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How many inches (no not that)

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 8:37pm

Topic: How many inches (no not that)
Posted By: Shanarana
Subject: How many inches (no not that)
Date Posted: July 07 2007 at 5:43pm
Just wondering how many inches of hair everyone has.  Mine is at 24 inches.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 07 2007 at 6:19pm
My hair is at 32 inches in the back and 27 on the the sides.SmileI am about 6 inches ( I think ) from being solid at the bottom of my waist. The back will get there before that, but I want it to look like it really is, not just the ends.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 07 2007 at 7:07pm
I'm in my goal zone of 36-40 and have been for awhile. So I just say 36+

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: July 07 2007 at 7:09pm
My last measurement showed 37 inches which is a tad past my tailbone.  But I'm sure it's grown a little since then, just haven't gotten around to measuring again.  I really need to post new pics one of these days....... Confused

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 07 2007 at 11:59pm
please do, hairbraider... i would love to see new pics. Purple Bubba, 36-40inches, WOW, can you sit on it?

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 12:04am
No Alisa. That's why I'm stopping. I'm too lazy with my care to let it get that long. It's bad enough that I'd be sitting on it and not caring unless it hurt but there are certain situations when sitting on it would definitely not be desireable. And I'm not going to let it get to that point.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 11:49am
I don't blame you. I want mine to get to about that point. I don't want to sit on it either.MAbye right to the edge of my bum.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 3:52pm
I'm trying to let mine get to the longest ponytail I can have and not sit on the tail. Because while I won't do updos or other styles I will do a tail so that will allow me a little more length than when down.

But my main thing is maintaining a yard or more and it would be nice if I could have a meter at 39-40"

I like having slack to trim because I'm not going for fairy tale ends. So It's nice to be able to do a small or large trim and still be past a goal mark of 36" and not be in a hurry to grow longer anymore. Although I never really was in a hurry to grow except when I was still at above shoulders, won't stay behind me out of my face length.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 5:17pm
I'm at 31".  my goal is 36".  I am so excited to be soooo close!!

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 5:18pm
I guess I could have just said to read my signature

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: lola32
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 10:42pm
lol. yea, i was like how many inches ? i didnt know what you were talking about. um its almost 26 . I want to grow 3-5 more inches. I'm not sure . My first goal is waist length and maybe longer.

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 10:44pm
I know this might sound like a stupid question, but what is fairy tail length? I have seen its reference several times, and each time, wonder about its true meaning.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 10:52pm
fairy tale is not a length but a hem style. It's what happens if you go for a long time without trimming and let the ends naturally taper. There are some who do that. It usually ends up in a V shape on it's own.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 08 2007 at 11:21pm
Oh, that makes sense. That you for clarifying.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 10 2007 at 8:35pm
The longest strands (near my ankles) as measured from the forehead hairline are about 73 to 75 inches.


Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: July 11 2007 at 8:41am
jeepers Dave!  how long did it take you to grow your hair?

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: babycheeks24
Date Posted: July 12 2007 at 7:02pm
i dont keep count of my inches that makes me to anxious about growth. But my hair has gotten really long its now down my back to my tailbone. I always thought the curls would start to fall and look limp but they stayed kinky and curly Im looking great with the long curls!! I added a face layer in the front it really framed my face nicely.


Posted By: Sarsvati
Date Posted: July 17 2007 at 1:36pm
Haha, great title. My hair's 32 1/2". A little past waist. Cna't wait ti'll it's hip so it'll actually feel long to me!

------------- - No 'Poo or Condish Experiment

Posted By: ChocoholicBec
Date Posted: July 20 2007 at 7:33am
28 inches. Waist-length on me. Huzzah!

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: July 20 2007 at 12:47pm
I just measured and am now at a little past 33. but still a few inches from my waist. When I pull it straight ( it is almost curly) it can reach the top of my pants.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 24 2007 at 9:36pm
It sounds like we have some great lengths of beautiful hair here.  Clap

Lickalime, I started growing my hair long all the way back in 1992... 15 years now!


Posted By: tani-lai
Date Posted: August 03 2007 at 10:48am
28.5 inches!!  Just past my bra strap. 



Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: August 03 2007 at 2:28pm
I don't know how long my hair is now... My signature measurement is outdated. Most recently I was slightly past classic length, and then yesterday I cut off between 1.5 and 2 inches to even things out a little bit. I guess 40 inches would be pretty darn close for a guess.

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: lola32
Date Posted: August 03 2007 at 8:09pm

darn . I wish my hair was that long. My hair is centimeters away from being 26 inches. It needs 4 more to reach to my waist . Its starting to take forever to grow. In one month it grew 1 inch and ever since then its been slowing down.

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: August 04 2007 at 10:41am
Mine is between 18 and 19" .But its really healthy,so thats something.


Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 04 2007 at 7:28pm
Originally posted by Longhairdreams Longhairdreams wrote:

Mine is between 18 and 19" .But its really healthy,so thats something.
I was looking at your hair journal last week and noticed how much your hair has grown recently.  It's really gaining! Big%20smile

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: August 04 2007 at 9:57pm
Slow and steady,seems to be the way my hair grows.I get the very average 1/2inch a month.But my hair has never looked betterHeart


Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: August 05 2007 at 10:50pm
Longhairdreams looks great good luck in your goal.

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

Posted By: tomorrowperfume
Date Posted: August 07 2007 at 11:32am

Hmm... I had a measuring tape at one point, but no longer, so I have to make do with a cut rubber band and a ruler, but it comes out to 30"... about halfway between BSL and waist length on me. I usually leave it up >_<; it's not nearly as pretty as the hair I see on these boards!

30 inches; 2a/M/iii

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: August 10 2007 at 12:22pm
I measured my hair yesterday......I am at 32 inches!!

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: chitraa
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 10:37am
hi about 34 inches & dont know how long it will grow

Posted By: lola32
Date Posted: September 03 2007 at 2:08pm

My hair finally grew . its 26 1/2 :) .The biotin and Zinc have helped my hair grow . Im so happy . It still looks short to me.

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