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mayo pics?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 12:17am

Topic: mayo pics?
Posted By: tdouty
Subject: mayo pics?
Date Posted: January 17 2007 at 12:40pm
This is kind of off topic for the forum, but I'll mention it anyway.  The last time we mayo'd Jennifer's hair (back in November of 2006), we took a bunch of photos.  If anyone would be interested, I could post several of these to this thread.  The pics include several pictures of the progression of the mayo'ing and then rinsing/conditioning her hair afterwards.  If I get a couple positive answers, I'll put them up.  I know photos are usually welcomed so I thought I'd ask to guage the interest.  Here's a "before" picture.


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 17 2007 at 1:36pm
I do mayo sometimes so I don't necessarily need pics of the process, but I'd love to at least see before and after pics.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 17 2007 at 3:18pm
I don't have any after pics ... just ones of doing the mayo and washing.  I'll try to remember to get before and after pics the next time.

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 17 2007 at 4:15pm
Ah, ok.  I was just wondering if there was a visual difference afterwards.
Ya know, it's funny.....  I was talking to someone about using mayo on hair, discussing how to do it with putting a plastic bag over it and then a warm towel and all that.  My friend who was listening started laughing and begged me to do that next time he came over so he could see.  I said "no!  I hide out in the bathroom so nobody can see me."  He thought it'd be so hilarious to see me with a plastic bag on my head! Confused He begged and begged, but to no avail. 

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 7:27am
Yeah, it's strange.  Some guys like this stuff and others just want to stay away and watch TV while it happens.  I, for one, don't miss it.  I love to see her nice soft hair get doused with mayo and watch it slowly get all oily and wet.  There's nothing that looks like it ... or feels like it for that matter.  Then afterwards, her hair feels great and we wonder why we didn't do it much sooner.  I think you should have given in and let him watch.  Maybe he'd start doing it for you and you could just enjoy the pampering :-).  Jennifer enjoys that part of it ... just sit there and relax while somebody massages her head and tugs on her hair.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 7:53am
Her hair looks even longer in that one than in your signature pictures!  It looks really nice.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 8:29am
It does look really long in this picture, doesn't it?  We noticed that too.  It's 2 months newer than the latest signature picture and in the signature picture picture, Jennifer may be slightly tipping her head forwards looking at something, but that wouldn't seem to make up for the difference.  I really like this picture.  I think its maybe the contrast of the hair with the green plant.

I got Jennifer a couple of metal barettes for Christmas so I was looking at your site, Susan,  for ideas of how to make them hair-safe.  I need to go to WalMart to get the things I need to do this.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 9:48am
What is Jennifer's goal length? If you posted this somewhere in the past, I apologize. I agree that is looks longer in this picture. What a treat, to get pampered like that. I can see why she likes it.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 11:43am
She doesn't really have a goal length.  She's always had long hair and is just growing it now to see how long it will get until she gets tired of it or it isn't fun anymore.  Then she may cut it back, but it won't be really short.  She enjoys long hair and plans on always having long hair.

As far as the pampering, well, I enjoy it as much as she does ... but shhhh .... dont' tell her that ;-).

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 1:15pm
Originally posted by tdouty tdouty wrote:

Yeah, it's strange.  Some guys like this stuff and others just want to stay away and watch TV while it happens.  ...  I think you should have given in and let him watch.  Maybe he'd start doing it for you and you could just enjoy the pampering :-).  Jennifer enjoys that part of it ... just sit there and relax while somebody massages her head and tugs on her hair.
Embarrassed Maybe if we had more of an intimate relationship.  I hate saying "we're just friends" because even if it's true, nobody ever believes it. lol  We've been really close friends for about 6 years.  Dating is a possibility we're open to, but I think neither of us are ready for that just yet.  If it ever comes to that, I'll keep your suggestion in mind.  I think he'd be good at it and would enjoy it.  He's like you, really into it.  He's constantly asking me questions about stuff I do to my hair, especially if it's something odd like putting food in it.
p.s. I really like that pic too.  The ivy in the background does add a nice touch.  If it wasn't for the toilet, it'd almost look like it was taken in a studio.Wink

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 3:38pm
Yeah, the toilet paper hanging there doesn't do anything for the picture for sure LOL!

Yes, do keep it in mind to have him watch or help sometime.  Taken from a man's perspective, lots of guys love the look and feel of long hair and have a big interest in what fun it can be, but are afraid to ask to help with it.  Instead, they make jokes about women doing things like putting a plastic bag over their head ... "Yeah, I'd like to see that one!".  They use it as a challenge to get to watch.  Long hair can be an added form of intimacy between a man and a woman in a healthy relationship.  Both can get enjoyment out of it and spend more time together in this way.  If you like the guy, take him up on the offer and see how it goes.  If he makes fun of you, he's not the one.  If it goes well, it could be good.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 4:03pm
My husband loves my hair.SmileHe was almost as upset as I was when it was cut. He always plays with it with his fingers, or smoothing his hands through it. Now he wants our 6 yr old daughter to have long hair. I have kept it shorter because it was sooo thin. She wants to have hair to her knees!

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 18 2007 at 5:57pm
Hey Tdouty,

I think that interest in seeing the process would be limited to those who are close to or intimate with the one undergoing the process.  Personally I have no interest in seeing the during pics (including because I don't plan to try the mayo treatment and am not looking for a picture-based tutorial).  Please know that I do not wish to diminish your enjoyment of the process.

Her hair does look longer in this pic and it does look very shiny and healthy.  Wouldn't mind seeing an "after" pic to see the value of the treatment, though.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: January 19 2007 at 6:58am
Thanks tdouty for letting me know you are using my site, its always nice to know if people find it useful!

 Its also interesting to read your perspectives on what a guy might be thinking when he wants to laugh at a woman with a bag on her head ...I only thought he would be joking, I never considered a guy might actually be interested in hair care when they joke about that!  Guys are mysteries to me sometimes!

While it would be nice to have a guy interested in my hair, it doesn't mean he's not the one if he does joke about a bag on the head though.  Those guys can be good too (if they are joking in a nice way). I've dated a guy in the past who was really focused on one physical aspect, and it tended to mean he was just as focused on that if he saw it on another woman too...more like the one physical aspect was more important than the person attached to it.  Its actually one aspect of a relationship I don't miss, personally (though again, hair attention wouldn't be so bad either!).  I'm pretty sure my hubby would find me funny looking with a bag on my head, as he has no interest whatsoever in my hair or what I do with it.  But even though we don't share that one interest, he's still a good guy to be with. Wink
Edited to say:  Not meaning to say either kind of guy is bad, just saying either could be good.  It really depends how they handle their interest.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 19 2007 at 9:10am
I agree with you Susan and it was good to point that out. 

And, yes, your site is used.  We're going to Wally World tonight so I plan to get the things we need to do this.

Posted By: swtlildrea
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 11:23am
Hello I am NEW and I was wondering......the mayo thing really works??? I heard lots of different things! How do I do it and how often? I don't know yet how to put up pics, but when I do I will put one of my hair. I love my hair but the ends are jus friedCry! I even stopped curling and blow drying after I cut it and it just is bad at the ends! So any advice would be great thx!


Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 11:40am
I actually have mayo in my hair right now!LOL I  put the mayo in an old conditoiner bottle so it would be much easier to apply.This is what I do, start with dry hair, Comb it out first. Bend over the tub and apply like you would a conditioner.( I put enough in that when I sqeeze my hair the mayo drips out.)  twist and put in a bun on the top of my head, and secure with a clip. Wrap a plastic bag around and secure with another clip. I am sitting like that right now! I am going to let it sit for an hour than shower  and rinse out. Wheather you shampoo out or just conditioner out is up to you. I juse shampooed, so I will lost likely co out.
my daughter is home sick today so she has mayo in her hair also. We are sitting here with plastic bage on our heads drinking lemon water with robs on!LOLOur own little spa! She thinks it is great. She called it a mommy thing!

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 3:33pm
That's pretty much the same way we do Jennifer's too.  The only thing we do different is that I keep working it until it turns into an oil.  Then we cover it with plastic wrap and let it in her hair for a little longer ... at least 2 hours.  We then CO her hair.  We just did her's 2 weeks ago and her hair always looks and feels great afterwards.  Give it a try, swtlildrea, and let us know what you think.


36" as of January 14, 2008

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