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Bad bohyme?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 10:11am

Topic: Bad bohyme?
Posted By: Poose
Subject: Bad bohyme?
Date Posted: January 04 2008 at 9:03pm
Anyone else having a problem with their Bohyme?

I just installed 4oz 14" machine weft in #4 and it's getting ratty!

I have had 613 blonde that I brutalized with toner over 6 months, and it never got this bad!


I have used conditioners, oils, gel.

Nothing helps!  CryCryCryCryCry


Posted By: hairheaven
Date Posted: January 05 2008 at 1:18am
Bohyme hair is expensive for a reson, it is suppose to be excellent quality hair.  Were did you purchase your Bohyme hair? 


Posted By: tonithetiger
Date Posted: January 05 2008 at 5:50am

I too have recently had the same problem with bad Bohyme after spending £240.00 on three batches of Bohyme from Celebrity Elite in the UK and had to take the hair out after just over a week (sobs)..... Have written a complaint to the company so will see what they say..... Anyone else having problems with Celebrity Elite or are they normally a reputable/good company?

Posted By: sassyhair
Date Posted: January 05 2008 at 6:42am
I have purchased the Bohyme hair from a supplier in Manchester which obviously comes from Celebrity Elite but have never had any bad batches at all.  I recently ordered from Celebrity Elite and that hair was beautiful.

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: January 05 2008 at 6:21pm
I have never worn Bohyme but hear mainly good things about it. I think it’s always possible to get "bad batches" of hair from time to time. I’m guessing it comes already in a package so no one is removing it and doing any quality check. But 1 week for it to go south is definitely bad hair unless you processed it or used a non-recommended product of some kind. I would contact the company and see what they say.

Posted By: disasterbarbie
Date Posted: January 05 2008 at 7:45pm
I purchased bad Bohyme too. It was always tangling and getting ratty. I got a full refund, thankfully.

Posted By: delin
Date Posted: January 08 2008 at 3:05pm
Wow, what company gave you a full refund?  I'm buying from them.  I wasn't satisfied with the last batch of hand-tied Bohyme #4 I received.  This time I'm trying Outre Velvet Remy. 

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: January 08 2008 at 5:06pm
I was going to say, thats great. I have actually never heard of getting a complete refund when it comes to purchasing hair. Usually they only want to offer you a credit or else argue that you did something to the hair and they cant take it back yadayada........

Posted By: tonithetiger
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 6:41am
Just an update on Celebrity Elite in the UK - I managed to get a good response to my complaint and a partial refund.  Cant say fairer than that. Incidentally after now trying the US Bohyme I much prefer the UK Bohyme version. 

Posted By: fakeizme
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 12:56pm
Originally posted by tonithetiger tonithetiger wrote:

Just an update on Celebrity Elite in the UK - I managed to get a good response to my complaint and a partial refund.  Cant say fairer than that. Incidentally after now trying the US Bohyme I much prefer the UK Bohyme version. 
Wow! Thanks for sharing that Toni. What would you say is the best feature of the UK Bohyme that you prefer? Wonder why they make different versions of the hair?

Love clip-ins and tape!

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 9:36pm

I have had two bad batches of Bohyme but it happend only once though -I bought both batched at the same time-

Bohyme should NEVER get ratty after a week

Posted By: tonithetiger
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 4:12am
I bought my US Bohyme and have had it installed now for 2 weeks - am taking it out at the weekend as I cannot handle the tangles, the frizz and the wire wool effect hair (I've tried coconut oil, frizz ease etc - nothing helps) - really not good - rather sad as I was sooooo looking forward to installing it after reading the rave reviews on various sites - maybe I got a bad batch - who knows?!  Still, gonna stick to the UK Celebrity Elite Bohyme in the future me thinks - photos to follow at the weekend for my new install.

Posted By: tonithetiger
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 4:17am

Oops, forgot to answer the question re: difference between UK and US Bohyme (silky straight 18"), IMO only, I found that in general the UK version lasts a full 3 months looking good and I only need to wash my hair twice a week and it still looks great with minimal frizz/tangling. It seems to remain soft whereas my current US Bohyme looks and feels constantly frizzy (+ do NOT go out in the rain in it!). Hope this answers the question.  Feel free to PM xx

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 9:45am
Originally posted by tonithetiger tonithetiger wrote:

+ do NOT go out in the rain in it!
Totally agree with you, that is probably my only problem with Bohyme hair

Posted By: blackswan
Date Posted: November 10 2009 at 12:32am
Hi new to the forum, just saw this post via google.

I use this hair (UK), and i have found this hair to be the best hair I have ever used and Ive  been wearing hair extensions for over 15 years now.
The hair should last about 4 months, in fact the longer you have your hair, the better it gets. I wouldnt use any other hair ever again. I am glad the company responded to your email.

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: November 10 2009 at 12:55am
Bohyme is nice hair and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a lot of hair at a decent price. Im sure its always possible to get bad batches. It might have been mishandled at the factory or whatever else. Something got overlooked as far as quality standards. It happens.

I am wearing 18 inch now (which is closer to 20 inches) in the silky straight. Its lasted me about 4 months and I am getting it removed on November 28th. My only problem with the Bohyme hair is it seems to be somewhat course to the touch. It gives you tremendous body and shine but it just is not as soft as some of the virgin hair. From what I hear it is Asian hair that has been colored.

I will always recommend Bohyme to people but if you are looking for a softer, longer lasting hair, I would try Virgin Indian as being the next best choice but then you wont have the huge volume that Bohyme gives you either.

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