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Teach me how to take care of this hair!

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 26 2024 at 4:06am

Topic: Teach me how to take care of this hair!
Posted By: splishsplash
Subject: Teach me how to take care of this hair!
Date Posted: March 20 2001 at 9:02pm
Hi, all,

I am new here, and I feel like finding this board has been a sign from a higher power. I have never really learned (no one taught me) how to take care of or style my hair, and as a result, I always kept it short, mainly because that way I didn`t really have to take care of it other than washing it. Then a while ago, I got tired of my hair being the way it was, I was never satisfied with it, and so I decided to deal with it by not dealing with it. I just let it grow. I have not been to the hair stylist in the last year and a half. My hair is now down to the second visible vertabrea on my spine. I don`t have split ends, but it is frizzy at times and seems to always be tangled. My hair has some natural curl to it, but with length it is more wavy than curly. I never blow dry, rarely curl, and it is usually kept swept back in a barrette or a pony tail, sometimes in a bun with hairsticks.

I don`t know how to take care of my hair, for some reason my mother did not take an interest in teaching us that kind of stuff. Anything that you could share with me, I would really appreciate. I like my hair this long, it seems a lot more versatile, but I just want it to look and feel more healthy. I want to know how to style it so I don`t look like a hick when I go out.

Anyway, I hope this doesn`t sound too pathitic or whiny. And I am really sorry it is so long. I have been dying to have someone to ask these questions too.



Posted By: foxfan318
Date Posted: March 25 2001 at 2:00pm
ok, some basic questions.

what kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
what water temperature?
how do you wash your hair? do you smooth the shampoo over your hair and massage it in or do you pile your hair on top of your head and work it in circles?
what kind of brush/comb do you use?
Do you use a leave-in conditioner?


Hair type: fine but thick; natural blonde with 15% grey

Posted By: splishsplash
Date Posted: March 27 2001 at 1:33pm
1. I use suave shampoo and conditioner. I find it does just as good a job as the more expensive stuff I can get at the drugstore. I condition every time I shampoo, every other day. I wash in warm water, not hot. I wash my hair by applying the shampoo, working it into the scalp, and roots, and then squishing the shampoo down the length of my hair to the tips. I use a brush, with those bristles tipped with balls on the ends. When I get out of the shower, I wrap my hair up in a clean tall while I dry and get dressed. Then I spray Infusium on it, let that sit a little while, then brush it out. Then I let it air dry, so that it stays kind of curly. Just this week I started using a hot oil treatment. I guess that I will do once a week. I am still noticing a lot of snarls in my hair, towards the tips. So then I went and got a trim, thinking maybe I just had a lot of split ends or something, but that hasn`t helped either. I would really like to be able to pull my fingers through my hair and not meet any resistance, and that isn`t happening.


P.s. Thanks for the reply!


Posted By: foxfan318
Date Posted: March 27 2001 at 9:57pm
everything sounds good. check your hair care products and make sure they don`t end with "cone". I have had issues with bratty gross-looking hair lately. I thought it was because I was sick and stressed. Then I started reading labels again and realized that one of shampoos had a cone in it. stopped using it and things are calming down a bit. (I am trying to use up all those extra bottles of stuff I have laying around.

try taking some oil and working a couple drops into the ends of your hair, you want enough to make it smooth without making it oily. Jojoba is closest to your hair`s natural oil. a lot of ppl use olive -- too heavy for me. I use 3 parts sweet almond to one part jojoba for a leave in.

I do a moisture treatment 1-2 times a week depending onthe condition of my hair (lately more since I screwed it up). i have very soft silky hair that doesnt` get tangled much at all (unless the windows are down! lol)

your brush... look at the bristles where they go into the brush -- are they sealed? or do you have a little bristle that your hair can get caught in...does that make sense?

Hair type: fine but thick; natural blonde with 15% grey

Posted By: splishsplash
Date Posted: March 28 2001 at 4:56pm
I will check for the cone...I know different shampoos work for different people, and I have never really found one that I love, so I guess I will keep looking. I do have almond oil here and will try that as well. and yes, your brush description made sense, I knew exactly what you were talking about. My brush doesn`t have those little bristles, but I have seen them in other brushes before.

Thanks for all the posts, foxfan. It makes me feel better that I have been doing things about right all along, LOL. I really think that adding the once a week hot oil treatment is helping a lot as well, I noticed yesterday that my hair was a lot softer than it has been, and I think maybe a few less tangles as well. Maybe in a couple of weeks I will have it under control.



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