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Arrrgh! What do i do???

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 12:15am

Topic: Arrrgh! What do i do???
Posted By: avstar
Subject: Arrrgh! What do i do???
Date Posted: January 24 2007 at 6:26pm
Hi,  Smile

I'm new here but I'm looking for a bit of advice.
I'm a Brit but i can't find a hair and beauty forum in the UK that's anywhere near as good as this one so I'm hoping you can help!
I used to have very short hair. I play a lot of sport and swim almost everyday and found short hair very easy to manage... but a couple of years ago I started to grow it longer.
My BF says he prefers it long but I'm undecided!
It seems a lot of hassle to keep up to it... I have to use straighteners unless I want a frizz expolsion, (that can't be doing it much good!!) I was going to keep growing it until it's really long but i think that might be just TOO much to manage.
I guess what I really want to know is do you think it suits me enough to keep it long??? Should I grow it even longer??? Or should I just get the whole lot chopped off again?
I can't find a recent enough photo where you can actually see my hair but this video is fairly recent.
Be honest now... what do you all think??? -

Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: January 24 2007 at 7:09pm
Don't grow your hair out just because that's what your boyfriend wants. I did that for awhile and while in the end I ended up really liking it long, it's really up to you and what suits your lifestyle. You mentioned you're an athlete and swimming really does take a huge toll on your hair, especially when it gets longer and therefore has more wear and tear on it.

You can still have semi-long hair but make it manageable. That's what layers and all these cute hair dos the non-long haired people wear are for.

There's nothing wrong with a medium/short length hair do. Your boyfriend should really support you no matter what you choose because it is ultimately up to you and it is, in the end, just hair. You can always grow more.


Posted By: avstar
Date Posted: January 24 2007 at 7:31pm
Thanks Holly!
I'm still undecided.
I keep saying to myself, 'Right! I'm definately getting it cut!' and then I start to look at all the gorgeous long hair that people like you have and I start to change my mind.
It's very late over here so I'll sleep on it! (Again!)
(BTW, Any more opinions and comments are greatly appreciated!)

Posted By: Heratic
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 12:38am
From what you've said it seems that you have virtually made up your mind to go short again on the basis that your hair length is working at odds with your way of life, and keeping it looking good takes more time and effort than you wish to invest, not to mention the potential damage you may be causing.
Your hair looks good in the video but if you are finding it a hassle at present - I'd  say go with your prime instinct and have it lopped off.

Its your hair, your choice and your decision

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 7:36am
Most of us on the long hair forum find that our hair takes much less time to deal with than when we had it short because of all the styling and fussing with it that was required short, whereas now it just takes a minute to bun it, ponytail it, braid it or whatever without all the heat and styling goop. 

I'd have said that if you envy the long hair you see on others, maybe you would like it on you too!  I do agree, don't do it for your boyfriend, do what you want for you.  Your hair looks great in the video, and there are plenty of techniques you can learn right here for how to manage frizz (possibly even without the straightening).  You may have to treat long hair a little differently than short, which may be why yours seems to be taking longer are still doing to it what you would short hair....but it may just be a matter of learning a few new techniques.  If you think you may like it, it can't hurt to try, then if it doesn't work out you can always change your mind later and go back short.

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Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: January 25 2007 at 7:49pm
Welcome avstar.

From what you've said, I don't know whether or not we can assume that you grew your hair long because of your BF's preferences.  That said, his preferences may have value to you; only you can decide if his preferences deserve consideration.

Your choice of hair length and style depends on what's important to you, and to your priorities.  If you want beautiful long and healthy hair while swimming daily, it can be done, but it will require care and foresight.

Since, as you say, you swim almost every day, your hair might be dried out from the chlorine.  For daily swimmers such as you are, a must for hair of any length (short, medium, or long) is to condition like crazy, and definitely use oils too, to keep the chlorinated water from absorbing into the hair.  Some people who swim and who have long or very long hair, also use a swimmer's cap to block out the water.

I hope this helps.


Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: January 26 2007 at 2:01pm
     Big%20smile Welcome, Avstar! I respect individual decisions, but if you envy some of the women's hair here, then you might try growing longer. You certainly have potential, based on your video. If you are ambivalent, you can test the salience of your b/f's preference by asking him to help you with hair chores. Personally, I think it's great that you are considering his opinion. That is crucial in any relationship. Good luck! Bob

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: January 26 2007 at 2:20pm
I think it's great that you are considering growing it longer and trying it since your boyfriend likes longer hair.  Longer hair is beautiful and as the others said, it's easier to care for.  Give it a shot.  It can't hurt to try it and if you don't like it, you can cut it off.  If you don't try it, you'll never know so what can it hurt?  I do know one thing ... from the looks of the video, If I were your boyfriend, I wouldn't tick you off!!  :-)


36" as of January 14, 2008

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