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How Do You STOP Using A Blow Dryer???

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: May 17 2024 at 9:24pm

Topic: How Do You STOP Using A Blow Dryer???
Posted By: Nicole
Subject: How Do You STOP Using A Blow Dryer???
Date Posted: March 09 2001 at 12:50pm
Okay..I`m trying to grow out my hair`s like 3 inches past my shoulders...and I know blow dryers are bad for your hair..curling irons as well...but how do you just stop using one??? my hair is straight in some places, wavy in others..and has been damaged from bleaching/dying..and I know blow drying my hair every other day doesn`t help..but my hair looks HORRIBLE with this mix. I just want it straight...any suggestions on how to do this without a blowdryer???

at least I`ve stopped using brushes ;)

thnx ;)

Posted By: dianefromcanada
Date Posted: March 09 2001 at 12:58pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP881778452&id=259&page=1#24.259.1 - 24.259.1
Dear Nicole:

I am wondering if you would be happier with a style that is much easier for you to take care of. Maybe a perm?

The last time I ever used a hairblower and curling iron was in grade 12. I am 40 years old now and probably wouldn`t remember how to turn one on lol.
My trick was always been to wash my hair the night before and my hair tends to dry within one hour so there wasn`t a need for anything else. Lately I had a spiral perm and my hair is almost waist length and I wash my hair the same morning that I am working so that my curls show up very nicely.
I guess Nicole try not to use the hairblower and see how it looks. Find out what are your complaints about your hair and talk it over with your stylist. Maybe she/he might have some good suggestions. Pretty tough to give you advice without seeing your hair.


Posted By: Nicole
Date Posted: March 09 2001 at 1:19pm
Thanks for your quick response ;) pics. ;( but my hair is in layers, very thick, and there`s a bunch of hairs that are just kind of sticking out. i guess from breaking off... ;/
I`m trying to get it back to where it was before I dyed/cut it...a little past mid back..straight..and no split ends. I`m into the whole 70`s thing. ;)
I`m contemplating getting it trimmed..then leaving it alone. Do you (or anyone else) think this will help??

thanks so much ;)


Posted By: Katherine
Date Posted: March 09 2001 at 3:04pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP881778452&id=259&page=1#24.261.1 - 24.261.1

nicole originally wrote:
Thanks for your quick response ;) pics. ;( but my hair is in layers, very thick, and there's a bunch of hairs that are just kind of sticking out. i guess from breaking off... ;/
I'm trying to get it back to where it was before I dyed/cut it...a little past mid back..straight..and no split ends. I'm into the whole 70's thing. ;)
I'm contemplating getting it trimmed..then leaving it alone. Do you (or anyone else) think this will help??

thanks so much ;)

It sounds like your hair may be a lot like mine. Mine is wavy at the temples, fairly straight everywhere else and thick. If I do nothing to it, it can look pretty messy, but I have to stay away from the blowdryer and curling iron as much as possible or in no time I end up with 4 inches of dry dead hair at the ends! Also, like you I cut it from mid-back to short. That was 3 years ago, and now it`s back to several inches below my shoulders. Anyway, what I do is try to "train" the hair on each side after I shower and towel dry. With a comb and my free hand I comb the hair straight down and then attempt to get the ends to curl under a little and hold a nice shape. Then I let it air dry naturally. If I`m having a "good hair day" it looks find with no appliances! If not, I use the dreaded blowdryer and curling iron as little as possible...or just pull it back in a ponytail or put it in a French braid. You could try that, see if combing and airdrying work each day and if not wear it a different way such as ponytail or braid. Your earlier post said your hair is somewhat damaged from bleaching, so definitely deep condition weekly and get regular trims. You`ll be better off with regular trims (every 10 weeks or so) than leaving it alone longer than that. Good luck - I`m sure you`ll get back to that 70`s look you love if you have patience!


Posted By: Nicole
Date Posted: March 09 2001 at 3:50pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP881778452&id=259&page=1#24.262.1 - 24.262.1
that`s exactly how mine is! if i let it airdry i look like a velcro strip. but..i just went during lunch and had it deep conditioned. much better !!!! i think I`ll keep doing this and see how it works out. i`ll also do tiny, tiny trims. stylists scare me!! at least the ones i`ve had. they say..are u sure just an inch? and they end up cutting two or three!! i try as much as possible to comb, halfway airdry, and do a quick runover with the blow dryer on cool. that works well..but takes forever..and i`m a single mom with NO time!! ;) i am definitely going to get to that 70`s look..whether i have patience or not!!! hehe

thanks for your help ;)


Posted By: Katherine
Date Posted: March 11 2001 at 5:07pm
Reply to message: viewthread.asp?forum=AMB%5FAP881778452&id=259&page=1#24.263.1 - 24.263.1
I know what you mean about stylists scaring you. I always say "just half an inch" but they seem to always cut more like 3/4 or even an inch, so it`s taking me longer to grow my hair way down my back. Have you tried the Edwin Paul smoothing lotion? I ordered some a month ago and have used it 3 times so far, always right before church on Sundays when I blow dry in order to avoid going to church with wet hair. It really works, at least for me, and my hair has been smoother and silkier for several days afterwards. You might want to order some if the deep conditioning alone does not do the trick or just to use on days when you need to blowdry more than the quick runover on cool. I know what you mean about no time - I`m not single mom, but I`ve got three kids to tend to and part-time employment. I know I should use the blowdryer on cool, but I usually feel so pressed for time I use it on hot, thinking that will save a little time. I`m curious - do you notice a difference in drying time using the cool setting instead of the hot setting? Good luck!
