What do you guys think of LHCF
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Category: African American Hair
Forum Name: African American Hair
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Printed Date: January 14 2025 at 6:31am
Topic: What do you guys think of LHCF
Posted By: hair obsessed
Subject: What do you guys think of LHCF
Date Posted: June 10 2007 at 6:56pm
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted?
Posted By: virgo78
Date Posted: June 10 2007 at 9:51pm
I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes, it can get a little catty over there. Thats why Im just gonna start lurking. I think Im familiar with the thread that you're talking about, too.
Posted By: kellie7777
Date Posted: June 11 2007 at 6:03pm
ah stuff em. You pay your money to post so why shouldn't you. You can only control yourself not others. don't let anyone intimidate you with crapola....
------------- http://public.fotki.com/Kell1e/
Transitioning since Aug 06
Last Relaxer Apr 06
Posted By: tika220
Date Posted: June 12 2007 at 9:28am
Yeah they got thier favs over there. I have seen some posters get the royal beat down and other highly praised on the same topic. Some of those threads are ridiculously long for no good reason, and If I see that thread about that henna come up one mo time I swear... Former LHCF know what I am talking about.
Posted By: annetoin
Date Posted: June 12 2007 at 9:50am
Most of the gals over there are very helpful. But, some of them have these fanatical ways regarding their hair....afraid to wear their hair down for fear of someone cutting it off, ...afraid to let someone touch their hair (I am not talking about letting a stranger touch their hair, but some won't even let their spouses etc. touch it!), ...hair regimes that get in the way of their relationships with their spouses or significant others,...afraid that if they miss a tiny step in their routine that their hair will fall out the very next day...at times it is a bit much! Sometimes I get tired of reading about someone who thinks they are going bald because they found "2" strands of hair in the sink. A little irrational at times.
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: June 12 2007 at 11:50am
annetoin wrote:
Most of the gals over there are very helpful. But, some of them have these fanatical ways regarding their hair....afraid to wear their hair down for fear of someone cutting it off, ...afraid to let someone touch their hair (I am not talking about letting a stranger touch their hair, but some won't even let their spouses etc. touch it!), ...hair regimes that get in the way of their relationships with their spouses or significant others,...afraid that if they miss a tiny step in their routine that their hair will fall out the very next day...at times it is a bit much! Sometimes I get tired of reading about someone who thinks they are going bald because they found "2" strands of hair in the sink. A little irrational at times. | Some of this is hilarious.. I love my hair too, but DANG.. It's really not that serious.. Haircare that interferes with my relationships! Too funny!!!
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: annetoin
Date Posted: June 12 2007 at 2:19pm
It is a bit neurotic from time to time!
Posted By: virgo78
Date Posted: June 12 2007 at 5:36pm
Lol This is sooo true. Im a member there too, but when my subscritption is up, I am bouncing! Yeah, that henna thread is ridiculously long!
And plus, the site is always down anyway.
------------- Currently: APL
Goal: BSL
Posted By: blackhoney112
Date Posted: June 14 2007 at 9:09pm
This is why I am a lurker there lol I like to be on sites that are supportive and not judgemental
------------- http://public.fotki.com/blackhoney112/hair_album/101505_.html - Hair album
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: June 16 2007 at 10:22am
What does LHCF mean
Posted By: kellie7777
Date Posted: June 17 2007 at 11:10am
LHCF - long hair care forum
------------- http://public.fotki.com/Kell1e/
Transitioning since Aug 06
Last Relaxer Apr 06
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: June 18 2007 at 12:46am
thanks kellie
Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: June 18 2007 at 12:17pm
I posted there for a year but now I need to renew my subscription. The times that I have posted its been fine. I like it there.
------------- Goal:Waistlength Natural Hair!
Posted By: silvergirl
Date Posted: June 19 2007 at 1:06pm
there are stuck up, annoying, ignorant people at every forum, but for the most part. its fine. :)
------------- http://public.fotki.com/louisvuittongurl/ - http://public.fotki.com/louisvuittongurl/
[IMG]http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f246/emgurl1234/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.jpg" />
Posted By: mercedes826
Date Posted: June 19 2007 at 2:11pm
I'm a member there also and my experience has been great. The ladies are helpful
Posted By: digitaldiva
Date Posted: June 19 2007 at 6:39pm
hair obsessed wrote:
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted? |
What do I think? I think it's ghetto as he** and completely unorganized. Sorry. I get upset just thinking about it! lol. I really don't like it at all. I was very disappointed after paying my little $10. Someone is makin' a killin though! This site is organized. I don't have any issues finding a particular topic or even finding old posts. But in LHCF the same things get posted repeatedly because the site is so unorganized and doesn't really have ANY subcategories. So, you have thousands of people posting different topics under one main topic. Too frustrating!!!
Boooo to LHCF!
------------- AS OF 5/25/2007
10 1/2' in the top
10 on the sides
3 1/2 in the back
Posted By: mercedes826
Date Posted: June 20 2007 at 9:27am
digitaldiva wrote:
hair obsessed wrote:
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted? |
What do I think? I think it's ghetto as he** and completely unorganized. Sorry. I get upset just thinking about it! lol. I really don't like it at all. I was very disappointed after paying my little $10. Someone is makin' a killin though! This site is organized. I don't have any issues finding a particular topic or even finding old posts. But in LHCF the same things get posted repeatedly because the site is so unorganized and doesn't really have ANY subcategories. So, you have thousands of people posting different topics under one main topic. Too frustrating!!!
Boooo to LHCF!
When did you 10 dollars? I only paid 5.
Posted By: digitaldiva
Date Posted: June 20 2007 at 11:20am
I paid 10 for 2 years. I thought about the time I've been a member of other forums and decided to do 2 years.
------------- AS OF 5/25/2007
10 1/2' in the top
10 on the sides
3 1/2 in the back
Posted By: sakura07
Date Posted: June 25 2007 at 4:59pm
I just browse there. But Despite its having it fair share of issues, it does give help to women of color who want to grow their hair out or just have healthy hair. So I have some respect for all the ladies there.
All fourms have their issues, but thats apart of the whole online fourm deal. But that are doing ther "job" wheather we like the way they do it or not.
Posted By: Sistaslick
Date Posted: June 25 2007 at 7:26pm
http://blackhairscience.com - The Science of Black Hair
Posted By: blackhoney112
Date Posted: June 26 2007 at 7:20am
I guess my response was too general....LHCF does provide some great hair & product advice and I am noticing that people I see posting on sites I like post there so I am not saying that everyone there is mean but there have been some threads that have gotten pretty nasty and that was disappointing to me because most of us are on these hair sites because we don't receive support for our hair choices from family--friends etc. So I should say that I have seen some rotten apples but overall the site is good but I prolly still won't join
Sistaslick wrote:
wow. [IMG]http://talk.hairboutique.com/smileys/smiley24.gif" height="17" width="17" align="absmiddle" alt="Ermm" /> |
------------- http://public.fotki.com/blackhoney112/hair_album/101505_.html - Hair album
Posted By: blackhoney112
Date Posted: June 26 2007 at 7:21am
Btw sistaslick ur still my hair idol
------------- http://public.fotki.com/blackhoney112/hair_album/101505_.html - Hair album
Posted By: digitaldiva
Date Posted: June 26 2007 at 7:51am
Is that a picture of GEM the Cartoon? I loved that cartoon.
------------- AS OF 5/25/2007
10 1/2' in the top
10 on the sides
3 1/2 in the back
Posted By: BrownDiva
Date Posted: June 26 2007 at 6:34pm
This thread is funny. I have to say that I enjoy visiting LHCF. It is very informative and have gotten my hair healthy again. Some of the ladies are over the top, but there is a lot of valuable information on there and other sites that help black women take care of their hair. I just renewed my membership over there.
Posted By: blackhoney112
Date Posted: June 26 2007 at 8:25pm
Yep I am still a die hard fan. lol
digitaldiva wrote:
Is that a picture of GEM the Cartoon? I loved that cartoon.[IMG]smileys/smiley2.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="Wink" />
------------- http://public.fotki.com/blackhoney112/hair_album/101505_.html - Hair album
Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: June 26 2007 at 10:36pm
I haven't posted because I wanted to see what people would say. I am not a member of that particular site, however, I have recommended that site to alot of my friends/ family/ and even hairboard members because there is great information there to view. So, as you can see I lurk their often.
As with any site, even here, there will be threads where people disagree. It's not uncommon on forums for that to happen. So overall, I think LHCF is very insightful and is a step in the right direction for people who are looking for hair information that they have not been able to recieve before.
------------- Natural
BC May 9, 2004
Posted By: sugaplum
Date Posted: August 31 2007 at 6:19pm
@ Henna Thread comment
I've been a member of the LHCF for 4 years now. There is a great deal of information regarding hair health (and how to maintain a healthy body). Yes there is drama there at times, but there is drama everywhere. I just don't post and move onto the next thread.
I have noticed that there is favortism with certain members and when they start a new thread it seems like EVERY member post on it. But when I notice newbies that start a thread, you will barely get 2 comments!!
------------- 100% Natural
BC - 4/21/07
Love All Gods' Creatures
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: August 31 2007 at 7:08pm
I had the same experience with Black Hair Media.
Favoritsm, boot lickin' and nobody wanted to answer questions, bullies given to much say so on who is a troll and who is not, whatever the hell that is I was a newbie, and was askin' a very direct, simple question, and some ignant' huzzy had the tamerity to step to me 'bout lookin at the archives, AND dONT ASK QUESTIONS THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN ASKED...HELL NAW! which some of the members admitted the archives were not very organized.........I vamped....I'm not that desperate for info it's not THAT serious to me....
No. not me, I'm not gone let it go, I got PO'd spoke my peace and got the hell out.
I felya'
Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 11:05am
@Anomis ...Blackhairmedia is a whole different story. I'm glad I forgot my password after day 2...one lady wanted to see before and after pictures of people with short hair and now have long hair. Of course I went and posted...I returned back to see if I helped and she went off on me because she wanted to see extremely damaged hair and blah blah blah. I quickly respnded that my hair has not always been healthy and all of the things my hair went through...o well. Her lost, not mine.
Some people just can not accept kindness...
That favortism thing irks me as well....people need assistance, it does not take that much time to assist someone, but some people want to write a novel about why they rather the new comer search for the answer instead just being kind and guiding them in the right direction. And within that novel, the members could have written the information needed...they just wasted time typing a bunch of hogwash.
------------- Natural
BC May 9, 2004
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 11:27am
thank you....
Posted By: femmemuscle
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 8:41pm
i agree! i was on the Talk, Talk, Talk forum on BHM, and i swear, if you have your own experience, and opinion - it's not easy to stay on that end of the forum..i, too, have seen favoritism, autism, bullsh**ism, etc..thus, i finally gave up, told them what i thought - and left..never looked back..
One person can post with a question..but if they aren't favored, you can see the post gets "viewed" but not answered..when someone that is favored posts the same question, but worded differently - then there are several replies..yep..
I will say their hair styling and hair growth forums are cool...everyone seems to be very supportive, so, far - at least....those are the only two forums that i can post and ask questions about..and receive very informative responses in a timely manner..due to the higher volume
------------- some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 9:19pm
lmbootyoff@ femmemuscle
autism...u ain't neva'lied
Posted By: *~earthangel*~
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 3:45pm
I like LHCF. Theres tons of information and the ladies are helpful. I havent had any bad experiences to date. I dont let myself get caught up in the occasional catfights.
------------- http://www.public.fotki.com/EarthAngel1886/ - My Fotki
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 4:05pm
Well I have to offer my opinion on BHM and the "directives" for newbies to search for information.. I've spent the MAJORITY of my time on BHM in the Weaves/Extensions forum.. I'd like to think that I have been a "helpful" contributor on BHM for those posts where I've contributed advice and/or suggestions..
I have suggested to newbies to search for threads. Particularly when I know that there is an abundance of information ALREADY there on the topic they have asked about.. I have suggested HOW to search for and find the information, and occasionally have even posted search results for newbies.. There is a VERY good Weave/Extensions 101 sticky thread chock FULL of information, and I even created a personal webpage too which contains lots of useful threads, links and other helpful information.
For me personally the issue is the members who have made it clear in their posting that they know the information they are seeking is there, but they just flat out have NO INTEREST in helping themselves. I see these posts all the time.. Members who STRAIGHT up say they don't wanna look for the information.. Then there are the newbies who swear that they have been reading the weave/extensions forum for years/months, then ask a question that is covered in the Weaves/Extensions 101 thread.. Well I don't get that.. If they've been "reading for months/years" how do they NOT know about this thread?? It's a sticky note at the TOP of the Weaves/Extensions forum!!!!
When I first came to this forum and BHM, I came seeking specific information.. (In my case I was searching for hair vendor data) I spent a LOT of time searching and reading posts to at least ATTEMPT to get the information for myself.. I only posted questions when I could not find the answers on te forum.. I don't mind helping others, but when someone makes it clear that they don't FEEL that they need to take the time to try and help themselves, then I feel no particular obligation to be helpful either. The fact is the women who particpate and contribute the advice, ideas, and suggestions to these forums do so because they want to.. Not because they HAVE to.. Those members who CLEARLY post questions and sit back and wait for answers after making NO ATTEMPT to get the information for themselves will not get any help from me..
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 4:56pm
Diva my interactions with you have been cool.
Ignorant people are going to be ignorant, period.
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 5:26pm
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 6:37pm
no ma'am it's Bo$$, on there, I have not been on in a while......I would go into the place where all those links are, now that is a wealth of knowledge it's just running into the wrong personality....
Those links are good!
You should come on over to my Hip Hop section and check us out
All are welcomed, we juss' shillin'
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 9:03pm
Anomis wrote:
no ma'am it's Bo$$, on there, I have not been on in a while......I would go into the place where all those links are, now that is a wealth of knowledge it's just running into the wrong personality....
Those links are good!
You should come on over to my Hip Hop section and check us out
All are welcomed, we juss' shillin' | Oh hell girl I know who you are!!! Hey now!!! Yeah the Weaves/Extensions 101 thread is a good one..
I do agree about one thing.. The owner/administrator of that forum has allowed the moderators to run roughshod on BHM.. I just work around it and keep it moving because overall I do like the women on BHM, and the information available on that forum is phenomenal!
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: ccmuffingirl
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 9:11pm
I, personally, don't care for LHCF. I have an account there, but it doesn't let me do anything. I think it's because you have to pay a membership fee. I usually just go there to look for the features of the month, then I visit their fotki accounts to see their hair progress and routines. I like this forum a lot better :-)
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 10:42pm
Divavocals wrote:
Anomis wrote:
no ma'am it's Bo$$, on there, I have not been on in a while......I would go into the place where all those links are, now that is a wealth of knowledge it's just running into the wrong personality....
Those links are good!
You should come on over to my Hip Hop section and check us out
All are welcomed, we juss' shillin' | Oh hell girl I know who you are!!! Hey now!!! Yeah the Weaves/Extensions 101 thread is a good one..
I do agree about one thing.. The owner/administrator of that forum has allowed the moderators to run roughshod on BHM.. I just work around it and keep it moving because overall I do like the women on BHM, and the information available on that forum is phenomenal! |
Bingo!!! that's what it's called...good info!!!
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 10:48pm
ccmuffingirl wrote:
I, personally, don't care for LHCF. I have an account there, but it doesn't let me do anything. I think it's because you have to pay a membership fee. I usually just go there to look for the features of the month, then I visit their fotki accounts to see their hair progress and routines. I like this forum a lot better :-) |
Well I am delighted that u have found a place where you feel comfy, and can get what you need.
Posted By: MsMocha
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 9:59pm
Can someone who is a full member of LHCF enlighten me as to what benefits the $5 have? I'm not being cheap but by lurking I get info from the threads but I don't see myself posting much.
I'm on BHM too and while sometimes it may come off rude telling people search but like Diva said some people are just plain lazy.
------------- http://public.fotki.com/SweetCocoa/ - http://public.fotki.com/SweetCocoa/
Posted By: ccmuffingirl
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 10:28pm
Thanks Anomis!
------------- "And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair"--Kahlil Gibran
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 10:49pm
Ccmuffinggirl, If you have any problems, or concerns, questions etc, please ask me, or pm me, and if I can not help, we'll figure out what person, place, thing to ask.....Divavocals is very approachable....she has helped me out with links and resouces b4....
AND if you ever have a prob, with anything please tell us b4 you ditch us. LOL Again
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 2:27am
Anomis wrote:
Ccmuffinggirl, If you have any problems, or concerns, questions etc, please ask me, or pm me, and if I can not help, we'll figure out what person, place, thing to ask.....Divavocals is very approachable....she has helped me out with links and resouces b4....
AND if you ever have a prob, with anything please tell us b4 you ditch us. LOL Again
WELCOME!!! | Awwww thanks sweetie!! Glad I could help..
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 5:15am
girl u know you got nitro knowledge, backgound, and skilz that pay da billz lol
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 10:40am
Anomis wrote:
girl u know you got nitro knowledge, backgound, and skilz that pay da billz lol | You are too damn funny!!!
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 12:30pm
Anyybody who is reading this can u please tell me if my picture on your screen is full or if it is on a scroll bar, where u have to scroll to see my pic of Common....Ty ladies
Posted By: sugaplum
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 12:39pm
Anomis wrote:
Anyybody who is reading this can u please tell me if my picture on your screen is full or if it is on a scroll bar, where u have to scroll to see my pic of Common....Ty ladies |
If it's Common it can never be too big. It's beautiful.
------------- 100% Natural
BC - 4/21/07
Love All Gods' Creatures
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 2:02pm
it's the full picture right???, on my computer for some reason, it's on a scroll bar. as long as it shows up solid for you all I'll know to check my own settings on my computer........
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 6:32pm
Nope the pic requires me to scroll which means you need to re-size the image and then re-load it to your profile siggy..
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: tmj707
Date Posted: September 08 2007 at 2:46pm
I am new to this forum, n I keep seeing LHCF. I only know Nappturality nd Black Hair Media. What is LHCF? And what happened with the Henna thread??? I currently have my first ever application on Henna in my head. Trying to make it to the 4th hour! thanks for the info. need to know where to stay away from!
TMJ 707
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 08 2007 at 3:01pm
Divavocals wrote:
Nope the pic requires me to scroll which means you need to re-size the image and then re-load it to your profile siggy.. |
I have tried everything and can not get the pic to show up....
It is rather frustrating. Not just my pics but everybodies pics show up on my computer like that .....
Posted By: Wishful growth
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 9:46am
what is a good site or place I can purchase Brazilian hair?
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 9:57am
http://talk.hairboutique.com//forum_posts.asp?TID=30346 - http://talk.hairboutique.com//forum_posts.asp?TID=30346
Hi Wishful growth, Welcome to HB
Try going here to this link it may answer your questions
Posted By: Wishful growth
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 10:06am
Thanks for the prompt rely, I will check it out
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 10:07am
goog luck
Posted By: quenquen
Date Posted: September 27 2007 at 4:27pm
Divavocals wrote:
Well I have to offer my opinion on BHM and the "directives" for newbies to search for information.. I've spent the MAJORITY of my time on BHM in the Weaves/Extensions forum.. I'd like to think that I have been a "helpful" contributor on BHM for those posts where I've contributed advice and/or suggestions..
I have suggested to newbies to search for threads. Particularly when I know that there is an abundance of information ALREADY there on the topic they have asked about.. I have suggested HOW to search for and find the information, and occasionally have even posted search results for newbies.. There is a VERY good Weave/Extensions 101 sticky thread chock FULL of information, and I even created a personal webpage too which contains lots of useful threads, links and other helpful information.
For me personally the issue is the members who have made it clear in their posting that they know the information they are seeking is there, but they just flat out have NO INTEREST in helping themselves. I see these posts all the time.. Members who STRAIGHT up say they don't wanna look for the information.. Then there are the newbies who swear that they have been reading the weave/extensions forum for years/months, then ask a question that is covered in the Weaves/Extensions 101 thread.. Well I don't get that.. If they've been "reading for months/years" how do they NOT know about this thread?? It's a sticky note at the TOP of the Weaves/Extensions forum!!!!
When I first came to this forum and BHM, I came seeking specific information.. (In my case I was searching for hair vendor data) I spent a LOT of time searching and reading posts to at least ATTEMPT to get the information for myself.. I only posted questions when I could not find the answers on te forum.. I don't mind helping others, but when someone makes it clear that they don't FEEL that they need to take the time to try and help themselves, then I feel no particular obligation to be helpful either. The fact is the women who particpate and contribute the advice, ideas, and suggestions to these forums do so because they want to.. Not because they HAVE to.. Those members who CLEARLY post questions and sit back and wait for answers after making NO ATTEMPT to get the information for themselves will not get any help from me.. |
I understand this completely. I hate to see threads about the same thing. BHM search doesn't work like it should so that's probably why some of them don't search. I know i get frustrated trying to do a search on BHM. It needs to be fixed. You would think when the site was down formaintenance it would've gotten fixed but oh well.....maybe one day:)
------------- NEED SOME EXTRA CA$H
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 28 2007 at 10:30pm
Girl the REALLY sad thing is the the forum software BHM users "Eppersoft" was created by the OWNER of BHM.. Yes you heard me right.. BHM's owner is the creator of his own forum software.. So tell me WHY doesn't the search work the way it's supposed to???
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: September 28 2007 at 10:32pm
Application: EpperSoft Forum ver. 1.04 Author: Russell Epps Info: http://www.EpperSoft.com Available FREE: http://www.EpperSoft.com Copyright: Russell Epps ©2001-2006. All rights reserved |
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: September 28 2007 at 10:52pm
very interesting
Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: September 29 2007 at 2:44pm
Well one thing that I do know about BHM is that the home page needs to really be updated. The discussion forum is no longer "new" either. They need to remove that.
------------- Natural
BC May 9, 2004
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: October 01 2007 at 2:55pm
Girl now if Russell doesn't even maintain his daggone forum software, do you REALLY think he's gonna update the HOMEPAGE??? Palease!!! Once he got mods to do his forum administrative work for him (for FREE), he left that site alone.. He does BARE minimum to keep things running..
Oh and you can't say any of this on BHM.. The mods get angry and supress any expression of displeasure with the way things are run on BHM.. Even if they are the truth..
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: MsMocha
Date Posted: October 01 2007 at 4:35pm
Thanx for the insight Diva!
------------- http://public.fotki.com/SweetCocoa/ - http://public.fotki.com/SweetCocoa/
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: October 01 2007 at 5:32pm
Divavocals wrote:
Girl now if Russell doesn't even maintain his daggone forum software, do you REALLY think he's gonna update the HOMEPAGE??? Palease!!! Once he got mods to do his forum administrative work for him (for FREE), he left that site alone.. He does BARE minimum to keep things running..
Oh and you can't say any of this on BHM.. The mods get angry and supress any expression of displeasure with the way things are run on BHM.. Even if they are the truth..
Hey Divavocals, yeah I was out, u know it probably is an excellent site for good info, but I guess I did not have the motivation to deal with some of the ego-trippin crap!
I's not what folks say it's how they say things that make me wanna blow
my stack
Posted By: tushay
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 6:01am
you mean to tell me that they moderate bhm for FREE??? can you imagine the money that he gets from sponsers...i always wondered if they get compensated.
------------- don't chase me unless your ready to catch me!!!
Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 6:22am
hair obsessed wrote:
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted? |
as far as i'm concerned i don't post there altho i'm a member, i just lurk b/c i think their hair information is awsome and much more informative and they study it down to a science IMO more than BHM's growth section.. to me BHM's growth section appears to make up stuff as they go along without producing convincing results for my liking.. but at least i see real results of the women's hair that is actually growing very long on the LHCF as opposed to seeing any overwhelming results on BHM's growth section.. i could less if they are catty altho i've not experienced that b/c like i said i don't post, i just read and learn.. i'm not trying to make friends i'm trying to see what they've learned or their experiences on what products give good results.. and IMO there is much more fighting and drama at BHM than there ever has been on LCHF..
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 9:16pm
sexibeach wrote:
to me BHM's growth section appears to make up stuff as they go along without producing convincing results for my liking.. | My friend and I were JUST saying this today about BHM's growth section.. What's more I find it interesting that folks get ANGRY when presented with true facts about some of their growth claims or questionable regimes.. (I'm still SMH over the whole notion of using Gynalotrimin as a hair growth aid)
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 9:34pm
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 11:01pm
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 5:46am
Hey Diva what's good Ma'? I'm Still over here doin' the dang thang.
My POV--
When you put yourself out there as a resource (LHCF, BHM etc) why act ignorant when someone approaches you with questions. I reiterate it was far too much stupidity for me, I was not of the mind to lay low and soak up the info. Where was I going to gain clarification if I had questions about the info provided? Now I will visit certain sections(BHM) because they had a lot of outside resources listed there, but as far as on the regular interacting...it was a comedy hour, except wasn't a damned thing funny when I had in genuine folks coming at me lopsided.
"This trick had the temerity to call me a troll, and tell all the vendors to beware of me b/c I did not know what I wanted...HELL...that's why I was asking questions!!!
Tell ya' how psychotic she is ...she and I had the tiff originally inside of PM and this imp went and posted the entire private message so that she could get her "gang" to cosign her BS. So many of the members chimed in behind her b/c she got them supplies and did favors for them. Now what that let you know? ? ?
They want to pride themselves on being a resource but wont do the work to back it up.
It is a felony the
stupidity, and childishness!!
I am a very resourceful woman, and I have found individuals that are helpful like Diva vocals, and less than a handful of others who are very approachable
SOOOO To all those morons who tried ti Diss-Miss-Anomis
KISS MY GRITS!!! quick-trick
naw I do not need anger management
I'm cool as the otha' side-a yo' pilla'
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 8:39am
Anomis wrote:
Hey Diva what's good Ma'? Still over hear doin' the dang thang. | Hey ma.. What's going on super soul sistah!!!! Now you know I'm ALWAYS gonna be here!!! This was my ORIGINAL forum home!!!
Anomis wrote:
I am a very resourceful woman, and I have found individuals that are helpful like Divavocals, and less than a handful of others who are very approachable
SOOOO To all those morons who tried ti diss-miss-Anomis
KISS MY GRITS!!! quick-trick
naw I do not need anger management
I'm cool as the otha' side-a yo' pilla'
| Girl you are funny.. Glad I could be of help to ya..
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: angelninjachick
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 5:38pm
sexibeach wrote:
hair obsessed wrote:
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted? |
as far as i'm concerned i don't post there altho i'm a member, i just lurk b/c i think their hair information is awsome and much more informative and they study it down to a science IMO more than BHM's growth section.. to me BHM's growth section appears to make up stuff as they go along without producing convincing results for my liking.. but at least i see real results of the women's hair that is actually growing very long on the LHCF as opposed to seeing any overwhelming results on BHM's growth section.. i could less if they are catty altho i've not experienced that b/c like i said i don't post, i just read and learn.. i'm not trying to make friends i'm trying to see what they've learned or their experiences on what products give good results.. and IMO there is much more fighting and drama at BHM than there ever has been on LCHF.. | Dag i am a memmber on BHM and I haven't had any problems i stay on there than LHCF.
------------- Have NL
Goal 1:SL(goal)
Goal 2:APL
growth aids
olive oil,clear castor oil and glycerine for warm oil massages
Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 5:51pm
well i'm not saying that everybody has had problems at BHM but i was a mod there so i do know when there was trouble.. there have had their share if not more than a few trolls at BHM..
Posted By: BeautyWitch
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 7:43pm
I tend to ignore those "magical growth potions" threads that seems to go waaay overboard, but other than that the growth section is my fav. I love the challenges and progress shots. I try to ignore the drama but sometimes it get so crazy you have to just take a break and relax somewhere else.
------------- http://www.fotki.com/beautywitch - My Pics
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 8:00pm
sexibeach wrote:
well i'm not saying that everybody has had problems at BHM but i was a mod there so i do know when there was trouble.. there have had their share if not more than a few trolls at BHM.. |
Well whatever a troll is, it did not include me, nor define my situation, once again it makes me sore b/c some (not all women of color) do act just that way in their shops. I am speaking from my very own lived experiences.
As a moderator, I try to be an ambassador when there may be some disconect instead of a childish instagator of silliness. I take my hair, skin and nails quite seriously, it's not about vanity, but rather health promotion.
At the time the mods sat there and did absolutely nada. I snatched out and went on my merry way.
Sexibeach, you breathing air into this topic is an excellent thing b/c newbies((and other members)) in need of assistance, have a variety of feed back about what goes on in certain forums, and that is a good thing. They can move forward with an open mind and have thier own individual experience. Folks turn to these forums for all sorts of reasons, hair loss d/t allopecia, Cancer, aging, etc they need real answers, not antagonism.
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 8:10pm
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 8:11pm
BeautyWitch wrote:
I tend to ignore those "magical growth potions" threads that seems to go waaay overboard, but other than that the growth section is my fav. I love the challenges and progress shots. I try to ignore the drama but sometimes it get so crazy you have to just take a break and relax somewhere else. |
that is one way to handle it good solution
Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 9:26pm
Anomis wrote:
sexibeach wrote:
well i'm not saying that everybody has had problems at BHM but i was a mod there so i do know when there was trouble.. there have had their share if not more than a few trolls at BHM.. |
Well whatever a troll is, it did not include me, nor define my situation, once again it makes me sore b/c some (not all women of color) do act just that way in their shops. I am speaking from my very own lived experiences.
As a moderator, I try to be an ambassador when there may be some disconect instead of a childish instagator of silliness. I take my hair, skin and nails quite seriously, it's not about vanity, but rather health promotion.
At the time the mods sat there and did absolutely nada. I snatched out and went on my merry way.
Sexibeach, you breathing air into this topic is an excellent thing b/c newbies((and other members)) in need of assistance, have a variety of feed back about what goes on in certain forums, and that is a good thing. They can move forward with an open mind and have thier own individual experience. Folks turn to these forums for all sorts of reasons, hair loss d/t allopecia, Cancer, aging, etc they need real answers, not antagonism.
oh no not you for sure, i could have named those that were trollish, they would get band and come back again like the night of the living dead.. which is something i could never understand.. thanks so much i'm only telling the truth, and it wasn't just trollish behavior in the growth section it was everywhere on that board.. i just couldn't get with alot of those potions they made up for hair growth, and b/c if you weren't apart of their group of friends they didn't listen to you, or want you might have to offer.. i didn't need information from them i was only trying to give information to them, and they would act like i wasn't there even tho i was a mod.. so like you say take what you need and leave the rest!!
and yes that's why i put that thread together for those women that do suffer with hair loss, cancer, and allopecia to learn knowledge about lf's.. b/c if the information was at this forum they could learn it here b/c it does matter to women going thru hair loss issues.. i started the newbie threads there, and that's why people go there, but it would be nice to have the information here as well..
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 11:36pm
sexibeach wrote:
Anomis wrote:
sexibeach wrote:
well i'm not saying that everybody has had problems at BHM but i was a mod there so i do know when there was trouble.. there have had their share if not more than a few trolls at BHM.. |
Well whatever a troll is, it did not include me, nor define my situation, once again it makes me sore b/c some (not all women of color) do act just that way in their shops. I am speaking from my very own lived experiences.
As a moderator, I try to be an ambassador when there may be some disconect instead of a childish instagator of silliness. I take my hair, skin and nails quite seriously, it's not about vanity, but rather health promotion.
At the time the mods sat there and did absolutely nada. I snatched out and went on my merry way.
Sexibeach, you breathing air into this topic is an excellent thing b/c newbies((and other members)) in need of assistance, have a variety of feed back about what goes on in certain forums, and that is a good thing. They can move forward with an open mind and have thier own individual experience. Folks turn to these forums for all sorts of reasons, hair loss d/t allopecia, Cancer, aging, etc they need real answers, not antagonism.
oh no not you for sure, i could have named those that were trollish, they would get band and come back again like the night of the living dead.. which is something i could never understand.. thanks so much i'm only telling the truth, and it wasn't just trollish behavior in the growth section it was everywhere on that board.. i just couldn't get with alot of those potions they made up for hair growth, and b/c if you weren't apart of their group of friends they didn't listen to you, or want you might have to offer.. i didn't need information from them i was only trying to give information to them, and they would act like i wasn't there even tho i was a mod.. so like you say take what you need and leave the rest!!
and yes that's why i put that thread together for those women that do suffer with hair loss, cancer, and allopecia to learn knowledge about lf's.. b/c if the information was at this forum they could learn it here b/c it does matter to women going thru hair loss issues.. i started the newbie threads there, and that's why people go there, but it would be nice to have the information here as well..
Let me know if I can be of assistance in any way.....seems like you really know your way around, and we need people like you in here...i find that knowlegeable folks like yourself are just easier to approach, and ask for help.
big ups to Sexibeach!!!
Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: March 10 2008 at 2:25pm
I know how some of ya'll feel. I had someone get upset with me on BHM because " I'm confused, is your hair even in the 4's maybe I'm miss understanding"
Well that was an open question for her to explain to me or even say something. Instead, I find my quote in another forum and the lady was telling her "friends" there that I was jealous of her hair.
O well, whatever,it wasn't even that serious.
------------- Natural
BC May 9, 2004
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: March 10 2008 at 3:34pm
cmesweet wrote:
I know how some of ya'll feel. I had someone get upset with me on BHM because " I'm confused, is your hair even in the 4's maybe I'm miss understanding"
Well that was an open question for her to explain to me or even say something. Instead, I find my quote in another forum and the lady was telling her "friends" there that I was jealous of her hair.
O well, whatever,it wasn't even that serious. |
cmesweet wrote:
I know how some of ya'll feel. I had someone get upset with me on BHM because " I'm confused, is your hair even in the 4's maybe I'm miss understanding"
Well that was an open question for her to explain to me or even say something. Instead, I find my quote in another forum and the lady was telling her "friends" there that I was jealous of her hair.
O well, whatever,it wasn't even that serious. |
Thanks for chimn' in Miss Sweet
...................another case in point.
I will search HB, and see if I can find some "potions" that promote long hair growth. I use Shae Butter, and I like how smoothe it makes my natural kinks feel, just so soft. I am open to any suggestions as well.
If I come across anything I will let you all know.
Posted By: MissHairGirl
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 9:31am
I know how you ladies feel!
Posted By: mslady
Date Posted: March 15 2008 at 8:33pm
Wow, I think both BHM and LHCF has a wealth of knowledge. BHM is on their game when it comes to weaves and lacefronts like no other. LHCF is on point when it comes to healthy hair regimes. Nappurality has knowledge on how to care for natural hair with support for those sisters. As for drama, I've seen it on all sites.
On both sites, I use the search button and read through the "101" thread. Honestly, I get annoyed reading a question that already been answered in the basic section. As for searching the BHM forums, people always complain it doesn't work but I've never had problems. I like the organization of it better.
LCHF the threads just seem thrown together. I wish it was organized more. However, some ladies do display an stuck up attitude due as in hair superiority based on them having length.
Naptural--love the support for us nappihead but sometimes annoyed at the militants attitude.
I don't like that both have bandwagon episodes like crazy.
However, I do like this board for it's laid back atmosphere. Actually, I am glad BHM went down because it's now bringing action to this board in the AA haircare side.
Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: March 15 2008 at 8:37pm
mslady wrote:
Wow, I think both BHM and LHCF has a wealth of knowledge. BHM is on their game when it comes to weaves and lacefronts like no other. LHCF is on point when it comes to healthy hair regimes. As for drama, I've seen it on both sites.
On both sites, I use the search button and read through the "101" thread. Honestly, I get annoyed reading a question that already been answered in the basic section. As for searching the BHM forums, people always complain it doesn't work but I've never had problems. I like the organization of it better.
LCHF the threads just seem thrown together. I wish it was organized more.
However, I do like this board for it's laid back atmosphere. Actually, I am glad BHM went down because it's now bringing action to this board in the AA haircare side.
excellent points
Posted By: LilMissSunshine
Date Posted: March 26 2008 at 10:19am
Well that darn search on BHM never worked for me! LOL... Honestly as a member of BHM, HB, LHCF AND Nappturality, I think all of the hair boards are helpful and even though a lot of the info is related each board brings a different piece of the picture. I love LHCF (even though I am a non paying member, is anyone a paying member? What are the additional benefits? I am a college student so my budget is kinda tight even if its just $5.) They have soooo much info on hair care. I think those women know pretty much everything...they are writing books, producing DVDs, and making their own hair products over there. I think that BHM is a good place to start just to get the basics. I like the TTT section even though it is kinda getting creepy with the psychos, and all that drama in the KIR section. People in natural section are nice. Never seen drama in the natural section of BHM. Although I have seen the LF section get pretty darn ugly at times. I don't think the hair boards are all that bad its just a few bad seeds that could give a decent hair board a bad rep.
Posted By: Samanthajones67
Date Posted: April 09 2008 at 6:37pm
I will chime in - Diva Vocals is BEGGIN' me to come here. I left BHM and headed for LHCF....And I have not really had a bad experience. I love it.
My reasons for leaving BHM were varied - and I post a couple "hmmm's" here and there - but my siggy now says where to find me.
Both Forums are a wealth of knowledge. However, I do think it comes to personal preference. I think many people have explored options on all 3 boards ( as I see many familiar folks ) So - hey I guess it is what it is.
I feel Supported at LHCF. I was at BHM for almost 2 yrs, and had too many run in's with "youngin's" and immaturity. There were too many arguements and so much bad blood between folks.
I hid in the Natrual Hair section and felt really supported there...As A Mod - I felt like folks hated me anyway - But I never really moderated anything because of ENDLESS Dramatics......I also have personal preferences about adult content on a hair board.
Once the site went down, and the search function became unbearable. I left for good.
So - My verdict is that I love LHCF. Hey, I can say this without being arrogant....I have long hair these days. So - I guess that is where I should be.
Hello all former BHM sistas.....
------------- Mrs. Jones
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: April 09 2008 at 8:24pm
SAMANTHA JONES!!!!!! It's about time you brought yourself here!!!!!!!!!!!!! You BETTA (yeah I said BETTA heffa!!!) stick around and hang out and SHARE girl..
------------- Check out the 5th So Cal offline luncheon?? For more info: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com/lunch.html
Links to my fav vendors & hair albums + Weave 101 information: divahairtalk.overthehillweb.com
Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: April 10 2008 at 7:01pm
informative interesting shares have always been and 4ever shall be welcomed here. People are cool here, and I hope it continues for a long time, just that way.