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Short hair and wanting to go shorter, but scared

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:40am

Topic: Short hair and wanting to go shorter, but scared
Posted By: conrad
Subject: Short hair and wanting to go shorter, but scared
Date Posted: February 23 2007 at 9:21pm
My wife has finally taken the plunge into a shorter haircut.  Above the neck bob with long bangs.  She loved it and now wants to go a little shorter in the back, i guess an inverted bob or stacked up.  It took her over a year to get up enough nerve to cut it like it is now, and she looks great.  So i am scowering the internet for pics for her.  From a husbands perspective, what can i do/say to ease her anticipation/fear of the shorter cut that she really wants but is fearful of.  I would love to see her with a angled bob that hikes up in the back.  But i dont want her to think that i dont like what she currently has.  Sorry for the ramble, but i hope someone knows what i am talking about.  Her hairdresser thinks the same as me, should i chat with her also about how to ease the wifes anxiety?
HELP Please, for my wifes peace of mind and my own.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: February 23 2007 at 9:24pm

BTW, my wife has an oval face, about 5'1 and 105lbs with brown hair/with highlights.

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: February 23 2007 at 9:57pm
"But i dont want her to think that i dont like what she currently has. "
If she is anything like my wife, you are in a no win situation. 

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: February 24 2007 at 7:39am

Conrad, If she's thinking of going shorter anyway it will look like you are supporting her decsion. When you show her what you would like, say you like her current style but think the new one would look even better on her. Before you know it she'll have booked an appointment and can't wait to jump in the stylists chair. Go with her for support so you can watch the cut too.Big%20smile Inverted or stacked would be fantastic. Post some before and after picture too if you can.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: February 24 2007 at 8:19am
What is the difference b/w an inverted bob and a stacked bob?
Sorry, but I cant determine what the difference is, any picks would be helpful.  I would love to see  a clipped nape on her, but that would take some time, well take baby steps.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: February 24 2007 at 8:46am
ConfusedHere are some picks that we have looked at.">
Inverted? Stacked?
My wife is comming back in town today and is planning to go to her stylist sometime this week.  She got her hair cut last week and complained about the back being too long.  So i am trying to plan on how to show her the images.
Thanks in advance for ya'lls help!

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: February 25 2007 at 3:10pm
how long was her hair befofe she went shorter?

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: February 25 2007 at 4:29pm
Conrad I love the picture from the KL (Kristina Lenko) website. Very cool. If you could get your wife to have that style it would be fantastic.
Just say to your wife that you know she was moaning the back was too long so you went on the internet to try and find the style she had discribed so she could show the stylist when she went back.  Keep it as close to the truth as possible, as lies just get out of control and she will smell a rat.  Plus when you show her the picture you could point out your favourite and tell her that you think that style would look particularly good on her.  You never know your luck, she might agree and get it done. 
Good Luck and post some pictures if your don't mind of your wife with long hair , her current style and hopefully the one you want her to have.
All the Best Wink

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: February 25 2007 at 10:12pm
Here she is now, and yes, i smudged up her face, she is absolutely beautiful, but if she knew i posted her image, she would kill me.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 2:13pm
I don't blame you for smudging the picture my wife would kill me too.  I have a picture of another style that might suite your wife but i don't know how to post it.  I tried copy and paste but no joy. If you can tell me how to post them, i will post it next time i'm on.
I see she means by a bit too long still. It's that in between length but still suits her.  I have a feeling she would look good with most styles.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 2:23pm

At the bottom right corner, there is a "post reply" button (next to the new topic button), NOT the quick reply button.  Click on that and in the center row of icons, there is one that is a tree.  this is the add image icon, just click that and browse to where the pic is, then hit upload and "ok" then it should work.  You cant do it in the "quick reply" mode.  I had to try and figure that out also, i cant wait to see the pick.

Thanks in advance.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 2:30pm
 As you wife has a sort of fringe (bangs) this might look better on her. What do you think?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 2:33pm
That looks great, i'll pass it along to her.
I appreciate it!

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: February 26 2007 at 11:46pm
your wife's hair looks very cute...seems like any of these styles would look good on her too.Good luck!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 9:11am
Thanks a lot for the pic, my wife loves it!  She wants to know if there are any pics of the other side of her head to see what the other side does to show her hairdresser.  It resembles Sarah Hardings new shorter do, see picks......Does anyone else have an idea of what the other side should look like?

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 6:31pm
I have both side if this one though

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 6:33pm
and heres the other side.Big%20smile

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 01 2007 at 8:01pm
Those are great, thanks.  Still here at work, aaaaagh.  Damn those taxes!

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 9:30am
Grease%20Youre%20The%20One%20That%20I%20Want%20Screenshots%20Week%20OneMy wife is currently going from a shorter cut to bit  longer (eye level) to now between earlobe and chin.  I have always liked the inverted bob look but different stylists haven't cut the back correctly so she thinks she doesn't want it stacked again.  Yet when it has been done correctly she looked great and it grew in nicely.  We were watching Grease - You're the One that I Want and she noticed the pharmaceutical rep and liked the haircut.  What I noticed was that when the girl danced and swung around the haircut was angled up in the back.  With some effort I was able to grab some screenshots to print and send to the stylist on Thursday when she goes.  She already took some pics that I video taped off the TV (pretty crappy) and the stylist starting cutting it to grow in that way.  With the discussions that have been occurring I thought Conrad (and maybe even lemonlime from another thread) might appreciate the screenshots for all around views. -

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 9:46am
Thanks for the photos, can you tell me what her name was on the show, and will try and find some more picks.  I like the way they look, expecially the last row!
I will forward to my wife tonight.

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 9:53am
Rebecca Clumm - no other pictures.  I have searched like a fiend.  I was amazed no one on this or other sites picked up on her since apparently so many people enjoy the back angled bob cut.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 9:55am
I cant even find her on the NBC website?  What give with that?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 10:00am
What date was it, which episode?

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 10:04am
Wacked on the first night (January 7, 2007).  The pics on the last line were her walking out the door.  The only info I found was on some reality tv blogs.  

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 10:05am
That is too bad, it will make it harder to find some stuff.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 11:59am

It was just on/below the shoulder.  I dont have any picks available since it was before i got my digital camera.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 05 2007 at 2:33pm

You are right, it is very hard to find any picks or videos of this episode or of the girl.  If you happen to find the video, please forward the link so i can try to get some screen captures.  Or does anyone have picks of this style or know how to describe it to a hair stylest.  Any names of people who have this style to find some pick of.


Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 06 2007 at 6:02pm
Sorry Conrad but this is the only thing i have that is similar.  Hope all goes well on Thursday. Post some pics (face blurred of course, LOL).

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:00pm
Conrad, As life with a baby will be my wife had to reschedule to the 20th.  Good luck on your end next week.

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:20pm
Conrad,  As life with a baby will be my wife has to reschedule her appointment to after vacation.  Nothing more from my end on your 

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:33pm
I found one picture that might be useful.
All the best tomorrow

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:41pm

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:46pm
Thanks for the picks, I am planning to develope them and bring to my wife.  I work late this time of year and dont get to see her and the kids until the morning, and that is only to kiss them goodbye.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:52pm
All the best,
Do you still have the green light for tomorrow?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 07 2007 at 7:53pm
Next Thursday.....the 15th.
Only time will tell.

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: March 08 2007 at 4:52pm
A stacked bob is layerd very heavy at the optical bone and nape area short or long. A inverted bob is more one length but cut at a shaper angle towards the front. Here is some picture of a inverted bob One is of my sister - inlaw. - .I hope this helps you

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 08 2007 at 4:58pm
Thanks Mike!

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 12 2007 at 7:31pm
Conrad,  The weekend is over.  Any discussions ro direction your wife wanted to go after seeing pics?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 12 2007 at 8:58pm
Thursday is the day, she liked a few picks.  I will develope them and let her decide which to take to the stylist. 

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 14 2007 at 7:11am
Well I showed her the picks last night, and she liked tba99's (last line 3rd from left) and Snipettt's single pick with the lady with blond hair and red dress.  However, she said that she doesn't want to have her hair shorter on the side like the lady in red.  She loved the stacked look in the back of both tba99's and Snipette, and like how the front was longer in the tba99 pic.  She is going to bring both to the stylist and see if she can pull it off.  I am going to look for some more picks with longer front and a stacked up back.  If yall have any, send em to me, tomorrow is the big day!
Thanks for everyones helpBig%20smile

Posted By: sweetjessie76
Date Posted: March 14 2007 at 7:41am
Conrad, I have this cut and I hate it. I have lots of hair and it doesn't flow right. Instead the inverted bob looks chuncky. I've been trying to grow it out since last summer and it's been a long process. I would really consider the weight of her hair before trying a style such as this one. Trust me, It just doesn't look good.


Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 14 2007 at 8:05am
Hey Conrad,  The beauty of the pics I included is that they are all the same cut with different actions and two different days.  Which I thought showed how the cut can look in real life not just hairmodel world.  The other pic from snippette you mentioned was pretty close just more rounding.  Have fun.  I think this has been a nice distraction during tax season.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 14 2007 at 2:00pm
Which one do you have?  The Snipette or tba's.  My wifes hair is not really thick or weighty.  Do you have a pick that i could show her?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 14 2007 at 2:01pm
Most definately a good distraction, much to the disdain of my partners im sure!

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 15 2007 at 6:54pm
Wasn't today the big day Smile
How did it go?  Did she go as short as you wanted?  Did she get the style she was after?
Let me know how it went.

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 15 2007 at 7:19pm
Survey says.....Clap

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 15 2007 at 8:00pm
Well, she cut it shorter in the back, kinda of an inverted bob.  It looks greatBig%20smile  Didn't do the stacked thing in the back although, not sure why?  But my wife likes it and that is all that matters.  She called when she left and said that "she(the stylist) cut it all off"  Which translates into a little shorter than last time.  Not sure if the back is undercut or not, i took a break from taxes to go eat at chucky cheese with her and the kids, so i did not get to do any "running fingers thru her hair" to see the length. 
She is happy, so i am happy.  Im sure, just like the last time she got it cut, that she will want it to be shorter or stacked in the back on the next go around.  I figure if she likes the cut, but it was not what she asked to have done, we will contact her friend that usually goes to New Orleans to have her hair cut, and get the name of her stylist.  We usually take a trip to N.O. (new orleans) after tax season, so maybe a different person will do something different, if she wants to.  Who knows?
Ill try to gets some picks and post them, maybe a few days though, and ya'll can shoot your opinions.
End result -  she is Big%20smile, i am Big%20smile

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 15 2007 at 8:16pm
I'm reallly glad you both like the style, and look forward to seeing the pictures Big%20smile
I hope your possible visit to N.O. happens so you both get what you want.Clap

Posted By: tba99
Date Posted: March 15 2007 at 8:24pm
Clap Have fun and good luck with April 15.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 15 2007 at 8:28pm
Thanks, I'll need it.  Maybe well go to N.O., get hammered and she'll want to get her hair cut completely differentWink
Only time will tell.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 16 2007 at 1:31pm
You're hoping she'll go even shorter Wink LOL
If she's willing then fine just becareful not to push the issue.  You have to almost make it seem like she though of it. Big%20smile
All the best, but i'd be happy if she just got the cut she said she wanted last time.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 16 2007 at 6:36pm
Found out why the cut was not like the picks.  My wife forgot to put the picks in her car before she went to work.  So she described what they looked like to her stylist.
She and I both like the cut, its shorter, which is what she wanted. Big%20smile

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 19 2007 at 6:59am
Well, i snapped a shot of my wife yesterday while we were playing with the kids.  And yes, i did smudge up her face again, but this time it really looks bad....sorry.  But the cut is shown pretty good here.  Thanks for everyones help!Big%20smile
Well it seems there is an issue with uploading right now, so I will upload the pic a little later today.Angry

Posted By: Sjeanke
Date Posted: March 19 2007 at 1:27pm
It's great conrad!!!!!!!! Wink

Posted By: HairStyleDiva
Date Posted: March 19 2007 at 7:33pm
looks great cool style

Go for it change is good, Hair grows back.

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: March 20 2007 at 10:57am
looks great... did she go a little darker too?

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 20 2007 at 11:19am
Her hair color changes shades quite often.  Nothing dramatic, just more or less highlights, red, brown, blondish.  She did go red one year like Renee Ruso(sp?) in the Thomas Crown affair.  That was a good color on her, and she like it.  I would love to see her blonde, but her stylist said that it would not go well with her skin tone (kinda olive - she tans great!), and that would be wayyyy to much of a change for her. 

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: March 20 2007 at 2:04pm
Would you mind posting pictures of her other hair styles?  Sounds like she changes often.

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:56am
Here is a link to a few that I found the other night.  I didnt get a digital camera until about 2001, and the only ones that i could find were from 2005 until now b/c i back the older ones up on disk and they are in my safe.  Not enough time in the day to do everythingLOL
BAsically the same style, just shorter and a different color.  Could not find the Red haired Renee Ruso picks, they were most likely shot with 35mm and i would have to find them and scan them in.....maybe later.

Posted By: lemonlime
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:03pm
Your wife's new hair is very cute! It's good you are both happy! -  <-- this style is very similar to mine now! what a coincidence!
I like her color in the 3rd picture link!!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:08pm
she really likes it, and down here in the south, it gets HOT!  So i would imagine that it will get cut nextime like that series of picks from tba99 "grease, your the one that i want"
Well just see, the other thread has tba posting some woman on american idol having a new cut, i will go find it an show my wife if.
Good luck, and go ahead and get your new cut before spring break, it will be cooler, and you wont have the worry about it any more.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 7:58pm
I liked the second picture of your wifes hair, very cute. 
I like her new cut as well, it just keeps getting better.  I hope your right and your wife goes for the grease cut as i think she will look stunning with it.
You're a lucky man

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 21 2007 at 8:00pm
Thanks, i hope she does too.Big%20smile

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: August 02 2007 at 7:41am
As some may recall by reading the earlier posts, my wifes stylist either would not or could not cut her hair the way she wanted her too, and charged an arm and a leg for a good haircut, but not the haircut that my wife was looking for.  She was always asking her to make it shorter in the back by either stacking it up or angeling it up more.
We were out the other day, and we ran into a good friend of ours with an AWESOME short cut (she called it Posh-like).  My wife commented on how great it looked.  I struck when the iron was hot...."Why dont you go and get an appointment with her stylist?"  Unknown to me, my wife had already reached her breaking point with her current stylist, so she made the call to the new person.  That was Monday, and she got an appt yesterday.  She brought the Victoria Beckham pic that she has carried with her to her previous stylis so that the new one could see what she liked.
Her new stylist hit the nail on the head and my wife loves the cut....just in time, she has flown to NYC for a meeting and some shopping.  Attached are some picks of what the end result was and what the earlier stylist did not do so well.
I will post some before and after picks when i get to work.  The server is not acting right currently so here is a link to the new cut.

Posted By: LSUfootball7
Date Posted: August 02 2007 at 11:31pm
Looks Great

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: August 04 2007 at 2:51pm

<a href=" - "><img src=" - " border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Posted By: salax71
Date Posted: August 04 2007 at 6:43pm
I love it but I think she should go shorter

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: August 04 2007 at 7:49pm
I think it looks great also, but i kinda do wish it would get a bit shorter in the back.  She said after the cut that she loved the way the back had been cut shorter.  She said that he, her new stylist, could cut it way more shorter in the back, as long as the sides stay longer in the front.  Only time will tell. 
What i would love to see.....

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: August 06 2007 at 1:26pm
Wow, I've just got back from holiday to be greeted by an amazing cut.  Conrad you are a luck man your wife looks stunning.  This cut really suits her.  As you say time will tell if it gets better. Fantastic.  Please post some more pics if you don't mind as the cut is great.

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