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With your help, I reached my first goal

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 10:39pm

Topic: With your help, I reached my first goal
Posted By: justsara_1
Subject: With your help, I reached my first goal
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 2:49am
I've posted in the past, though I can't remember my sign in name! hehe.
In 2004, I decided to grow my hair out... well, I got tired of it and cut it short.  I just wasn't ready I guess. I wavered saying I would and I wouldn't until it kind of started growing on it's own and I ignored it.  It was a few inches past my shoulders in Oct 2005, but so badly damaged from chemicals that it needed to be cut.  Major white dot explosion, and all of that.  I have a serious fear of hairdressers after getting a horrid cut prior to that, so I enlisted the help of my then new s/o.  I figured it couldn't be worse than the last cut :P  I told him to cut it as short as he could bear keeping the damage in mind... and he practically cried (it was about chin length when he was done, and he is very much a Bob S type hehe).  I knew he preferred long hair, but I had told him I didn't have the dedication, it wasn't gonna happen, shoulder length was the limit, blah blah blah... and just left it at that.  I decided I'd give it an honest effort for him after that cut, and since then I have done just that. 
Well, by late March it was at my shoulders, by August it was past but needed another good trim.  I had him cut off 2 inches and just do some long layers because there was still overlying damage from my misdeeds years ago - I knew I (nor he) could deal with losing ALL the length when face framing layers pretty much cured it.  Since then, it has grown like a weed!  I am now 1.5 inches past bra strap length in a u type shape, which was my first goal.  It's funny, I taught my s/o to french braid and now I rarely wear it loose.  The other night we were laying in bed and he said "Wow, honey... I think you hit goal".  6 inches in 7 months is AMAZING.  I've taken much better care of it and am careful when wearing it loose, use henna instead of regular color, etc. 
Now he's admittedly scared am I going to stop here LOL  FTR, he is a hairstylist... which is a 'since me' development.  This career path for him is advantageous for me! Smile  He's the first one who ever listened to me.  I know I'll never go to another.  I told him originally I'd reach this length and just maintain it, so he should be happy.

I am hoping within a year or a year and a half I can hit waist length.  It needs to be trimmed now, but only 1/2in or so.  When he's this (or more) dedicated to my length, I know I don't have to be concerned.
Who knows if I'll keep it long.  I can't say for sure.  I can say I'd like to, but my mind changes easily.  Maybe he can keep me on track, and maybe if I become more active I can just keep picking new goals and accept the encouragement and do this all the way.  I know someone would be awfully heartbroken if I quit now.

Anyway, I ramble... a lot.  Especially when I'm awake at 3:00am Sleepy  I mainly wanted to post just to express a genuine THANK YOU to everyone here.  I've just lurked as I forgot my old username, but I am very, very happy with how my hair has turned out.   I know I couldn't do it without reading your own personal experiences - and looking at you guys' pics and such for inspiration. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you.  From both of us, really! Smile

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 7:09am
Thanks for sharing your hair story, I am glad you are happy with how it turned out.  If I had a s/o that would braid my hair for me, that would make it very easy to keep it long!  You are lucky to have a good hairdresser!  And 6 inches in 7 months IS amazing, I doubt it will take you that long to reach waist length at that rate.  I have been growing mine from a chin length bob since ...I guess Oct. 2003, and I am just a couple of inches from waist length now.   Its a much shorter trip from bsl to waist length than the lengths before - on me that's about 5 inches and I am 5' 8". 

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 12:47pm
     Geek What are you trying to say, Sara?! (lol)
     Actually, there are more crazy guys "like" me than you might believe. They just don't go around talking about it, except in "safe" environs. One neighbor actually admitted to me that he bawled his eyes out when his wife surprised him with a pixie. (He hates it to this day, many years later!) Even *I* have never cried over hair. I've been sad on occasion, definitely. (lol) Anyway, CONRATULATIONS! Blessings, Bob

Posted By: justsara_1
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 12:52pm
Thanks you guys! :D
Susan, I hope you're right. I'm ready to reach a different length, soon.  I'm trying to remind  myself that this was a goal, is not an in between - in betweens are my downfall, my giving up point if you will.  Hopefully you will hit waist length before summer :)
Bob, Nothing bad insinuated! lol.  Nothing wrong with crying, about anything really :P  Thanks again.

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 5:35pm
Sara, that's really cool!  Keep up the enthusiasm! Wink  I know there are lots of men like Bob, but they seem to keep it supressed.  I like it when they speak up.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: justsara_1
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 5:38pm
Thanks Hairbraider! I agree.  I think I would have been dedicated earlier in the game if I had realized how much it meant to him.  More men should speak up about their preferences - if they don't, how would we know?

Posted By: Alayney
Date Posted: March 27 2007 at 11:50pm

Posted By: justsara_1
Date Posted: March 28 2007 at 10:19am

I'll get some together on photobucket of start to finish when I'm home from work :-) 

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: March 30 2007 at 3:27pm
     So true about crying, Sara. It restores our equilibrium. I can't see crying over haircuts, BUT it probably beats sulking for days on end. (lol)
     Gals, I know that most guys (not me, obviously) don't communicate our fears and desires well. So, instead of asking questions which seem to demand a PC answer after the fact, such as "Does my face look fat with this hairdo?", give him open-ended exercises, such as, "What is your fantasy hair on a woman?" If he dips his nose into brown and says yours, b/c it's on you, ask for his second choice. Guys need to be prodded, but believe me, there are zillions of men who would *love* to see their SO's grow theirs! Blessings, Bob

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