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Lauria Ann Gibson Fired

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Category: Hip Hop
Forum Name: Hip Hop News
Forum Description: News About Hip Hop Stars & Etc.,
Printed Date: February 16 2025 at 9:10am

Topic: Lauria Ann Gibson Fired
Posted By: WaveKingSup
Subject: Lauria Ann Gibson Fired
Date Posted: June 01 2007 at 7:40am

'Making The Band' Choreographer Fired; Claims Diddy Threatened Her

Choreographer Laurie Ann Gibson -- known for her role in teaching "Making The Band" contestants dance routines -- has been fired from the popular reality series following an alleged altercation with the show's executive producer Sean "Diddy" Combs. The New York Daily News reports that the choreographer told authorities that a heated argument ensued between Combs and guest judge Michael Bivins over the performance of the latest group of band hopefuls last month, when she was restrained by Bivens and threatened with a chair by Diddy. Gibson said she managed to break free from Biven's grasp and left the venue in Greenwich Village, New York, shortly after. The incident allegedly took place on April 25 at the New York Sports Club, but she didn't file a formal complaint until May 11. Diddy has denied Gibson's claims, calling her accusations an attempt to "take advantage" of his fame.

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