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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 8:21pm

Topic: my site
Posted By: hairbraider
Subject: my site
Date Posted: August 18 2007 at 1:40am
I've been working on my site, trying to get my newest pics up.  I'm trying something new, a how-to slide show type thing.  Check it out and let me know what you think about it.  Is it good or do you like the other way (the barrel curl how-to done previously) better?

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 18 2007 at 9:47am

It looks the same to me,Sarah. Only the new pic is different. Am I missing something?

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 18 2007 at 6:50pm

Sorry about that Alisa.  I don't know what the problem is.  Here's a direct link, maybe it'll work for you.!A674357A1D0F3116!459.entry -!A674357A1D0F3116!459.entry

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 24 2007 at 11:11pm
I haven't had time to get my new pics fully uploaded and set up on my site yet, so thought I'd go ahead and post a few on here for y'all.  (it's alot faster)
This first one shows the difference from the time I started my dedicated long hair journey till now.  (I'm wearing the exact same outfit in both pics)
You can't really see where my hair ends in the one above, so here's one that shows the full stretched out length.
And here's one from the front showing my bangs.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: August 24 2007 at 11:25pm">Clapping%20Hands  Beautiful, simply beautiful.  I am dreaming of my hair that long.  I can tell you take wonderful care of it.  Your hair is truly an inspiration to me.">


Posted By: SugarCube
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 1:36pm
i love your hair and you can really tell the growth! your curl factor is very similar to mine!

JESUS is The Way the Truth and The Life!

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 3:14pm
     Big%20smile Those coiled up-dos are off the charts! Bob

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 4:25pm -  

Sarah, YOUR FACE!!!!
beautiful hair though">Flirty%202">


Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 25 2007 at 7:52pm
Thank you!  It's awesome to be someone's inspiration.  I don't really care for having my face on the internet (still a little paranoid about that).  I did a face shot as my avatar because it's so little you can't really tell much what I look like.
Thanks.  If I remember correctly, there's about 10-11 inches difference in those two pics!
lol  Glad you like them!  You should give it a try on your wife. Wink

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: AmandaPanda
Date Posted: August 26 2007 at 1:27am
Beautiful! Glad you finally got some new pics up Wink

------------- - My Long Hair Odyssey

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 26 2007 at 10:37am

Absolutly gorgeous, Sarah!lolabove  All your hard work is deffinetly showing.I can not wait for some length like that. I don't like to post my face either. Everyone hear seams to be alright, but you just never know when some wierdo might be watching, and the inernet is still a scary place.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: August 26 2007 at 2:49pm

Weirdos beware - I am one tough cookie! 
Actually, I am hoping Cover Girl finds me and offers me a million dollar contract.


Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 26 2007 at 5:32pm
You always make me laugh, Kimbearly!LOL
Sarah, I am still somewhat shocked at how simlar our hair is. Yours is just a little bit tighter curl than mine, I think. And mine seems to go a bit straighter on top. Mabye if I didn't comb it as much.... Hmmmm 

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 7:39am
That's a great website Sarah, and I enjoyed seeing your hair toys!  Do you use the porcupine quills as hairsticks or some kind of pin?  They look too short to be sticks, but they are pretty.    

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 8:48am
OH my goodness, I LOVE the box for your hair toys!Star After I read Susan's post, I checked out your site again.What a great idea. I am always loosing clips and barrets. I have a small basket in my bathroom that I use at the present, but somehow between my daughter helping herself, and my sticking things in my purse or bag, something always ends up missing.
I also  am just  fasinated by the braids!lolabove Do you know of a good book, or site w/ instructions? I can french braid very well. My aunt taught me when I was 5 yrs old, but,  have gotten quite bored with "normal" french braiding. I do my daughter's hair all the time.As it get longer ( it is almost to the middle of her back)I plan on putting it up more.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 5:53pm
Originally posted by Susan W Susan W wrote:

That's a great website Sarah, and I enjoyed seeing your hair toys!  Do you use the porcupine quills as hairsticks or some kind of pin?  They look too short to be sticks, but they are pretty.    
Thanks, Susan!  You guys enjoying looking is what makes it worthwhile to me.Smile
Yes, I do use the quills as hairsticks.  I have to use both of them to get a secure hold because they're so short.  It's a bummer too because not much of the ends are visible, nearly the whole sticks are hidden inside my hair.  My friend who bought them online for me ordered longer ones, but that's what came and they didn't answer my email about it, so.......   I do love them though because they're so unique.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 6:06pm
Originally posted by Alisa06 Alisa06 wrote:

OH my goodness, I LOVE the box for your hair toys! ...
I also  am just  fasinated by the braids!  Do you know of a good book, or site w/ instructions? ...
Alisa, I don't know if you noticed, but my box is a fishing tackle box. LOL  It's so perfect with all the little compartments to keep things separated out.   My sister-in-law uses one of those little craft boxes for beads or embroidery thread to hold small clips and rubber bands and barettes for my niece.  I had too much stuff for that though.
A great site for braid instructions is - .  That's where I learned alot of my techniques.  I've gotten way out of practice though really.  I don't braid my own hair much anymore and the girls who always used to ask me to do theirs don't hang around anymore.  I need to get back into it because I so enjoy doing it.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: August 27 2007 at 8:06pm
Sarah, I look at your site many times - and drool!  I want hair like yours - like now!!!  I also appreciate all of the hair tricks you post - such as how you take care of your hair.


Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: August 28 2007 at 8:29am
Your hair is simply gorgeous, hairbraider!  I love the curls with all that length.  Thanks for doing the picture of it stretched out too.  It's hard to tell the actual length stretched out without seeing that picture.  A wet hair picture would be nice too and would show it if you could capture it before it coiled up again.  It looks like your in the bum tickling club!


36" as of January 14, 2008

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: August 28 2007 at 11:07am

I want to be in the bum tickling club! 


Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 28 2007 at 2:20pm
Kimbearly, you kill me!!!LOL I was just thinking, what a good name, Tdouty, and here comes Kimbearly, making me laugh , again. I need it today, so Thank you.Cry
It was the first day of school for my kids. I have a 1st grader, 3rd grader and 5th grader.It wouldn't have been so bad, execpt that the 5th grade is part of the middle school, here. They have 5-8 in one building. Lets just say I am kind of freeking out!Exclamation
I have been told that the 5th grade is very secluded, and only eat lunch with the 6th grade, but it still REALLY freaks me out.I just keep praying for him, he was really nervous this morning.
Of course the other two were like, " ok, mom, you can go now."!Broken%20Heart I am sure all will be fine, its just the newness of it all.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: August 28 2007 at 3:37pm

Awww, Shucks Alisa - your very sweet.  Glad I put a smile on your face.

It's hard being a Mama since you want to protect your babies no matter what age they are.  Grades 5 through 8 all in one building is a big age difference, but it is good that they keep them separated.  When I was in junior high, we were in the High School (7 - 12th grade).  You know what, it was fine and I did not come in contact very much with the older grades. 
I don't know if you saw this video in one of my other posts, but every time I see it I get in a good mood, plus my kids get the biggest laugh.  Beware, you will be humming the song all day.
Introducing the Kitty Cat dance -



Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: August 28 2007 at 6:20pm
AmandaPanda ~ sorry! didn't mean to skip over you.  Thank you!  I still can't get over how shiny and silky your hair looks. drool
Originally posted by tdouty tdouty wrote:

Your hair is simply gorgeous, hairbraider!  I love the curls with all that length.  Thanks for doing the picture of it stretched out too.  It's hard to tell the actual length stretched out without seeing that picture.  A wet hair picture would be nice too and would show it if you could capture it before it coiled up again.  It looks like your in the bum tickling club!
lol  Yeah... that's one way of putting it!  As for the wet hair pic.... let me just say that my hair is never not coiled up.  My curls are that stubborn.  I might try to get one sometime though.  Thanks for the compliments. Smile

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: tani-lai
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 9:15am

Hairbraider--wow, I am just speechless at that gorgeous hair!  And so envious!  My hair is so straight, I can only imagine what all those curls would be like.  Spectacular!

Kimbearly--thanks for the laugh!  yesterday was a rough day all around, I think--my oldest had his first day of high school, and my daughter had her first day of junior high.  Talk about some nervous kids! (and mom)




Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 11:24am
I think I was more of a wreck than my son was. I actually teared up a couple of times!Confused Me mother-in-law cme by right after I got home and took me out to breakfast, to help me keep my mind of it.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: September 04 2007 at 9:21pm
Dang, Sarah!  Your hair is amazingClap


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