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Advice - Pictures of My Hair Long & Short

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:42am

Topic: Advice - Pictures of My Hair Long & Short
Posted By: lemonlime
Subject: Advice - Pictures of My Hair Long & Short
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 3:26pm

I need some help! I cut my hair about a month ago. I am loving it short... but I think I want to go shorter. Or should I let it grow again? I don't have the best picture of my hair short.. I also think it makes me look like a 10 year old with it short. But it's so much easier to fix and manage short. What do you think? I am thinking I want it cut a lot shorter in the back, similar to Posh Spice. I think it's called a stacked bob? Let me know what you think I should do and feel free to post some pics of suggestions!! I appreciate your help!!


Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 4:12pm
All the pics are basically the same style - just a diff. in length.
I think the stacked bob would be a good idea - probably about chin length or a little longer.  I would also go shorter with the bangs - you could still get them cut to blend into the sides.
You don't look like a 10 yr. old boy in any of your pics!

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: February 18 2007 at 8:10am
I Would do it with out a doubt. You have the neck line for a stacked / gradiated bob. Have your stylist take it short in the nape and blend the side into it. The bangs are fine. Leave length to tuck behind the ears if desierd. You will look greater!!!!!

Posted By: Claude
Date Posted: February 19 2007 at 7:37am
Originally posted by lemonlime lemonlime wrote:

I need some help! I cut my hair about a month ago. I am loving it short... but I think I want to go shorter. Or should I let it grow again? I don't have the best picture of my hair short.. I also think it makes me look like a 10 year old with it short. But it's so much easier to fix and manage short. What do you think? I am thinking I want it cut a lot shorter in the back, similar to Posh Spice. I think it's called a stacked bob? Let me know what you think I should do and feel free to post some pics of suggestions!! I appreciate your help!!

Of these 3 pictures I think the first one fits your personality best and I also think it looks the best as well. The simple bob in the 3rd picture just doesn't seem to fit your image at all.
I see you with more of a fun hairstyle that has alot of flair and a more daring style that you could easily pull off. Something like this....
Although your hair does look great long but a style like I've just posted would look great too and you could pull it off.
You definately want something that shows texture in the would suit you well.

Posted By: Sjeanke
Date Posted: February 19 2007 at 9:59am
A great idee lemonlime!!!!!!!! Wink

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: February 19 2007 at 10:55am
I agree with mikecuts suggestion; I too think that you'll look awesome with a graduated bob.


Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: February 19 2007 at 1:11pm
I agree go for the Pob (Posh Bob).
Short at the back and stack it high.  I think you will look younger with it shorter Wink

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: February 19 2007 at 1:44pm
Blonde and a short stacked bob.

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: February 20 2007 at 8:11pm
Here's a great site for inverted bobs: -
After the page loads, scroll down towards the bottom, click on the big rectangle, wait for the images to load and then click on a style on the left to display in the middle.  The bad thing about this site is that I haven't figured out how to download the pictures but there are numerous variations.  I think there are a total of four galleries.  Have fun!!!  Let us know what you decide.


Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:20pm
Thanks for all of your suggestions! I'm trying to find the perfect picture, and then I'll get my appt. Here are some I found on the internet that I like:
I really like this one a lot! Just kinda hard to see the back since her hair is darker.
Here's the back of another cut I found.. I don't like how thick it looks though.
I really need a good picture of the BACK VIEW.. hard to find! Let me know what yall think!

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 12:21pm
Oh, and after I cut it, I will take a picture of the back for yall... and for anyone else who is desperately looking like me!! :)

Posted By: glove20
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 1:11pm
What's up...I think you would look great with the type of style that Victoria Beckham has, you already look hot with your current style but could totally pull this look off.  Let me know what you think. - -

Posted By: hes40
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 2:00pm

Check out Kristina Lenko's hair, in her gallery under Personal - -

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: February 22 2007 at 8:45pm


This cut would look wonderfull on you. Have a look at the link it's worth it. Just have the sides cut to blend into your bangs if they are not that  long. I would not have the bangs cut any shorter than needed. I still love the tuck behind the ears. If not you will have them in your eyes all the time. You have nice facial features. Don't hide them. Keep me posted.

Posted By: Sjeanke
Date Posted: February 23 2007 at 9:32am

Perhaps go very short at the neckline">

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: February 24 2007 at 6:00pm
i honestly think that short hair would not suit you at all i think it would look great if you had your hair like in the 2nd pic. Youre reall pretty, you could pull it of perfectly

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 11:17pm

u seem to have the perfect hair for it, any of these (PICS OF MY WIFES BOBCUT)  i feel would look spectacular on you  GO FOR IT!  my wife cut her hair from LONG to SHORT almost 4 years ago and has kept it bobbed short ever since i love it as does she it is very sexy and more manageable    good luck......................


Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Date Posted: February 27 2007 at 9:42am
                                          mailto:MAILPOUCH06@AOL.COM - MAILPOUCH06@AOL.COM

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: February 27 2007 at 9:43pm
Send it to me also Mike, thanks, Mark


Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: February 28 2007 at 5:57pm
Natural curly hair is easier to cut but care should be taken not to hold too much tension on the hair when cutting. It also is easier to hide mistakes! Poker straight hair needs to be perfect in the lines desired. I can't say that this is not taught in schools today. I would just be very positive and reinforce the style that you wish. Not knowing your length it's hard to say how to cut and style it. Maybe a picture or let us know more about it.

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: February 28 2007 at 10:47pm -
Something like this except for the heavy bang? -


Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 4:00pm
Thanks everyone for yall comments, suggestions, and pictures! I'm so glad I found this message board! I will be making an appointment in the next 2-3 weeks, so I'll be sure to post pictures.. I just saw Victoria Beckham's new hair... I'm loving it. But I'm a little scared to go THAT short.
I found this one of her on another topic:
I'm thinking I'm going to go with this one.. I want the front to be a little shorter so it's more even.. or should I leave the front longer like hers??
I'm getting kinda nervous to go THIS short in the back.. I love the haircut on others, but I'm just scared to see it on me!! I am not liking the length of mine now.. it hangs on my neck and flips out.
Let me know if yall have more pics of her haircut.. I wish I was brave enough to go even shorter like her most recent cut.. maybe eventually!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 5:40pm
My wife got hers cut like that and hate the front being longer than the back.  She and i both called them "dog ears"  She loves the length of this cut, but is wanting to go shorter in the back.  You have the features to pull this off, so go for it!  Its smoke'n hot!
You can go to and bruno press, they all have good picks.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 5:46pm

Conrad, Unfortunately i do not have a picture of the other side of the blonde hair about, but i might have another picture that will do.

Also that is not Poshs latest style. She has just gone blonde and shorter at the back. Check out the link,,2007090706,00.html -,,2007090706,00.html
Then click on the link for Poshs Golden Locks.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 5:48pm
I need to show my wife that pic, have you seen any from the back or sides?

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 5:48pm
Heres one

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 5:49pm
And here's another

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 5:50pm
Is that Posh's or a similar one to the one you sent me?  Why cant anyone take picks of all sides of these people?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 6:00pm
I finally read the bottom of your reply and i clicked on the slideshow, pretty short in the back, that is what my wife is looking for.  Her stylist doesnt always do what she asks her, the joke is you can bring in a mohawk pic and leave with a crew cut.
Thanks, i will show her tonight.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 6:04pm

My Pleasure, I'm just glad she likes the style you do.

Post some pics once she gets it cut i'd love to see the end result.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 6:06pm
will do

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 6:13pm
Lemonlime, Now this is what i call short in the back Big%20smile LOL

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 8:03pm
That high in the back only accentuates her LONG neck!

Posted By: Sjeanke
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 9:27am
Victoria's new haircut, fantastic!!!!!!!! Wink

Posted By: Sjeanke
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 9:34am
That's nice snipette!! Wink

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 3:46pm

WOW.. that is very short indeed! The cut looks good on the girl, but I would be scared to go that short!!

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 4:38pm
This might be more you.
But go as short as you dare, because once cut it will just be a little too long and you wish you had gone shorter.  Also it will grow back Smile
Go on have some fun

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 4:51pm
Here's some more pictures I found of Victoria... hope they help you all out!

This is her new haircut:(Very cute, but too short for me!)

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 4:56pm
Here's some older ones of her that I'm in love with... This is how I'm cutting my hair. I've made a decision!! Smile    I'm like obsessed with her haircut! So glad I found these... I want my hair cut NOW!!!


Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 4:59pm
Snipette, I really like this haircut, but I want it longer in the front. I really like the inverted look.. I do love the back of the cut how it's stacked up.. as long as my hair isn't hanging on my neck, I'll be okay!! I will bring that picture with the ones of Posh.. I might do Posh's front and the blonde's back.. Posh's back in the pics above may be too much weight in the back.

Posted By: natmore11
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 5:00pm
you are going to look amazing it this cut! so when is your appointment?

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 5:06pm
Originally posted by Snipette Snipette wrote:

This might be more you.
But go as short as you dare, because once cut it will just be a little too long and you wish you had gone shorter.  Also it will grow back Smile
Go on have some fun

For anyone who cuts hair... if I go this short in the back... will clippers have to be used along the neckline? I hate when hair is like shaved in the back and it looks ugly when it starts growing back. I usually get my haircut only every 2 months. I don't want to have more upkeep if I go shorter!

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 5:09pm
Originally posted by natmore11 natmore11 wrote:

you are going to look amazing it this cut! so when is your appointment?

I'll make my appointment near the end of March. I'm anxious though... I want it cut now, but I try to make my highlights last as long as possible!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 5:15pm
Clippers cuts feel awesome, i get a 1-1/2 on the back and side with a 4 or 5 on the top.  My wife hates the 4 on top, but it lasts longer.  Dont fear the clippers!  If you like the cut, they can use clippers to do the back or a pair of scissors, either will do the job.
 Good luck, and dont be scared!  The shorter cut makes you look and feel more confident about yourself.

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: March 02 2007 at 9:16pm
My sister-inlaw stopped over for a cut. She did not wnat to go as short as the last time but have a look. She wanted a cross from chin length and a inverted bob.
Have a look and let me know -
Thanks Mike

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 03 2007 at 3:23am
You won't need clippers for the back, and I think the combination of this style and Poshs older style would look really good together.  I can't wait to see the results and i'm glad that you have found a style you want. Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: Sjeanke
Date Posted: March 03 2007 at 8:45am
Go for it Lemonlime, it will be fantastic!!

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 11:55am
I cross posted with Conrad and also wanted to send these pics into this thread for lemonlime. I thought of your conundrum when printing these pics for my wife.  She doesn't want it really short again and I have read your fear of going too short.  Hope they help. 

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 5:02pm
Originally posted by tba99 tba99 wrote:

I cross posted with Conrad and also wanted to send these pics into this thread for lemonlime. I thought of your conundrum when printing these pics for my wife.  She doesn't want it really short again and I have read your fear of going too short.  Hope they help. 

VERY CUTE.... the back is so short, and I'm scared to go this short... I wish I wasn't bc this cut is adorable... who is this girl???

Posted By: Heath
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 5:18pm
Originally posted by lemonlime lemonlime wrote:

For anyone who cuts hair... if I go this short in the back... will clippers have to be used along the neckline? I hate when hair is like shaved in the back and it looks ugly when it starts growing back. I usually get my haircut only every 2 months. I don't want to have more upkeep if I go shorter!

This one and Victoria B's hair don't have to be achieved with clippers. It depends on the stylist. Anything an inch or less can be achieved with clippers, but a good stylist can do scissor over comb. It depends on their preference.

Since you have a little time, call up your stylist and ask for ten minutes of her time. Ask your questions. "Can I have this long in front with this short in back?" "Will you use clippers?" You shouldn't get a haircut unless you're confident with the stylist and what you'll look like.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 5:20pm
You will get you hair cut short and you will love it.  Then you will want it shorter b/c it will be easier to handle and "do" in the morning/evening.  Then you will go hunting this pic down to show your stylist:)  That is where my wife is in her stage of short hair.
Good luck, bring both photos to your stylist, and get her opinion.  It will always grow back for free, but it costs you to cut it shorter again!
Post some picks if you can, i will do the same of my wife.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 7:06pm
Originally posted by conrad conrad wrote:

You will get you hair cut short and you will love it.  Then you will want it shorter b/c it will be easier to handle and "do" in the morning/evening.  Then you will go hunting this pic down to show your stylist:)  ....

Predictively encouraging, or aggressively creepy?  I will assume your intent is the former.  Reading your first sentence, though, I imagined it being voiced by Hogan's Heroes' Sargeant Schultz (heh).

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 7:09pm
Definately encouraging, been thru it with my wife, and only after months of encouragement, did she get it cut shorter.  Positive reinforcement is always better when it comes to someones fears about their looks.
I will watch my wording better;)

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 8:34pm
Hey Lemonlime,  Her name is Rebecca Clumm and she was one of the first batch of contestants on Grease You're The One That I Want.  My wife's stylist likes to use a razor for a softer look and better growing.  She makes an appointment every 6 weeks.  Here we are 3 days from her appointment and she still looks great. 

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 06 2007 at 12:03pm


Can you post a pic of the back and sides?  That would be helpful to show my wife.

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 06 2007 at 12:15pm
I will try and get some pics Thursday.  She is leaving for a week on Friday so it may not happen but I can let you know.  Again, I have seen some people get funky when pics are mentioned but not posted so I am not promising.
Conrad - sounds like your wife liked the above shots.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 06 2007 at 1:03pm
No problem, I understand.  My wife doesnt know she is posted here with a blurred face.....i may tell her about it if she starts to get iffy again about her cut.   Her next appointment is next Thursday.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: March 06 2007 at 1:28pm

Which style did she choose?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 9:46am
So, Lemonlime, when is the big day?
Good luck, you will look great!

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 6:54pm
My appointment is next Friday (March 30) but I think I'm just trimming it and re-doing my highlights because I'm going to the beach for spring break, and I want to be able to put my hair up in a ponytail.. but after that, I'm chopping it again! (end of May)

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:02pm
If you get it cut, you wont have to mess with a ponytail...  That was my wifes biggest hangup, giving up her ponytail.
Have fun on spring break!

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:06pm
Yeah, but if I cut it all off, I won't have any hair left to put in a pony tail which means I will have to fix it everyday :(  especially after being in the water... my hair will not be very cute left down to air dry! That's the only thing holding me back is not being able to put it up and run out the door! Who knows... I usually change my mind once I'm at the salon!! ;)

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:12pm

You sound like my wifeLOL  those were her arguments, however, you dont have to do anything but run out the door.  I read somewhere that when you get a new cut, dont style it the same way you did your old cut.  My wife did this for years, she would get a great cut, but then put it in a ponytail.  I told her that that was like buying a vet and putting a cover on it.

She finally understood when she got her hair cut short enough that she could not put it in a ponytail!  Now, she wants it shorter b/c its easier.
Just my thought for what they are worth, but it sounds like you are where my wife was about 2 years ago with her hair.
Have Fun, dont get burned!

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:38pm
I do agree that having it short is easier.. I find it takes me like 10 minutes longer to blowdry and straighten with it a little longer now.
Yes, I'm going through the stages of getting it shorter and shorter. Me & your wife have a the same hair type too it seems.. fine & sorta thin with a little body..
I found some pictures of Gina for you:
The results show comes on tonight on FOX at 9e/8c so watch it for her hair!!!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:40pm
Thanks for the picks, I will not be able to watch the show, I have got about 30 tax returns sitting on my floor to doDead
I will call my wife and tell her to watch it for me, maybe she will see and like the hair cut.
Thanks again, and when you do take the plunge, you will most likely think "i should have done it earlier", at least my wife did!
Thanks againBig%20smile

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:43pm
Taking a closer look, my wifes hair is about 2 inches shorter than Gina's new haircut.  Her hair was about that length before this recent cut.
Thanks again.

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:43pm
I'm sure I will..
where in the south are you located? I used to help prepare taxes as an intern... I'm an accounting grad from LSU. Currently getting my master's. How weird!! Tax season does suck... I feel your pain :(

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:46pm
Im in mississipp, but i grew up in Baton Rouge, were you in a soriety?  I have spent many a nights at Freds, TA's, Chimes, Chris's, Happy Note, Fleur da Le (great Pizza)
When did you go to LSU, and where did you do taxes?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:47pm
How could i forget the Bengal !

Posted By: bean3270
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 8:08pm

Just cut it. Look awesome on spring break. Stand out.


Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 8:10pm
I would have to agree with the Bean!  Why not just look awesome and stand out!  Shorter hair oooozes confidence!

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 8:11pm
I must admit you do sound like you are making excuses.  I also have to agree with bean3270, you will look great with shorter hair, stand out have fun with the new you.
Enjoy spring break

Posted By: tashanicole86
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 9:13pm
Don't let anyone force you into making your decision for you. You have a cute face and bone structure, you could pull off anything!!! Do what you want to do. It is always fun to try something different but you have to be comfortable with whatever you do. It's your hair!

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 23 2007 at 3:23pm
I don't feel forced by anyone... :)   I respect their comments & suggestions! Sometimes I need the extra motivation when I'm scared to do something.
Conrad, I got my undergrad degree last May and I'm there now getting my master's. I'm 22 so I may be a little younger than you. I love Freds & Chimes! (not familiar with the other places you mentioned)
I used to do taxes for a small CPA firm on Jefferson Hwy. So small that the guy used his house as his office too! Good experience, but not my thing. I'm a state auditor now so it's much more relaxing & stress-free.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 23 2007 at 3:44pm
You are a good 15 yrs older than me!  Were you in a Soriety at LSU?  My mother was the rush advisor over there for 30+ years. 
The other places are tons of fun, however the happy note was demolished about 6 years ago, it was a terrible day.  The bengal was down the road from chimes, near the police precint (i visited there many times also..oops),  TA's was just down from Chimes on the Right, attached to the same building.  That was the local spot for the high schoolers (back with the drinking age was 18 on the books, or 14 if you had the gumption to walk into the bar and order a drink.)  I was 6'2 in high school and had no problem convincing the bartender to serve it up!
Anyway, if you get the nerve up to "just do it" next friday, i bet you wont be disappointed!
good luck, and have fun on spring break

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: March 25 2007 at 9:21pm
Here's a great site for inverted bobs.  I haven't figured out how to capture the pictures though. -


Posted By: bean3270
Date Posted: March 28 2007 at 12:41pm
Hey did you cut your hair yet.Clap looking forward to the pictures

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 29 2007 at 7:33pm
Tomorrow is Lemonlime's appt....
Good luck Lemonlime, dont chicken out, you can do it, you will look great, and will have a great time at the beach!  You will have to put some sunblock on the back of you neck to keep it from being burnedWink
shoot a pic if you can
Good luck, and be a brave little soldier

Posted By: bean3270
Date Posted: March 29 2007 at 9:02pm

Go For IT! Get the haircut.


Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 30 2007 at 7:47am
Good Luck LemonLime, if you need to have your nerves calmed, have a c*cktail before you go(mamosa or bloody mary in the morning or margarita in the afternoon, or a good ol single malt scotch in the pm - when ever your appt is)Wink!  We used to do that before Strategy presentations in school, Hey, it must work, I was always relaxed and got an A!Clap
Anyway, here is your official shot of encouragement, I would always do this for my wife before she would go get her hair cut for the past few months.
Ahem....."It will look great, you will love it!  You have it cut short now, and you are wondering if you should get it shorter.  The only way to know is to do it, take that leap (kinda like bungi jumping - scarry at first, but enjoy the ride and the trill), dont be scarred of the unknown.  Its only hair, try it different, if you dont like it, or its not what you expected, decide if its the cut you dont like or the length.  Those are 2 different things.  But either way, dont not do it because you fear what other say, you do it b/c it will make YOU happy(ergo, the confidence).  You have to do it for you, all others aside."
And so ends my encouragement speal.......
Good luck, keep us posted (bad pun, sorry)

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: April 15 2007 at 5:01am
So Lemonlime did you go for the big chop from spring break or decide to wait until the end of May?  The weather is getting hotter day by day so why not make it the end of April for your next cut Smile
Hope you had a great spring break.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: June 15 2007 at 12:52pm
So have you taken the plunge yet or still chickeming out ? Smile

Posted By: Nelly Bot
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 12:51am
I actually really dig the latest style on you. It really balances out your facial features... and it's fun!

Posted By: Mr Blondey
Date Posted: September 11 2007 at 7:03am
I definatly think you should go shorter it would get rid of the school girl look, an step you up to a vary sex an eye stoping appearance. But you look great now with short hair!! Just find a stylist who will work with you an keep in mind your comfort zone! An maybe some color with the new cut have fun wear it sexy!!

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