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Just bought some Outre Pro-10 hair

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 5:04am

Topic: Just bought some Outre Pro-10 hair
Posted By: kalena
Subject: Just bought some Outre Pro-10 hair
Date Posted: March 19 2008 at 5:15am
and so far I'm loving it! I got two packs of the yaki texture, a 1 and a 1b. at the beauty shop in my area, they were 19.99 each pack. for anyone curious how it's installed, the bottom half i sewed in and the top half as well as the sides are done with LG; my own hair is about shoulder length. i always straighten out my hair (i know it's bad, but i can't work with my natural texture), and the yaki matches my hair when ironed out perfectly. i didn't find it to be too shiny like other synthetic hairs at all, and it really is soft like what some other reviews say. i don't have a hard time curling it. i have a titanium jilbere iron and setting it on the lowest heat, i can straighten, flip, or curl the hair easily without even having to use water and the ends don't look singed at all.

i've had it in for a little more than week which isn't really that long, but compared to my experience with other synthetics, mainly wawa and another i tried that can be styled with heat called black pearl, the pro-10 is holding up very well. (fyi-- i liked the black pearl better than wawa. i bought it at another shop out here but i seriously cannot find another place that sells it and she ran out of my color; hence, the reason why i'm using the pro-10 now.)

here are a couple pics-- you'll have to excuse the way i look-- it's 3am and i literally just took these pics. i'll try to get more later and update you guys on how it's holding up..

btw... when i was on my lunch break from work grabbing a bite to eat, some lady said, "wow, you have really good hair."-- totally made my day LOL

Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: March 19 2008 at 11:45am
Whoa! I would never know you had extensions! Your hair looks great
and you're very pretty too.


Posted By: fakeizme
Date Posted: March 19 2008 at 1:59pm
I agree with Malibu....great install. Looks extremely natural. Thanks for the review on Pro10 synthetic. Always wondered about it.

Love clip-ins and tape!

Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: March 20 2008 at 10:57pm
Looks great, very natural looking


Posted By: kalena
Date Posted: April 20 2008 at 3:34am
so for anyone who cares... i'm about a month into the Pro10. i took down and re-installed just today.

here are a few pics:

back... haven't had the chance to re-trim yet.



the ends got just a big scraggly but it actually matches my hair better now, haha. other than that, i am TOTALLY in love with this stuff. one of the best things about it... no nasty smell that a lot of synthetics get after a couple weeks of wear.

currently: 18" bobbi boss soft body in 1 & 1b
using: nioxin shampoo&conditioner, chi silk infusion - myspace

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: April 20 2008 at 2:18pm
Yeah the ends just need a trim but you have a lot of length and leway there to even. Looks great! I agree that i would have never guessed you wore extensions, let alone synthetic. Very nice!

Posted By: StacyMyers
Date Posted: April 24 2008 at 8:16pm
Update us please! Smile  How is the Pro-10 holding up???

Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 3:00pm
Its holding up well, what do you do/use to take care/maintain it?


Posted By: ILoveMeLexi
Date Posted: December 27 2010 at 7:10pm
I know Im super duper late but I Love this hair. I bought ripple wave in 12" and I swear its about 14 inches. And it feels so soft. All you need is water. Products seem to make it tangle. but if it tangles just wash with baby shampoo, condition and rinse. I normally spray water and thats it just to refreshen the hair. LOVE IT!!! Ive always been a $100/pk remy girl, but Im sold on pro 10. - video on my pro 10 hair

Posted By: serro
Date Posted: January 29 2011 at 3:53pm
it look really so good, natural. -


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