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Lady Sovereign Melts Down

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Category: Hip Hop
Forum Name: Hip Hop News
Forum Description: News About Hip Hop Stars & Etc.,
Printed Date: February 16 2025 at 10:04am

Topic: Lady Sovereign Melts Down
Posted By: WaveKingSup
Subject: Lady Sovereign Melts Down
Date Posted: June 01 2007 at 7:41am

Lady Sovereign Cuts Show Short After On Stage Breakdown

UK Grime sensation Lady Sovereign, who released her US debut Public Warning on Def Jam Records in 2006, broke down on stage in New York recently, resulting in the rapper cutting her show short. On stage at Studio B in Brooklyn, the pint-sized rapper was caught on tape, as she complained about depression, then proceeded to spill out her personal problems -- including her finances -- to a crowd of shouting fans. "I'm just about paying my rent, I'm gonna be homeless in two weeks. I'm not even joking," Lady Sov said while sipping a beer and puffing on a cigarette. Pointing to "scars on my arms," the British rapper said, "You don't understand, I've just come out of depression... This is so painful to do," before walking off stage. Although it is unclear if the rapper's outbursts were sincere or were to get a reaction from the crowd, Lady Sov looked very disturbed when she left the stage, leaving a crowd -- who began booing -- unsatisfied.

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Posted By: 25cent
Date Posted: June 01 2007 at 3:21pm
Dang thats what happens when you don't use your money right.

Captain Of Blackspinnas
Thats why they call us black spinnas
[IMG]" />

Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: June 12 2007 at 7:25am
I saw the "freak out" on you tube, ...looked more like a tantrum.
I must be listening wrong, cuz I didn't hear the heat folks say she bringingWink.


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