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Extensions for thick wavy hair, least damage? Pics

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: June 03 2024 at 8:47am

Topic: Extensions for thick wavy hair, least damage? Pics
Posted By: aechain
Subject: Extensions for thick wavy hair, least damage? Pics
Date Posted: May 24 2007 at 5:55pm
I have thick, naturally wavy hair. I tend to dye it alot. Here it isss

Sorry for the high contrast, they're pictures little sisters have photoshopped to death but you can still see the hair.

I want to get extensions this summer, waist length maybe? Something like this.

haha. But I don't want my hair to be damaged when I take them out, I want this to be a temporary thing. I don't want to go from pretty and big and thick to thin and damaged, you know? It makes me nervous.

What "method" should I use to get the look I want, that won't hurt my hair, and that I can take out and go right back to au natural?

Thanks much in advance. I guess let me know if you need more info?

Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: May 24 2007 at 6:43pm
You have gorgeous hair! Get clip ins if you want to change it up.


Posted By: BunnyWabbit
Date Posted: May 24 2007 at 6:45pm
I agree your hair is BEAUTIFUL! I'd go for clip-ins as well. If you wanted something a little longer lasting, maybe tapes or liquid gold, but if you want to play with colors or anything I'd fo with clip-ins. Also hair that long, coupled with your own thick hair, will probably be a pain to deal wth in the summer heat and summer time activites. 

Posted By: nursie
Date Posted: May 24 2007 at 6:49pm
wow your hair now looks great on you, very pretty
but sure waist length is GLAM!Smile
for kinda-sorta temporary ,yet securely attached, and non damaging i'd say to look into protac-installing wefts with tapes
here's a tutorial:

i dont know what your hair-buying budget is, i've had good results with body wave and french refined (my last french refined hair was a bit too curly though)...for decently priced hair that has a good reputation for not turning to crap right away, the best prices i know of out there right now are:

and for Bohyme hair, good prices/best color choices:

good luck to you and your hair!

lotta talkin 'bout hair n other stuff:

Posted By: aechain
Date Posted: May 24 2007 at 11:43pm
Thanks for the replies. :)

To me it seems that clip ins would be very noticable and unnatural looking, just because there's a bulky metal clip? Is the clip noticable? Do they actually stay in until you take them out? I was thinking of something a little more permanent I guess, but if clips are the only thing I can wear without damaging my hair I sposee that will have to do. Are braid or sew in extensions an incredibly bad idea, or very expensive?

I guess I'm just at a loss. There's so much information here, I just don't know how to find what I need. ha. thanks much, again.

Posted By: cat_goddess
Date Posted: May 25 2007 at 1:40pm
Hi aechain!
Welcome to our obsession!
Your hair is gorgeous, so you definitely don't want to ruin it. I have hair about your length, but it's fine (lots of of it though) and wavy. A lot like yours actually. I have had wonderful success with the protac method with a bit of liquid gold for reinforcement. Except now I use supertape, which holds for 4 weeks or longer. I found protac breaking down and getting gooey after only a couple of weeks.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE supertape. I can wash and condition alllllll my hair - even the bonds and they don't fall out! I'm a complete convert altough its a bit annoying to work with. Totally worth the extra patience though. I wouldn't use the clip ins. I tried them and I found the clips pulled my hair out and hurt - and they looked a bit fake. I haven't tried the shrinkies or any of the other methods, I'm happy with the tape.
Anyway, definitely follow nursies advice and use the protac demo link. That is how I learned to do my own extensions and it really is sooooo easy, especially once you get the hang of it. The tape (even the supertape) (which you can purchase from - ) comes out super easily with an oil based remover. I don't have any issue with the citrus remover at all, although some users find it a bit harsh. I have sensitive skin and I thought for sure I would react to it, but I don't. You can also use olive oil, although I personally find it takes them longer to come out using olive oil. It's a nice conditioning treatment for your hair though! I have found the protac to be very non-damaging and my hair has bounced back beautifully when I take out my bonds.  As a note of warning - you will experience some hair loss but DON'T PANIC. I had a major panic one night after taking out my bonds - I thought I had lost a lot of hair (I saw it going down the drain in the shower) and ended up in silent tears. However, once my hair was dry, I realized it was just the natural hair loss from 2 weeks of wearing my extensions. I also have learned to be very patient and never ever tug on my hair when I'm taking them out.
It really is a matter of taking all the advice on the forum and trying out methods that work best for you. I, like you, felt like I was overwhelmed with information when I first started. I just tried the tape and different kinds of hair until I found something that worked for me. I'm now addicted (my husband accuses me of having a love affair with my extensions) but I've got it down 30 - 45 mins to get the tracks done and 40 mins to install.
Finally, as nursie suggested, I would also suggest you buy good quality hair. I've tried everthing from wawa & elite thermo to indian remi, and I'm sticking with the indian remi. I found a great supplier on ebay. Actually, I owe everyone here an update on my latest install with pics!
Good luck!!! Everyone here on the forum is wonderful and I'm sure you'll find you'll be a pro in no time!

Posted By: stargazer026
Date Posted: May 27 2007 at 1:06am

Id go with weaving this site shows you how its done - , - -
or with clip ons hair extentions.....

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