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SO CAP Hair Extensions

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:41am

Topic: SO CAP Hair Extensions
Posted By: dolphingirl
Subject: SO CAP Hair Extensions
Date Posted: April 10 2007 at 12:00am

To any and all who might be interested: I am an avid extension wearer and have tried Hairlocs, Great Lengths, invisible weft and very recently I had installed the So Cap brand extensions. Of all the various types I have tried I have been most happiest with the So Cap because for one- they have the best textures: wavy and curly which I prefer and most importantly-the colors are not brassy!!! They have way better color choices than Great Lengths however both of the methods are second to none! I had them done in Washington at an elegant salon called Mermaids Salon which is so appropriate as I felt like a beautiful mermaid when I walked out so any of you in the Washington area should check them out or do your research first which I always do! I also must say that the fusion method has worked for me and I have had no breakage or loss of hair although I have thick hair and require alot of hair I have had no problems with the Great Lengths removal however I will let you know if any is interested how the Socap removal goes....

Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: April 10 2007 at 12:12am
SoCap would be nice but they're so expensive! I can think of more ways to spend THAT much money.


Posted By: leducred
Date Posted: April 10 2007 at 9:37am
Comparing Socap to GL, yes SoCaps are better- they stay in better and alot more colors to choose from.  Price wise they are ALOT cheaper than Great Lengths.  Socap w/tip and hair products $700. W/O tip and just hair- was $1500 GL's.


Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: April 13 2007 at 1:12am
Hey, that's what I've been talking about!! I love them! I got certified in Chicago to do the Euro So Cap and I had a set put in my hair and they are awesome!!

Posted By: nikis
Date Posted: August 17 2010 at 9:58pm
Hi chris, Just wondering your prices for extensions?

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