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Trying something new! Hope this works better!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 29 2024 at 12:28am

Topic: Trying something new! Hope this works better!
Posted By: BlasianBella
Subject: Trying something new! Hope this works better!
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 5:35am
So I'v decided to try different hair products to see what my hair answers more to and what works better.
But I just added two more things.  Smile
I'm using Mane n' Tail conditioner. I'v used it once and I'm going to use it again tomorrow. Anyone else use te Mane n' Tail stuff? If you do tell me if it's good, if it did anything good to your hair, etc.
& I bought Sunsilk for split ends [ the pink bottle ]; & If anyone uses that or any other of the Sunsilk products please let me know what you think about it!
After I shampoed and conditioned my hair it didn't get as curly as usual! And I was happy! Then I used the Sunsilk moisturizer and it did wonders for my hair! It's not shinier, softer, thicker and it looks great!
Now, don't laugh at this Sleepy  But I heard somewhere that mayo is pretty good for your hair. Just put it on dry hair and leave it in for a while. I hear it makes hair pretty good. I was thinking about trying that. What do you guys think? Embarrassed

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 6:50am
Welcome to the long hair board!  I read your post also on the Intro board, and it sounds like you are really using a lot of heavy silicone products.  Those are fine if you like what they do for your hair (I use them and like them also, but some people don't).  Just be aware that with heavy silicone use, you will have to use a clarifying shampoo once in awhile to remove them to keep them from building up, which makes your hair look dull and causes breakage after a very long time.  Clarifying once every 2 weeks, to once every 2 months would be plenty. 

Yes, mayo is excellent.  Use the fatty kind, not low fat, and not miracle whip.  People probably have different methods for using it, but you can put it on damp or dry hair I think.  Leaving it on for an hour does seem to do more good than leaving it on for only a half hour.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 7:55am


I'm glad to join the long hair board :]

I never really thought about silicone. Infact, I don't know much about it at all. But I'm not sure if it's doing any damage to my hair. Maybe I shouldn't put to much of Sunsilk on my hair. Do you think it would reduce the amount of silicone? Clarifying shampoo. Isn't there one from Pantene? I think it's in a clear bottle but I should check out some of those? Cause I'm really trying to get amino proteins and keratin in my hair. I haven't taken care of it in a while and I'm pretty much restoring it now.

And I will definantly try the mayo! I have just the right kind!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 8:34am
Hello, and welcome!
I used to use sunsilk products. The pink kind also. I did not like them, I found that they made my hair dry out . This is not to say they will not work for you.I just have naturally very course, dry hair that I have to be very careful with and keep on top of or it gets very dry.
I personally like jojoba oil for a leave-in. I use it like a serum to help with any friz and to like a leave in conditioner. I have just recenlty mixed it with shea butter and got excellent results.
I have done the mayo thing, and absolutley love it. In fact I have been meaning to do  it for a while,but keep getting side tracked. Mabye I will try to do it today. It leaves my hair sooooo silky and soft. It is a great deep conditioner!

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 8:51pm
Thanks! Smile
I'v been using the Sunsilk product for about 3 days so far. It seems to be working but I should wait a little and see if anything changes. My hair also is very coarse and dry and I haven't found so many good products. They either leave my hair very oily or doesn't work at all.
I should try the jojoba oil and shea butter. I have shea butter and I should check out the jojoba oil today!
I'm definantly going to try the mayo thing today before I go out!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 9:20pm
  i did do mayo today and  I have to say that my hair is soooo soft and shiny now. I have to remember to do it more often  I put it in an old conditioner bottle so it was easier to apply and it was not so messy.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Pkj049
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 9:38pm

If your hair is that coarse and dry, jojoba oil may be a waste. It is a lite oil not to mention expensive compared to other choices out there. If your hair is heavy, you could probably use a heavier oil. You could use the jojoba oil, but you may have to use more than most people to get the same effect. And that gets you back to expense part; if you use a heavier oil, you won't have to use as much either.


Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: February 09 2007 at 10:35pm
Just a little note that putting proteins/keratins on your hair really does nothing for it.

This was an anology my biochemistry professor used in class one day: You can put the bricks around the construction site, but it's not going to build a wall by itself.

The proteins for growing healthy hair come from inside your body. Putting proteins on them isn't going to build better hair.


Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 10 2007 at 4:50am

I'm glad it for you and your hair Big%20smile

I didn't have enough time to do it today! I'm going to try it tomorrow and I hope it'll have great results like you!
That would be a good idea. Putting it in a bottle so I don't have to worry about all the mess, too.

Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 10 2007 at 4:53am

Oh, I see!

Well, it's not very coarse and dry that much. It's more curly and it's kind of hard to manage cause it's very, very thick. I think the jojoba oil sounds great. But I think oil won't be to good for my hair but I will try it though. Some type of creme moisturizer might work better for me cause it's thicker. Do you think thats right?

Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 10 2007 at 4:55am
Oh really?
I never knew that! Thanks for telling me.
Well, I think if I take lots of vitamins and drink alot of water or even green tea I hear it helps alot! I'm currently using GNC's Women's Hair, Skin & Nails formula for the biotin which I know has some effect for healthier, stronger hair and can also speed up the growing process a little.

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: February 10 2007 at 8:26am

Hiya, welcome to the forumsSmile. I had a recent disaster with Umberto Gianini products that completely dried out my hair even although they apparently offered protection against heat styling. Now I use Sunsilk Smooth and Sleek shampoo(purple) and the conditioner for the Dyed and damaged hair(the bottle's pink but it's older than the rest). It works brilliantly. I heastyle every two or three days and my hair can take it! They'd probably be a bit heavy if you don't plan on alot of styling though.

Used mayo before too. It stinks but it leaves hair very smooth any shiny.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 11 2007 at 9:08am

BlasianBella, I also have very thick hair that is pretty wavy/curly. It used to be very dry before I come to this forum. I have been using the jojoba oil since november and my  hair just keeps getting silkier. It only makes my hair oily if I use to much. Other wise it is like the friz eeze serum. It helps with curl control also.

Do try the mayo thing. I don't know exactly why it works, but it really does. You have to try it to really understand.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: February 11 2007 at 11:03am


I got some jojoba oil. How exactly do you use it? Do you rub it in your hands and rub on your hair? Put it in a spray bottle? Mix it with something? It says on the bottle you can mix it with your favorite conditioner but I was a little apprehensive about that! Didn't want to ruin my favorite conditioner!!! Also, do you put it on dry hair or wet?


Posted By: Pkj049
Date Posted: February 11 2007 at 12:18pm
Kat, you can put a drop or two in your palm and rub your palms hands together to dispense it between your hands. Then you can run your fingers through your hair (staying away from the root area). I usually apply it from the ears down or just on the ends. Don't spray it on--it would be too hard to manage that way. You can mix it with your conditioner, but not like in the bottle--just in the amount you are using for that conditioning. I also will rub my BBB in my palm to brush it in sometimes. I especially do that when I am rolling my hair. You can apply it to wet or dry. It really is a trial and error approach. Some people do better with wet hair, some dry. No matter how you like to use it, remember less is best at first until you get the hang of it. You can always add more if needed, but it is messy if you put too much.


Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: February 11 2007 at 10:38pm
Originally posted by Alisa06 Alisa06 wrote:

Do try the mayo thing. I don't know exactly why it works, but it really does. You have to try it to really understand.
Because it's a combination of fat (oils), protein (eggs), and vinegar.  You can get about the same results by mixing up a batch of those 3 things yourself.  It's just much easier to use mayo. Smile
You mentioned friz eeze.  I tried that once and it made my hair rediculously staticy!  Thought that was sorta ironic.......

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Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 3:48am
Yes, same with my hair. It's thick and wavy/curly. I don't really mind the wavy or the thick part, but it justs bothersome. It's not curly in a nice way, all the curls usually end up messed up.
I really want to try the jojoba oil! What kind do you use and how do you use it? I'v never tried that before and I'm up to anything new that will help out with my hair.

Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 3:53am
Thats splendid!
I hope soon that I can find the right combination of shampoo/conditioner and moisturizer that will work perfectly for my hair! I'v been doing that and I think I'm getting really close to there.
I'm sticking to the Mane n Tail conditioner cause it makes my hair really nice. And I have to use Pantene shampoo for colored women so I can have something of that sort for my hair. Then I use Sunsilk for split ends, the pink bottle also so I can get some shine and so I won't get split ends! So far it's fabulous! But I'm not sure if I should keep using the Sunsilk bottle because I'm not sure if it'll work alot for my hair. So I am definantly going to try the jojoba oil this week when I get some and see how that goes. 

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 12 2007 at 8:33am
I like to use the jojoba oil overnight. I just slather it in  and braid it, and than wash as usual in the morning. I also like to put it in before I wash., like a pre-wash treatment. I also put a bit in my hands and rub them together and just smooth my palms over the hair I want it on, which is usually the tops and ends.A little bit goes along way thought. HAve you thought about doing a conditoiner only wash? This helps with my hair alot.I can't get away from shampoo completly though. In case you don't know what this is... You use conditoner in place of shampoo, then follow with another conditioner, and finally the heaviest. I use vo5 strawberries and cream for the first followed by vo5 extra body and then the last one is Jason biotin.SInce I have been doing this, my hair has gotten alot healthier also. One of my favorite things to do is to put jojoba oil in before,  and drop the first conditioner.
Hairbraider- that is ironic! wird how hair responds so differently. I did not lilke ti because I felt like it was drieing my hair out super fast. Any of those type of products dried it out. Including the sunsilk. I just quit buying traditional styling products.  

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: BlasianBella
Date Posted: February 16 2007 at 7:13am
That sounds like a good idea!
I looked at some jojoba oil over the week days and I'll be buying some on Monday! I should try that sometimes. Replace conditioner with shampoo. Do you really think that Mane N Tail conditioner is really good? I'v been using that and it seems to be making my hair a little nicer. And I think I might have to stop using SunSilk because it's kind of drying out my hair. So I think I need to move onto a better hair moisturizer.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: February 16 2007 at 12:23pm
Yeh, I didn 't like sunsilk either.I like jojoba oil much better for any sort of leave in treatment.  I don't know anything about mane N tail as I have never used it, but if you like it, that is all that matters.
 I recently got giovani 50/50 conditioner. I have only use it one time but so far I really like it.
Mayo is an awesome deep conditioner. You could also do an oil treatment but smothering your hair with the oil and putting it up for an hour or two. the washing it out. So far I like to use mayo  for the deep treatment and the oil for daily. But this is just what works for me.
Since I have replaced shampoo with conditioner, the condition of my hair had gotten alot better. Do a search for co only wash on this forum and you will find alot of info on it.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

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