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Went backwards on hair growth

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 6:41pm

Topic: Went backwards on hair growth
Posted By: juliap
Subject: Went backwards on hair growth
Date Posted: September 12 2007 at 6:20pm
Well I kind of went backwards with my hair growth.  I went and had it cut again.  She is a good friend of mine though and she only cut off 3/4 of an inch. My hair is at 22 1/2 inches after she cut it.  I still had a lot of splits so today I did an SD on my hair.  I just need to stay away from scissors I am not going to get anywhere if I don't stop obsessing about these splits.  I am glad to say that they are mostly gone now.  Also I realized that I really don't have that many cause I seperated all the hair out that did not have splits and it was only a layer at the very bottom.  Since when I pick my hair up and look at it thats mostly what I see so I thought my hair was full of splits.  So now I just need to ignore my hair for awhile.  I think hair grows faster when you are pregnant and I am pregnant so I am really looking foward to that.  Unfortunatly when your through being pregnant you lose a lot of hair but its only suppose to be what you did not lose while you were pregnant.  Last time it seemed like a lot of hair but it didn't seem to affect it that much.  While I was doing the SD I had more broken hairs instead of split ends.  You know where it is broken and you see that little white dot.  I hate those because you can't just snip the tip you have to cut it above the white dot.  A lot of the times I have to cut it a half inch or more to get above the white dot.  I was curious what causes the hair to break like that? I guess probably the same thing as what causes the splits right?  I guess I must brush to hard I need to get one of those wooden combs or something.  Well I hate to keep posting about the same thing, I will stop now.
Take care,

Posted By: tani-lai
Date Posted: September 13 2007 at 12:39pm
For just a minute, when I read this title, I thought someone else did the same thing as me--I recently bought a new tape measure, because the one I had was really old.  Apparently, the old cloth one had shrunk a little at some point, just enough that when I measured with the new one, my hair came up half an inch shorter!  Even though I knew it wasn't any shorter, I wanted to cry...Smile



Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: September 13 2007 at 7:33pm
I need to do a S&D.  I was picking at my hair while passing the time in Logic class the other day and found a spilt end with eight spilts on it!  I was so beyond fasinated by it
the lighting in my classroom is really good for looking for split ends, unfortunately I can't really bust out a pair of scissors and do a S&D on my hair

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: September 14 2007 at 10:40pm
Originally posted by Lickalime Lickalime wrote:

I was picking at my hair while passing the time in Logic class the other day and found a spilt end with eight spilts on it!
Yeah, I've found hairs that look like a broom at the end.  It's crazy to think something that little could split that many times.
Julia, I'm glad you only got a little trim.  Your hair is very pretty and I can't wait to see more length.  Ignoring it for a while is a good thing.  Don't obsess.  Smile

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

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