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Category: 360 Waves
Forum Name: Gaming Zone
Forum Description: Talk About Your Game Addictions
Printed Date: March 15 2025 at 1:13am

Topic: HALO3
Posted By: Meji
Subject: HALO3
Date Posted: August 05 2007 at 7:47pm
Well enough hating lemme put this to use

Intense love for Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3

I tested the Halo 3 Beta the orginal way without buying or renting crackdown, destroyed oppposition, and if everything works out I have plans of becoming professional in Halo 3 and gettin paid lol...I got too messed up and f**ked up my chance in Halo 2 playing with noobs and getting too high. The people I used to play with got contracts with MLG 250,000 dollars each. I could be bathing in cash right now but NOOOOOO. Not letting that happen again.

Halo 3 is the final game in the Halo series. I can't wait. 9/25 get your xbox 360 and get your pre-order bastards! And get ready to get slayed.


Posted By: jamaicakid85
Date Posted: August 05 2007 at 8:36pm
Lol I cant wait for Halo 3 to come out its been generating a huge buzz for awhile now it doesnt look like as huge an improvement as I expected but I'm still going to cop.



Posted By: meech313
Date Posted: August 05 2007 at 8:42pm
what is so great about that game.


Posted By: jamaicakid85
Date Posted: August 06 2007 at 7:33am
Nothing really it's a good multi-player game to have ,and if you have an Xbox it's one of those must have kind of games.



Posted By: chrisdog212
Date Posted: August 07 2007 at 10:49pm
i got that game pre ordered and everything
thats the only game ive done that with
and at meji
when u get xbox live
hit me up
and ill destroy yo ass in it haha :D
halo = greatest game alive
gears of war was a pretty good game
specially online


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Posted By: C-fiftie
Date Posted: August 24 2007 at 11:55am
Halo 3 ain't gonna be all its cracked up 2 be, its gonna be the same as halo 1 & 2 except with a different story. Thats it, you guys should look at Haze and Killzone 2 comin out on the ps3 cuz its gonna murk halo 3

"I don't follow waves,I let the waves follow me"

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Posted By: Meji
Date Posted: August 24 2007 at 12:34pm
I don't buy PS3 games, and I don't have a PS3. It can lick my monkeynuts. Halo 3 is the end of a legendary game also...Chrisdog aint no way you can hang wit me I do ish people don't even know about


Posted By: C-fiftie
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 1:32pm
man xbox360 is WACK, PS3 got wireless internet, alot more memory, better features, slick look, better games, the list can go on for days...

"I don't follow waves,I let the waves follow me"

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Posted By: Meji
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 4:06pm
This a Halo Post n****!

Xbox 360 does have a wifi hook up too. I don't understand why would want to game on a wireless connection. The new xbox 360 elite doubles PS3's memory with 120 gigs of space for still a cheaper price. As for features xbox live market place is still superior. And games, you are lying to yourself my friend.


Posted By: KingProdigy617
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 5:30pm
Originally posted by C-fiftie C-fiftie wrote:

man xbox360 is WACK, PS3 got wireless internet, alot more memory, better features, slick look, better games, the list can go on for days...

Better games? Really? Name 5 games that are better on Ps3 then they are on 360. 360 has WiFi too. 360 Elite has a 120 GB hard drive. Sure the Ps3 does look nice but who wants a nice looking dust collector?

Anyway back on topic. When you get xbox live i'll rip both you and Chris.... Prob not.


Posted By: Meji
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 8:20pm
My nig prodigy dont lie to himself


Posted By: KingProdigy617
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 8:56pm
Ha. I'm good as hell at Halo. But just didn't have the money for MLG or the means for transportation. I'm more into Rainbow Six Vegas now.


Posted By: Meji
Date Posted: August 26 2007 at 4:00pm
f**k that and i went to mlg houston when it came thru didnt really play tho but i have played a lot of games with karma/k 2the arma, foulacy, and a bunch of other pros. i fell off tho


Posted By: C-fiftie
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 11:38am
ya'll hatin the ps3 just cuz u dudes can't afford one, na jus playin

"I don't follow waves,I let the waves follow me"

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Posted By: KingProdigy617
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 1:52pm
I'm actually trying ta get a freeps3 at this site. And yes i'm jobless, you're right in a way.


Posted By: Meji
Date Posted: October 09 2007 at 8:57am
My dude KingProdigy is good mayne. 


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