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Anyone with Long Hair

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Senior Strands
Forum Description: Tips & techniques
Printed Date: March 13 2025 at 12:54pm

Topic: Anyone with Long Hair
Posted By: boop
Subject: Anyone with Long Hair
Date Posted: January 10 2008 at 7:50pm
I'll be 48 the end of February, and wondered if anyone around this age is letting their hair grow, or has long hair.

Posted By: Sugarloaf
Date Posted: January 13 2008 at 3:36pm
I grew out a very short layered cut at that age and now have a more flattering bob.  I tried for a longer style, but ended up looking very tired for some strange reason.  Everyone is different though.  I know a lady in her fifties with long silver hair.  It is simply stunning.

Posted By: dolcecasa
Date Posted: January 16 2008 at 3:18pm
I am. I will be 49 this month and have
mid back length silver and gold hair. Im loving
it so far. I have my days of thinking of cutting but
they dont last long,as I dont know what I would do
with a styled cut. Im lazy



Posted By: Honeystrands
Date Posted: February 07 2008 at 9:04pm
I see plenty of women in their 40s and 50s on tv with long hair. When taken care of, it seems to look nice on them. Don't you think the trend is changing? That we don't have to cut our hair as we age? I have always loved my long hair and dreaded the day when I'd have to "go short." But now I don't think like that...I think I will stay long because I see so many before me making it work. Maybe they are using extensions to make their hair look even better, I don't know.

Posted By: Sugarloaf
Date Posted: February 10 2008 at 4:11pm
I think women who look after their hair also tend to look after the rest of themselves.  It is quite easy to look after long hair and there are some lovely shampoos around. 

Posted By: mammy4
Date Posted: October 07 2008 at 5:31pm

My hair right now is cut in layers and short, (growing out from a pixie to get all the dyed ends off) but I'm going to grow it long. I know I will like it better. I don't think a women has to wear her hair any certain way, it's what makes her happy that really matters. I'm also going to be 60 tomorrow, and in a couple of years I will have long charcoal/siver hair.Thumbs%20Up

Age is just your attitude

Posted By: Sugarloaf
Date Posted: October 10 2008 at 5:37pm
Sorry, folks, I surrendered and had my hair cut short again today.  I really admire "senior" women with long hair, but below shoulders just didn't suit me.  Above shoulders was hard work as my hair tends to flick out.  I liked it when it was behaving itself, but had trouble keeping it under control. Long haired ladies...I am still with you in spirit.
Now I am back to the short layers that I spent years growing out!  The surprising thing is that it doesn't look any whiter.  I thought it would, but the white is still mainly at the front and over the ears.  I'm not sure how I feel about that as part of me is looking forward to a head of pure white hair. 
I've now decided that a couple of major traumatic events 14 years and 5 years ago shocked some hair follicles into growing white.  Things seem to have slowed right down now and in some lights I still look like a brunette.  Eerie!

Posted By: Carrie G
Date Posted: February 28 2009 at 4:49pm
I'm a 50 something with past waist length hair. I love it and have no intention of changing it. I don't care who thinks it's "suits" me or not. I like it. I don't see any need to cut it due to my age. 

Posted By: lyndy55
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 2:01am
i'm so happy to read this remark.i have quite long hair which i wear in a plait relos don't like it and think i should get it cut now i'm going to tell them politely but firmly to take a hike.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: June 13 2009 at 12:42pm
I just wanted to say I love your responses here, I am a younger guy growing my hair out long and I love how women arent giving in to pressure anymore and cutting there hair as they get a little older. I have to say I love the look of a woman in her 40s or 50s still sporting the long locks with some of those gray strands. It looks great :) Keep it up! Whats everyones goal lengths?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: June 27 2009 at 4:08pm
Yay for all of us! I'm 47 and have bra-strap length hair. I intend to keep it until, if ever, I get tired of it. I feel funny every once in awhile but as soon as I have those thoughts, I put it out of my mind. "They" say you shouldn't have long hair after 40. Who the heck are "they" anyway?? I get tired of makeover shows cutting everyone's hair. Most of the time, I think they looked better with it long. I can do a million things with it or nothing. It's so much easier than a short layered style that has to be dried and curled. And, I like it! Tongue

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: June 28 2009 at 5:54pm
Hi Kitty Kat that is great and Im sure u look great with bra strap great hair. There is soo much to do with long hair and ur never to old to grow it long.  Go for mid back length or longer even lower back or waist :) What are ur favorite styles to use?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: June 29 2009 at 6:00pm
Thanks Pburgh56! Some favorite styles: French & English braids, ponytails, front up with back down, all up in a jaw clip, etc. It's been around this same length for a few years now but I am actually thinking of growing it longer. Thanks for the encouraging words and good luck on your hair journey. I've always liked long hair on guys.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: June 29 2009 at 6:09pm
Awww  thanks for the good luck words. I am sooo glad u like long hair on guys. I  love the feel of it and think more guys should try it out actually. I love the styles u listed and i def want to try alot of them  if not all of them  esp the ponytails,  braids,and jaw clip. I def think u should grow it longer. It would look great I know it :) Ill share with u my goal. I started with a buzz and now its shaggy about collar length. My goal is to go to shoulder length then mid back. Then after that I want to go to lower  back to  im thinking. What do u think  about me growing it that long? Thanks.

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: July 06 2009 at 6:45pm
I think that's great! How long did it take to go from a buzz cut to collar length? When you look at it every day, it can seem excruciatingly slow. I'm pretty lucky with thick s-wave hair but I have to admit I sometimes get jealous when I see a guy with nicer hair!! My husband has beautiful eyelashes that just naturally curl. Not me. Mine are long but stick straight and I curl them. LOL!

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: July 06 2009 at 8:58pm
Awww thanks for all your support :) I did not cut my hair since January and it is just now close to collar length even tho it sort of resembles a mullett in the back so ill have to trim it up. Its gettng there and i love the shagginess and i feel like ireally do have long hair now :) I heard some girls say that they get jealous of guys having nicer hair and eyelashes and that before but im sure urs looks great. I really hope I can get it to lower back it would be sooo great :) I want to do soo many styles with it. Do u want to hear what the styles are?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: July 12 2009 at 7:02pm
What styles are you interested in? So, just curious, what do you think of long gray hair? Fortunately, I don't really have much yet but I still can't bite the bullet with that. Honestly, I've seen some gray hair that looks nice and some that doesn't. My husband thinks mine will look nice. I guess when it gets gray enough and I get tired of the expense and time of coloring, I'll think about going natural!!

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: July 12 2009 at 7:38pm
I honestly think u should go natural :) Ilove love the idea of long gray hair. I think it looks beautiful and more women should try it out :) Idef think yours will look beautiful :) As for my styles I want to try half up and half down, high ponytail,low ponytail, french braid, rope braid, messy bun, tightbun, down, curled, straigthened, pigtails? Whatdo u think?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: July 13 2009 at 5:34am
Sounds great Pburgh56! Do you think you can do those styles by yourself? Going to learn? Or have someone do them for you? I have thick hair and I have to be careful about putting it up. I do wear it up a lot but I try to find styles that don't pull or I end up with a headache all day! Something I've just gotten into recently is putting jojoba oil on my hair. I've read about it on this forum. Some people like it, some don't. Seems to work great for me. I'll use more on the weekend and put my hair up. But even during the week, I try to scrunch a little in.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: July 13 2009 at 10:55pm
Thanks I do think I can do those by myself. I mean at first I will need someone to do them but ill get the hang of it and by the end ill prob be able to do all of them but the braids by myself :) That is unless someone wants to. I can understand where it would pull if it was too tight :( That oil sounds nice I will have to try it. How did the srunching go? how do u usually where ur hair?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: July 14 2009 at 7:27pm
Scrunching went fine. I kind of have those S-waves in my hair so the oil and scrunching work well. I generally wear it different every day. My usual pattern is I wash it every other night. I'll usually wear it down the next day and up the day after in one fashion or another. I haven't used any heat on it for years. I'm trying to get a picture posted but am having problems. I think the file is too big. Anyway, when I get it figured out, I'll put it on the long hair site. That's usually where I hang out. And I see you go there too.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: July 14 2009 at 7:54pm
Definately I cant wait to see a picture. Im glad scrunching went well and imsooo glad u have a great styling schedule :) what hairstyle sight are u talking about?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: July 15 2009 at 5:35am

The Long Hair Support forum. You have a few topics on there including whether people like their hair played with.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: July 15 2009 at 7:29am
Hahahah yeah that was a fun topic to post lol. Do u like yours played with? lol. I cant wait to see pics of ur hair :)

Posted By: barbz
Date Posted: May 06 2011 at 1:27pm
You go girl grow that hair. I,m not that age but my aunt is and she doesn't let age stop her from having her long her she always teases me saying dont think i dont got it too lol.
i'm all for growing your hair. yes there may be special care you have to give it etc. but the joy of having long hair is simply amazing.
Take care of yourself and that hairWink


Posted By: AutumnLocks
Date Posted: June 01 2012 at 6:17am
I am a newbie here.  I will be 51 this October and have nearly waist length hair.  I have some silver coming in at my temples and have recently decided to let it grow and see just how long it will get.  It's been just over two years since my last hair cut. For the life of me I can't understand this mindset that so many people seem to have about a "woman of a certain age" having long hair.  If you like it, take care of it and it is healthy then let it grow!  It has to be well maintaned tho.  Get it trimmed when the ends are split and use some conditioner. 
If you over 40 and have long hair, bravo!  I think a woman with long hair is a beautiful thing!

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