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Wife wants to go short?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 10:38pm

Topic: Wife wants to go short?
Posted By: arch94
Subject: Wife wants to go short?
Date Posted: April 23 2007 at 10:35am
So after 8 years of super short pixies, short crops, and bobs, the wife finally let her hair grow long over the last 3 years. It's now made it to bra length. I've always been a fan of shorter styles, and she has cut it in different short styles cuz she knew i lied them. But the long look on her is quite attractive...i've really grown to like it. She'll look fabulous no matter what she does.
She wants to go from bra length to the "aeon flux" style for summer and then into the posh angled bob later towards the fall.
Is it wrong of me to ask her not to?  It's her hair and she's gorgeous no matter what and she has tried different styles for me in the should i keep my mouth shut and let her do what she pleases. It's not like i would demand she not cut it, but merely hint that i've grown fond of it.
Any thoughts or suggestions.
p.s. don't tell anyone over on the short hair board i wrote this...they'll kick me out. Wink

We all know what opinions are like...and I've got both!

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: April 23 2007 at 12:51pm
It can't hurt to tell her what you just told us, can it?  I'd at least say something before it's too late.  Since she knows you like short hair, maybe she needs to know that you're enjoying it longer.


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: April 23 2007 at 2:14pm
I know too many women who disappointed their husbands when they cut off their long hair, and their only response was "I didn't know you liked it that much."  So tell her that you've grown to like it long and ask her if she'd be willing to keep it long for a little while more. 
If she's tried styles at your suggestion before, chances are she will again.  Maybe she's getting bored with it.  If that's the case, you could suggest a different cut that would still be long.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: April 23 2007 at 3:18pm
talk to her

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: April 24 2007 at 2:22pm
     Yeah, I confess to being shocked seeing YOU here, Arch. But really, I do understand it. At the risk of offending some women here, long hair just flat out IS sensual and youthful on *most* women of any age. And, observing a gal taking her hair down is priceless. My brother recently admitted that he is beginning to understand the allure of length, since his own fiance has grown hers out long. He's sounding like me, a thoroughly smitten man, sad to say. (lol) Yes, my own wife looked good with some of her short cuts of yesteryear, and they *were* an interesting change (I convinced myself of that! lol), but her long tresses truly bring out her beauty dauntingly. And she is often mistaken for being 10 years younger. She's nearing 50. *She* hates her old crop cut photos now.
     Anyway, Arch, IMO you should consider talking to her about your new-found love for her long hair. Tell her that no matter what she does, you'll love her and find her hot, but that you will be sad if she goes short, and that part of you will *always* yearn for the stunning locks that she now has. You have a right to your own feelings!
     If she forges ahead and cuts desite your entreaties, at least you gave it a shot. *Without* divulging your thoughts, you have NO chance of swaying her. As Hairbraider said, so many guys think that it's "unmanly" or unseemly to express a preference about their SO's hair; thus, sometimes they only have themselves to blame when the hair they covet is gone. Good luck, Bob Smile

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: April 25 2007 at 7:16am
I agree, just tell her, and its nice that you want to let her do what she wants, since its her hair.  She may indeed do what you want to make you happy if you like it and aren't pushy, in my relationships, I certainly consider such).

I'd never be offended that a man found long hair sensual.  I always thought long hair was pretty, and since men think of more than that when they look at a woman, its only logical that this would translate into sensual.  Why should we pretend it isn't so?

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Posted By: arch94
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 8:14am
I posted on the short hair board already, but she went ahead and cut it. I didn't want her to, but it turned out very cute on her. The best part was her smile afterwards cuz she was so happy how it turned out. Smiles and happiness are more valuable to me.

We all know what opinions are like...and I've got both!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 5:22pm
You did tell her though, right?? 
Yes, her satisfaction with the way she looks is most important.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: arch94
Date Posted: April 30 2007 at 9:22pm
Oh yeah, I told her how I liked it. But she had grown bored with it and said she was tired of it. I asked about 6 times if she was sure before she did it. She was beaming afterwards and hasn't stopped since. It was fun while it lasted, but she's pretty either way. I'll probably be posting some edited pics for the guys on the short hair board if anyone wants to see. It's short...but it's cute.
Thanks for the advice. See ya again in about 5

We all know what opinions are like...and I've got both!

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: May 02 2007 at 4:23pm
  Thanks for the update, Arch. Reading between the lines, you seem disappointed. I checked the "Short" board to see the photos. I NEVER check that board anymore. I bring too much controversy there! lol
     My opinion: It is very well shaped in the back, but I like bobs shorter in front, too. She did have stunning, wavy longer hair, but you said what  you could to her. I'd have done the same, emphatically. I'm sorry she didn't keep it long, but you sound like a loving husband and an all-around good guy, and it's a good relationship that is paramount in life. I know that when my DW cut her locks, the fact that I actually *do* like the look of some short styles helped assuage the shock. Blessings, Bob Big%20smile

Posted By: arch94
Date Posted: May 02 2007 at 10:00pm
You are correct Bob...I was somewhat disappointed. I'm a short hair doubt about it. I was even surprised myself that I had grown so fond of her long hair. I really liked it long, but as a short hair fan, I knew that i'd like it short too. Perhaps I was disappointed because i knew it would be so long before it was that length again. I don't know?  She wanted, she got it, I told her it was her call. I too like bobs a little shorter in the front, so obviously i didn't push my likes on her. She wanted the front like that because she really likes the "aeon flux" style...says it's funky.  You're right, the relationship is more important than my preferences.
You're more than welcome on the "short" board...i'm proof we can exist on both boards. lol
Thanks for the comments.

We all know what opinions are like...and I've got both!

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