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i cant find my old thread... (pictures!)

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 10:41pm

Topic: i cant find my old thread... (pictures!)
Posted By: kaypetrich
Subject: i cant find my old thread... (pictures!)
Date Posted: March 06 2008 at 9:26pm
but i'm back for some more ideas!

***i'm warning you now... LOTS of pictures!***

so, i went short in december.

(That was strait back from the salon)

but my hair isnt that strait. and it never stays strait all day. here's a bunch of pictures from the last month of so, so you can get an idea of how my hair "likes" to be...

i really dont like how the back just does whatever the hell it wants.  i am pretty sure i want to go shorter (at least in the back). would this be flattering? do you think my hair would lie flatter (i think thats the word...)

any thoughts, ideas, pictures, anything would be appreciated!!!

Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 7:08am
Shorter in the back? Flattering? Are you kidding? Wink

I do believe that being shorter in the back would cause it to lie flatter. Without question it would look great on you!

Posted By: Hal
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 7:54am
I think shorter in the back would be fine... also that cut needs to be trimmed up every 4 or 5 weeks, esp. if your hair sort of wants to go its own way.
Do you use a flat iron?  My step daugher have that cut and though her hair is pretty straight she always finishes with the flat iron to give it "the look" as she calls it...
Good luck!
oh.. we love pics... the more the better!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 8:53am
Shorter in the back would make it lie flatter.  You could have it stacked?
I hope this helps!

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 8:15pm
i really like your pictures member_profile.asp?PF=29655&FID=47 - conrad !

and yes, i use a flat iron after i blow out my hair in the morning, but it doesnt stay that way long...

i found this when i was browsing around the forums...

i really like the back.... its just hard to imagine what the front will look like with nothing behind it i guess...

i made an appointment to get it cut next Wednesday, i color it myself

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 8:56pm
Kay, I think that last picture you found will look great.  Have fun with it and let us know how it turns out.


Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 07 2008 at 9:39pm
That photograph came from this website, take a look, they have a HUGE selection of short haircuts! -
click on short on the left hand side!
This is what the front looks like...

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 12:02pm
I think the style you have chosen above would look amazing on you and hopefully would stop that little flick out bit at the back.  I don't think the front would look much different to as it is now, unless you add bangs, but i do not think bangs would suit you as well.  This style is very popular at the moment and if you want more examples just look at some of the other threads.  Please send some after pics if you go for it as i'm sure you will look stunning.
All the best

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 08 2008 at 12:17pm
Here is a link to your old thread. -

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 09 2008 at 12:34am
thanks! i could have sworn i put it in short hair....

i'll keep you all updated, haircut on wednesday and i'll probably color it afterwards

thanks guys!

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: March 09 2008 at 7:18am
Good luck Kay. Can't wait to see the results!


Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 7:34pm
so its not quite what i wanted.

i like the front, i'm not entirely sold on the back yet.

i dont know. i guess i'm just dissapointed.

***uploading pics, post in a few

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 7:41pm

i dont know. it doesnt feel like it looks that different and she cut almost 3 inches off.

side view. please excuse my cat/messy apartment. and my color looks butt ugly because of the flash

other side. no my hair isnt orange.


Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 8:11pm
I think it rocks!  What dont you like about the back?

Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 8:15pm
I agree with conrad.  Think it looks amazing.

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 8:17pm
I think it looks great also.  The back is awesome; you could go a little shorter as I think you'll be having the same problem as before in about six weeks.  But still, I think it looks fabulous.  Congratulations.


Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 10:03pm
i wanted it less "bobby" and shorter in the back.

its kind of stacked, i wanted more of a layered look. i'll try and get some better pictures this weekend

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 10:04pm
but it is growing on me

Posted By: HairStyleDiva
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 10:29pm
I think it looks great on you

Go for it change is good, Hair grows back.

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 4:55am
I think it looks good also.  I also like the color - thinking it is probably a little darker minus the flash.
If I had to be picky...I would go a little shorter in the back and have a slight angle to the front.  I'm actually trying to get my wife to change her hair to something like yours

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 6:09am
It looks very cute on you Kay.


Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 7:14am

Hope it is growing on you!  Seems like everyone here thinks it looks great.

Posted By: Heratic
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 4:14pm
It looks great on you - I'm sure you'll be able to get the back cut to look how you want it.  Perhaps the stylist is wary of doing something too dramatic if you haven't described it clearly enough.
Bizarrely I saw a woman last weekend who probably had the style you seem to be looking for (there was still length and movement at the front and sides but the back was cut close - not shaved - maybe 1 inch long about half way up the back of her head. 
But I wasn't going top go up to a comlete stranger and ask if I could photgraph her hair.

Its your hair, your choice and your decision

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 10:19pm
Originally posted by Heratic Heratic wrote:

It looks great on you - I'm sure you'll be able to get the back cut to look how you want it.  Perhaps the stylist is wary of doing something too dramatic if you haven't described it clearly enough.
Bizarrely I saw a woman last weekend who probably had the style you seem to be looking for (there was still length and movement at the front and sides but the back was cut close - not shaved - maybe 1 inch long about half way up the back of her head. 
But I wasn't going top go up to a comlete stranger and ask if I could photgraph her hair.

i have SO wanted to do this before... is that bad? lol.

well it took 10 minutes to do this morning, bout 6 to blow dry and a few more to straiten it. i'll post some more natural (aka me doing it not stylist) pictures this weekend

thanks guys!

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 11:32pm
i have to say you have an amazing pair of eyes and your cut is very flattering on you  i really like the short front sooo many girls are getting the cut my wife has with the angle being too long in front this is a classic bob and the back is stacked nicely   i have to say if the back bottom part was about a half inch or so blended into the longer top then it would be the nicest bob i have ever seen    you totally have the face & hair for this type of cut............... A++++++++++++
can we see a back shot straight on?

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 3:16pm
We have all wanted to ask to take pictures of another persons hairstyle but are always to afraid to ask. You are not alone.
I see what you mean about your hair style. I also love the length at the front but she didn't really angle the side up towards the back and layer the back shorter like the pictures you chose.  I still love your hair cut and think it looks great. It makes you look like you have a very elegant neck.
I would love to see a picture of the back as lovebobs has asked.
You never know next time you might get what you want,or when it is time for a trim (4-6 weeks) ask her to go shorter again. Show her the picture again and explain you want the back layered with shorter layer to create an angle up towards the back.
Anyway i'm rambling. You look stunning as usual. Keep us informed of how it goes. I love seeing the pictures of your various styles.

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 17 2008 at 10:43pm
thanks so much guys!

i just colored it. I feel so much better back to my darker, not oragney brassy, color.

heres a quick pic. granted i didnt style it or anything, but theres the basic idea!

Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: March 18 2008 at 5:05am
That is an awesome color.  I wish my wife would color her hair but she refuses. 

Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: March 18 2008 at 7:09am

Color & cut both look great!  Good job Kay!

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: March 18 2008 at 4:17pm
     Kay, though I'm a lover of long hair, I think your cut looks really good on you. That's a cut my wife had twice while in transition, and it was pleasing. Bob Big%20smile 

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: March 18 2008 at 5:43pm

looks very good that color...

so are you keeping it or is the back going to be cut shorter and higher up?

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: March 18 2008 at 8:41pm
right now its staying as is. i've been super busy so i really dont have time (or money) to mess with it!

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: April 21 2008 at 9:16pm
Alrighty, its getting cut in the next few weeks.

I did a horrible job at photoshop, but this is what I want to go for. Keep the length at the front, but have it more layered in the back. The back hasnt started flipping yet thank god, but I really want to lose some length at the back sides (nice terminology right?)

length right now...

photoshoped. lmao

thoughts? i'm dying it this weekend. lighter this time I think

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: April 22 2008 at 8:52am
That looks like it would be great.  My wife is contempating growing out her bangs long like yours to achieve the same effect.....she's not sure what she wants to do!  Here is what she has now.  I would love to show her what yours looks like when you get it done!  I really like the hiked up back!  Thanks and good luck
Here are some picks that she took to the stylist to achieve the back cut.

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: April 22 2008 at 3:37pm
here are 2 i think would work and another that is very short but still keeps a little length in front   well?
and the shorter onephoto-maryjane-small.jpg%20maybe?%20image%20by%20alandkim

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: April 23 2008 at 2:46pm
Definitely think it will look good more layered in the back.  Also think it will look good lighter.  Go for it!

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: April 23 2008 at 11:28pm
Me too.  Hope it goes well.


Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 9:24pm
hmm. color is not what i expected. not a big change.

i'll post pictures this weekend

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 10:11pm
Are the pics good,  or am I way off?

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: April 27 2008 at 5:57pm
ok. picture time!

so basically i used a color that was a few levels lighter than what i normally use. problem was my hair tends to lighten over time after i color it, so there wasnt really a big difference in the finished color

I'm planning on getting it cut next monday. i know i waited to long, because my hair looks pretty special right about now.

here's the new color when my hair is straitened

these next pictures are after letting my hair airdry

right side (these are the same color, first is w/ flash)

left side (same color, first picture is w/ flash)



whew! hope this doesnt bore you all. hopefully you can get an idea of the color because there is a mix of pictures w/ and w/o the flash. i cant wait to get it cut!

Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: April 28 2008 at 1:42pm
Color looks really good.  Good luck with the cut.  As usual, we all look forward to seeing the pics!

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: April 28 2008 at 5:30pm
color looks cool.......  have you found a picture of a cut you like yet?

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: May 05 2008 at 12:01am

well, good luck on the cut tomorrow!

i hope you get what you want this time....... be  brave!!

look forward to seeing the before and after pics (bring a pic with you  of a good cut for best results)

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: May 05 2008 at 9:50pm
well its cut.

still not what i wanted and i brought in pictures.

i said a billion times, layers!

and she did the funky super short neck.

i think i need to find another stylist :(

Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: May 05 2008 at 10:24pm
It doesn't look bad; in fact, I think it looks pretty good.  It always takes a couple of days for hair to find its way to looking good when you get more than a trim.  Give it some time, I think it will grow on you.
If you're not happy with the stylist, I'd find a new one.  There's a stylist out there for you; one that will listen and give you what you want.
Again, thanks for posting.  It looks very nice on you.


Posted By: loveshorthair
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 5:05am
I think it looks good also but if you don't like it then it is time for a new stylist IF...the style you are going for (sounds like it is) is able for your hair type..

Posted By: makeitshort
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 7:31am
Once again looks good!  Love the neck!

Posted By: conrad
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 8:24am
It looks good to me!  But if you are not happy with it, then look for a new stylist.  If you see someone with the hair style you like, go up and ask them who cut it, and they will usually tell you, expecially if you compliment on their hairstyle.  Speaking from my wifes personal experience, when she got it cut shorter this last time, she did not like it right off the bat b/c it was not the same cut as prior, and her usual styling did not work.  About 2 days or three days later, she admitted she really liked it shorter b/c she figured out how to style it correctly.
Thanks for sharing!

Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 4:33pm
looks REALLY good on you!!!
just curious what pictures did you bring? (can you post them?)
this is EXACTLY what i thought the cut would look like on you based off of the picture you made by photoshopping the short cut.
the haircut you got  is simply a "lip length bob with an elevated nape"
was the cut done using a razor, scissors or an electric clipper (in back)?
i cant really understand what you want from what you say.... is the back part whats wrong? (too short?) or is it that you hair is getting shorter and shorter each time?
anyway ill say again i think it looks REALLY good and you totally rock the short hair (totally blows away your long hair pic)

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: May 07 2008 at 9:49pm
its growing on me.

its just not exactly what i wanted (what ever is?)

I'm going to a few big events (graduations) in the next few weeks and i was stressing about that. But i'm figuring out how to style and play with it so everythings ok.

i think youre right conrad, it just takes a few days to get used to it!

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: May 08 2008 at 3:46pm
Well it looks like pretty much as you photoshopped it.  However i an see what you mean that it's not quite right.  I think a different stylist is a very good idea.  Plus everytime you go it gets closer to what you want.  It looks good on you but when you get the more layered version you will look even hotter and more goerous than you are now.  Hang on in there Smile

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: June 05 2008 at 7:24pm
figured i should add some pics!

i need a trim, but here you go!



Posted By: lovebobs
Date Posted: June 19 2008 at 12:30am
def looks great on u

Long with BLUNT bangs or ALL cut to lip length, I cant decide my favorite!

Posted By: mikecuts
Date Posted: June 19 2008 at 8:40pm
What was it that you were looking for? I think she / he did cut the back a litttle short without finishing the cut. It does not look that bad though, it looks well. When your ready to trim it up let me know and IM me and I can walk you thru what to tell your stylist.  
Mike B

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: July 14 2008 at 6:38pm
So Kay what's the latest, have you finally got the cut you wanted?
Did you get it trimmed or let it grow out a bit?

Posted By: kaypetrich
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 9:10pm
ive been pretty busy recently,

i recolored it a darker brown, the lighter color got really brassy really fast. i havent cut it. i'm holding off until school starts again. i think i want to bring the back down a bit.  i think i am having pony tail withdrawal after about a year!

ETA: Pictures

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 2:18pm
I must admit i quite liked the lighter colour, but if it started to look too brassy then you did the right thing going darker.  It's strange i've never thought of it as ponytail withdrawal, just that you want long hair again.  So are you thinking of getting a more classic one length bob then?  You could do it now but it would mean it would be shorter at the side, although it is summer and boy it's hot out there Smile LOL.  Well let us know what you decide, it's always a pleasure seeing how different styles can change a persons appearence.
All the best

Posted By: baldshorthair
Date Posted: February 21 2011 at 9:13am
Come visit the site "WORLD OF BALD AND SHORT HAIR GIRLS "...!!! - - -



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