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'tip as you bond'...?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: January 22 2025 at 5:11am

Topic: 'tip as you bond'...?
Posted By: Kimmyh51
Subject: 'tip as you bond'...?
Date Posted: October 16 2007 at 12:52am
Has anyone tried this with keratin (which I am about to do when I buy some)
I have been playing around with a glue gun and bonding extensions to my own hair (not a clients) with the glue gun glue.
So far the results have been good but the bond only lasts a few weeks so I am hoping keratin has a stronger hold.
Basically I take a section of hair which i cut straight from a weft
  squirt a bit of the glu out of the gun onto some paper or whatever.
Then put the tip of the hair section into it, turn it around so its totally saturated, and then wipe it a couple of times, take a section of my own hair twist that and then roll the two together.
What i like about this is no farting about pre tipping, and I can make the bonds smaller or larger as I go, depending on the area I am putting the extensions in.  It also seems like it would be a lot quicker than tipping, and then heating up the tips with a glue gun.
The tips extensions that have come out have just slid off with no damage to my own fine, fragile (genetically - not from extensions) hair.
I have not tried this on human hair, but on thermofibre.  Id probably wash human hair first to try & remove any coating.


Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: October 16 2007 at 7:23am
hey kimmy if it works for it that way! Smile I usually just cant get the hair dipped, positioned and rolled quick enough before the bond sets up when doing it on myself. Resulting in not getting a good bond. So if I do individual strands (which I havent done for some time, other than a few random pieces) I prefer to make my tips ahead of time and then use the wand.

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Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: October 16 2007 at 8:57pm
The ole glue gun method is the original technique to appy keratin extensions.  It was promoted by Mega Hair back in the late 80's- early 90's.  I remember back in the day, I had myself a glue gun and a keratin stick.  I remember that the Mega glue burned my fingers and made  a stringy mess as it cooled before I could apply it to my client.
But if it's working for ya, you go girl!

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Posted By: Ms.Honey
Date Posted: October 16 2007 at 10:19pm
Hi Kimmy. I still use the glue gun. I prefer it over the glue pot. You should invest in a fusion iron, it's too much work to heat the bond with the tip of the glue gun. The fusion iron is a heck of a lot quicker and more thorough in melting the keratin and bonding your hair and fusion bond together.


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