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long hair help

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 2:33am

Topic: long hair help
Posted By: baby*flower
Subject: long hair help
Date Posted: January 10 2007 at 1:17pm
I decided a year ago that i wanted to grow out my hair long, my goal is to get my hair to my tail bone and my hair now is a little past half way down my back its pretty long now but i want it down to my tailbone. I keep hearing of people on this forum who dont use shampoo on thier hair, can someone give me advice on how that helps to grow hair long? another problem is that i do use heat on my hair because it is naturally wavy/frizzy and i dont like to keep it in that form so i do use a flat iron only once a week on my hair along with washing it once a week as well to let my natural oils build up, can anyone give me tips or advice on growing my hair long? like certain types of brushes i use for my hair, is it ok to use curlers in my hair? i need some good long hair tips thanks guys:)

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 10 2007 at 2:52pm

Hi, Baby flower,

I also have really wavy hair. I actually have,  ringlets underneath. My hair used to be pretty frizzy. That was untill I started using oils and more conditioners on it.  Wavy/curly hair needs more moisture. I love jojoba oil, and olive oil and am experimenting with shea butter.Try adding more moisture and laying aff the heat. I bet the fizz will start to fade away.
As for brushes, just use a boar bristle brush to help spread oils around. Use a wide toothed comb for detangling, and daily use.My waves have actually become more defined since I stoped brushing.
Also, I like to use multiple conditioners when I wash. One on the ends to protect them while I shampoo(, shampoo just my scalp). Another afterwards just on the ends, and then the last one all over. Rinsing with cool-cold water will help alot.
My goal is also to get to my tailboneBig%20smile

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 10 2007 at 4:39pm
long answer.........
baby*flower, not shampooing doesn't make hair grow, it simply keeps the oils from being stripped, resulting in more moisturized hair.  It's sometimes referred to as "no-poo" or "CO" which is conditioner only.  It's really big among the curly ones because naturally curly hair is naturally very dry.  Those who follow this routine do not use shampoo.  They wet their hair and apply conditioner as if they already washed it.
Some people can do it, and some can't.  The same way some people can go longer between washings.  It depends on your skin type and hair type.  The scalp can be conditioned to produce less or more oil by washing less or more often.  (The more you wash the oil away, the more it thinks it needs to produce.  If you washed your hair 5 times a day, eventually you couldn't stand going all day without washing it.)  It's something that should be worked in to.  If you wash every day, don't suddenly go a week without.  If you want to go shampooless, try skipping every other wash to begin with.  I believe Katze said she's been shampooless for a few months.  Maybe she could give some more detailed advice.
I'm one that can't go completely no-poo because I have a very oily scalp that tends to get yucky if I don't keep it clean.  (even to the point of getting fungus, which is not healthy)  However, I wash it only twice a week and sometimes do CO in between.  Sometimes I can go a whole week with CO before shampooing again.  I think it depends on the weather.
hope that helps!

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: January 10 2007 at 9:57pm
Alisa06, thanks for the advice im definatly looking into oiling my hair lately, im thinking about using jojoba oil in my hair, is it ok to put in even when my hair is greasy? because i take a shower once a week, so do you think it would make a difference to put it in my hair on the 6th day and sleep i n it and then take a shower on the 7th? would that give my hair more nourishment or would i have to do it more often? thanks:)
hairbraider, thanks for the advice im going to try to skip shampooing for a week and see how it goes i want to go as natural as possible with  my hair but i cant resist flat ironing it because i like to smooth out my waves and it compliments my face alot more so its something i geuss ill have to do but i noticed my hairs alot more managable long since the waves have loosened, i want to grow it out so i have slight waves and less frizz, anyway thanks for the help.
does anyone know if its ok to use curlers in your hair? im trying to find a new way of smoothing out my hair without having to put so much heat on it but i hope it doesnt result in any hair loss, thanks.

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 10 2007 at 10:20pm

Curlers are fine (not hot rollers).  I believe what you would be doing is called "roller setting".  If you use large curlers, it will smooth out the waves and have a slight curl at the ends.  The only hair loss I can imagine resulting from it is if the hair gets tangled in the curlers.  It takes practice being able to put them in and take them out without tangles.  But just be careful and you shouldn't have trouble.  That would be good if you could do that instead of flat ironing. 

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 11 2007 at 8:59am
Putting jojoba oil in your hair the day before you shampoo would be good. I like to put alot in so it is oily looking, then braid it for the night, and shampoo in the morning. I also am trieing to get away from shampooing, so I am moving to co onlly washes. I have to ahampoo about every 3-4th time though, or my scalp gets really itchy.I have a couple spots that get really raw, and scabby, but only when I go to long betwenn washes. It remind me of my son. He has acouple spots that the dr said were a form of psoriasis.It is not so bad when I stay up an my fish oil pills, and water.
I agree with everything Haribraider said. I used to use rollers to even out my waves.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: January 15 2007 at 1:46pm
Thanks guys for your help, I'm going to be oiling my hair with jojoba more often now, i just have to find out where i can buy the pure oil, is it good to brush your hair everynight? or to not brush at all? some people have said that brushing is good and others say that it destroys the hair when done every night im not sure how this works. Alisa06 what do fish oil pills do? do they help with the hair?

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 15 2007 at 4:26pm
Essential fatty acids are essential for the development for every nerve, cell and organ in your body. They also nourish the hair,skin and every tissue. A diet that is low-fat tends to be defficient in EFA's. You can find them in fish oil, flax oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, and cod liver oil. I am sure there are more, I just can't remember them at the moment. There ar a large number of health problems that EFA's can help with. Depression, heart, digestive just to name a few.
I hope this helps some.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 15 2007 at 4:32pm
I forgot to tell you that amino acids are awesome for hair and skin. I take Hair Formula 37, but there are tons of amino acid supplements out there. Just becareful if you get a shake mix, to watch the carb and calories, or you will end up gaining weight.
 A diet high in protein will benifit the hair greatly.Hair is mainly protein, amino acids are found in protein, hense why they are so great for hair.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

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