.
Take supplements daily.
No heat from blowfryer or flatiron.
Deep-condition twice weekly.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 06 2007 at 7:34pm
I forgot to mention that I won't use any heat  at all. I never do, so I forgot about it. Also to deep condition more often.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Nastasska
Date Posted: January 06 2007 at 10:18pm
Now that I've got my ends looking so much thicker I'm going to work on keeping them that way without any more trimming

[IMG]" />
Cats may have staff but dogs have slaves, tired ones

Posted By: Katze
Date Posted: January 08 2007 at 4:32am
** not being afraid to trim away the old bleach/dye damage if I need it (just did this last week - hair looks and feels so better)

** check out martial arts schools (with my BF, yay) as well as keeping up the jogging 3x a week for weight control

** wear my hair up more to stop it from breaking.

2a, F, i hair, 23 inches (just above BSL) with about 8 inches of old chemical damage that is slowly but surely growing out! My goal is waist.

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: January 13 2007 at 8:33pm
one resolution CONTINUE TO GROW:) lol.


Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: January 14 2007 at 11:16pm
I went 7 months without heat last year, and my hair was no better if not worse than it is now where I do the ocassional blowdry/flat iron. So no more of the no heat thing for me.

No real resolutions. I just let it grow and not really worry about it anymore. I'm really liking the new tapered bangs I had cut... it changes my look from high school which was 3 years ago already.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: January 15 2007 at 5:35am
I always try not to trim mine so obsessively.  I will continue trying.  

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: January 15 2007 at 12:28pm
- Try to continue to keep it long (thoughts of cutting keep entering my head)
- Find more ways to wear it (other than the daily ponytail).
- Exercise to improve overall health


Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: January 15 2007 at 4:19pm
- continue to grow my hair to tailbone
- stop using a flat iron
- deep condition more.
- take vitamins
- improve skin.
- exercise more.
- feel more confident about myself.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: January 16 2007 at 1:38pm
Here are last year's and whether I accomplished them:
- Reach a length that "looks tailbone" not IS tailbone... so about almost-classic.  (*reached!)
- Pick up my green tea habit again - green tea is supposed to be good for hair! (*picked up a red tea habit)
- Be happier with my length and not get hair anorexia, be happy with my thickness, especially as my hair gets longer and more difficult to work with. (*debatable)
- Learn how to do Leia's Swirly Bun (*invented a new bun)
And for 2007...
- reach classic length
- find better buns that don't hurt the scalp
- wear it down more
- eat more vegetarian food
- do more S&D

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

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